Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Briefing 03-01-17 -

The Briefing 03-01-17 -

Christianity is not an honor religion. As a matter of fact, Christianity is predicated upon Jesus Christ who himself was despised and rejected of men. The gospel emphatically announces that on the cross Jesus Christ bore our scorn, the scorn that was rightfully directed to us. Christianity is not an honor religion. Faithfulness to Christ does not mean that we have the responsibility to defend Christ’s honor against his enemies. Indeed we preach Christ; Christ himself will defend his own honor. This puts Christianity at radical distinction with Islam, where every faithful Muslim bears the responsibility to protect the honor of the prophet Mohammed and the entire structure of Muslim theology and thought. Any scorn towards the Quran is particularly a matter of blasphemous offense. And Muslims also believe that the government should enforce rules and laws against blasphemy and punish those who are found to be criminally blasphemous.
Cultural commentary from a Biblical perspective

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