Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dennis Osullivan

Dennis Osullivan

Some are called to spread the gospel, in distant lands. But each of us is responsible as a servant of God to Share JESUS with others, maybe in our local areas, towns or city. Many don't suffer the hardships, to spread the gospel in distant lands. But with today's technology many can be reached through the internet, and other modern technical means. And can be quite easily blessed by post ".

Each of us as servants of God, can share the Gospel and Christ in our own sphere of influence. It's our privilege, to help our family, relatives, friends and neighbors, or others we know or those we meet on our outings shopping Etc, Especially those we know who are going through difficult testing times and desperate circumstances, if not we can pray and ask God, to give us openings, for us to talk about Jesus, who gave himself his all for all of us. 

So let's stop looking at what we see as difficult, but looking at all things as possible through him that saved us Jesus. The Word says come unto me all of you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Let us be us be reaching out with the same words by giving help to those in need, the old, the sick, the homeless, the young who may be feelings stressed and overstretched, with tests and exams , the kind of help we can supply as Christian fellowship is endless, but needed and worthwhile service for our Lord God Almighty. Thank you Father in Jesus name I pray amen!

Footnote -- It's amazing out of all the that read , God's words I post, all are people from other countries, or other fellowships and none from the fellowship I attend, thats a very strange thing! But I cannot judge but God knows the heart of those who don't respond and I leave it in His Loving Hands. AMEN
Thank ya Jesus , love ya Dennis

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