Wouldn't it be lovely if we just had to follow a few easy steps, through life, but it's not that simple. In the middle of this life's pain, we need the personal care of Jesus, who experienced all and more. Jesus knew there was no simple way to prevent the hardships of life, so He as entered into them with us! And we must trust with our pains, tears, and grief.Let us consider today, what God might want us to remember about Him. His Power? His Holiness? His Love? Or His faithfulness? Maybe most of All He wants us to remember His Character. Let's not be distracted, by the world, those things around us, His plan for each of us is the same: to follow Jesus, for when we follow Him and watch Him intently, we'll not be distracted, by anything else! Our times are in our Fathers hand; How could we want for more? For He who has our pathway planned and will guide us until our journey's over.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
"If you neglect to instruct (your children) in the way of holiness, will the devil neglect to instruct them in the way of wickedness?
"If you neglect to instruct (your children) in the way of holiness, will the devil neglect to instruct them in the way of wickedness? No; if you will not teach them to pray, he will to curse, swear, and lie; if ground be uncultivated, weeds will spring."
- John Flavel
Street preachers convicted for quoting Bible in 'modern day heresy trial' | Christian Concern
Street preachers convicted for quoting Bible in 'modern day heresy trial' | Christian Concern
Two street preachers have been convicted of public order offences, after a public prosecutor claimed that quoting parts of the King James Bible in the context of modern British society "must be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter".
Two street preachers have been convicted of public order offences, after a public…
look for people with few resources
God is saying, take His assignment seriously means, that we must look at the world upside down, as Jesus did. Instead of seeking people out with resources who can do favors, we instead look for people with few resources. Instead of the strong, we find the weak; instead of the healthy, the sick. Instead of the spiritual, Himself?
Is this not how God reconciles the Himself?" It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick ----I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners " ( Mathew 9:12-13) NIV ).
To gain new perspective, look at the world upside down as Jesus did . We know , Jesus, that you sought the lowly ones , who were rejected by others. We want to be like You . Open our eyes and show us how . We long to be used by You to bless others.
Love ya Jesus and love ALL!
To gain new perspective, look at the world upside down as Jesus did . We know , Jesus, that you sought the lowly ones , who were rejected by others. We want to be like You . Open our eyes and show us how . We long to be used by You to bless others.
Love ya Jesus and love ALL!
I just signed this letter sent to me by a friend, and I’m sharing it because I think it’s something many of you will want to sign too. Read it and tell me what you think.
I just signed this letter sent to me by a friend, and I’m sharing it because I think it’s something many of you will want to sign too. Read it and tell me what you think.
--The Year of Good News--
In a time of fake news, distracting news, divisive news, disorderly news, and, sometimes, depressing news we—as Christians and as leaders—want to recommit ourselves to making sure that the Good News of Jesus cuts through it all. We call upon Christians in America to make 2017 “The Year of Good News.”
Christians everywhere must share the message of Jesus with everyone they can at every opportunity they can. Pastors must preach the Gospel boldly and pray intentionally for national revival.
Despite the divisions and distractions dividing our nation and disorienting our culture, we believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ remains the hope of the world and is more needed in our nation now than at almost any point in our nation’s history.
This is not to diminish the important good works and example that the Church as a whole provides, but it is to emphasize that Jesus has commanded us to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel” and to “make disciples of all nations”.
Our message is the Good News that God loved us so much He sent His son to this earth on a rescue mission. Jesus who is fully God and fully man lived a perfect life, died a perfect death and rose again from the grave.
We need a national miracle to heal our political, racial and cultural divisions, and that miracle is found in the power of Jesus to change our hearts. Therefore, we commit to preach louder than our nation’s politics, and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media. We confess our only hope of unity is on the level ground at the foot of the cross of Jesus, and our only hope of healing is in the victory achieved through his empty tomb.
The Gospel is the timeless, God-honored, God-ordained message that can change a human heart for time and eternity. We accept Jesus’ command to proclaim His message, wherever we are to whomever we are around.
Because 2017 is such a critical year for America, it must become the Year of Good News.
If you agree, sign #YearofGoodNews in the comments below. Share this with your friends and let’s make Good News go viral.
Franklin Graham
This weekend’s #Oscars had a big mix-up that we keep hearing about in the media, and some are even speculating that it may have been just a PR stunt. I don’t know about that, but either way, many who had never heard of the film “Moonlight,” which received best picture, have heard of it now. From the reviews I have read, “Moonlight” portrays a young gay African American coming of age and it stereotypes him as violent, a drug dealer, and a convict. Hollywood is notorious for glorifying sin. This is just another example of the LGBT’s agenda to make lifestyle choices that God defines as sin seem more and more culturally acceptable. I warn families and the church--don’t allow your young people to be sucked into Hollywood’s dark plan. We love all people, but we have to be honest about sin’s consequences. Sin is sin—it doesn’t matter if it gets an Oscar or not.
The J.C. Ryle Archive : Walk With God, Walk In Peace
The J.C. Ryle Archive : Walk With God, Walk In Peace
Walk With God, Walk In Peace
Above all, grieve not the Spirit. Quench not the Spirit. Vex not the Spirit. Drive Him not to a distance, by tampering with small bad habits and little sins.
Little jarrings between husbands and wives make unhappy homes, and petty inconsistencies, known and allowed, will bring in a strangeness between you and the Spirit. Hear the conclusion of the whole matter. The man who walks with God in Christ most closely will generally be kept in the greatest peace. The believer who follows the Lord most fully will ordinarily enjoy the most assured hope, and have the clearest persuasion of his own salvation.
Little jarrings between husbands and wives make unhappy homes, and petty inconsistencies, known and allowed, will bring in a strangeness between you and the Spirit. Hear the conclusion of the whole matter. The man who walks with God in Christ most closely will generally be kept in the greatest peace. The believer who follows the Lord most fully will ordinarily enjoy the most assured hope, and have the clearest persuasion of his own salvation.
~ J.C. Ryle
We must forget our old ways, and we let our old ways act like we were something that we were not.
We must forget our old ways, and we let our old ways act like we were something that we were not. Instead, receive Gods grace, and live in a way that shows we are alive together in Christ. We need to be consistent and walk a measured pace, to live the life of what God speaks until we see Christ face to face.
It is an inconsistent Christian, who walks the wrong path! We can be hypocrites at times, which is a Greek word that means " play-actor”. When we go wrong, Jesus comes along, and picks us up out of our sinful ways and sets us on the right track. We soon realize His ways are not our ways, but His are always the best!
We now see things that once seemed right, we now abhor, and how wrong we clearly see!
The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: O Our Fallen Humanity!!! Romans 7:24!
The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: O Our Fallen Humanity!!! Romans 7:24!
The unchecked unbridled passions of man are an appetite NEVER satisfied and unfulfilled by the gratification of the flesh (Rom. 7, Rom. 8:5, Gal. 5:17). Like an addict, the unbridled passions of sexually driven men and women create a tsunami of psychological and social discord and physiological disorders that spill over from the individual into our societies and communities. The number one addiction in America today is not cocaine, it is not alcohol, it is not marijuana, it is not heroin, it is not Oxycontin, etc. The number one American addition is this unbridled beast of Eros-erotic love, i.e., sexual addiction (James 1:14-15). This Eros beast is currently reigning supreme and dominant in America in every facet of life, culture and society. Paul stated very clearly in Romans chapter 7 the complete depravity of fallen man apart from the redemptive intervention by Almighty God (Romans 7). Oh our humanity! should be the cry of ALL of Adam's fallen race; for it is the doom and fate of the Hindenburg (John 3:16-17, 36, Rom. 7:24, Rev. 20:11-15).
ONLY in Jesus Christ is there TRUE and TOTAL deliverance and liberation from the horrific ravishings of the flesh and its control, power and tyranny (John 8:32,36, Rom. 7:24-25, 8:1-14). In light of our post Judeo/Christian America, do you know the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVE of Almighty God, which is found ONLY in His Son Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17)? God so LOVED you that he sent His Son to pay the price for your transgressions against the RIGHTEOUS standards of Almighty God (Rom. 10:4; 1 Peter 3:18). The love of God ONLY gives and ONLY seeks that which is the highest and best for its object of love based and rooted in MORAL ABSOLUTES and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH. My dear friend, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that! The one true God and Creator of the Universe truly LOVES you (1 John 4:10)! My dear friends, follow the One who LOVED you and GAVE Himself to you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE in the ETERNAL LOVE of Father (Gal. 2:20). Place your trust in Him today and FOREVERMORE will you sing, "All you need is the ETERNAL God's love!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
O Our Fallen Humanity!!! Romans 7:24!

The love of God ONLY gives and ONLY seeks that which is the highest and best for its object of love based and rooted in MORAL ABSOLUTES and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Franklin Graham Sends Out URGENT Call To Prayer As Egyptian Christians Flee ISIS Killings - HelloChristian
Jimmy Stewart was hardcore. He was rejected from the WWII draft for being too skinny
Jimmy Stewart was hardcore. He was rejected from the WWII draft for being too skinny, and kept applying until he had bulked enough. The army tried to give him the celebrity treatment, have him make training films and sell bonds. He fought against it and instead became a fighter pilot and later a bomber pilot, flying over 20 missions in Nazi occupied Europe. He retired a Brigadier General of the USAF. Also, he won an Oscar and starred in countless classics.
Oh and something else...he was married to one woman for 45 years, until her death in 1994. Jimmy died 3 years later...they had 4 children. That was almost a record for most Hollywood types. Jimmy was not a typical Hollywood type.
Oh and something else...he was married to one woman for 45 years, until her death in 1994. Jimmy died 3 years later...they had 4 children. That was almost a record for most Hollywood types. Jimmy was not a typical Hollywood type.
A new day, what a reminder
Dennis Osullivan
A new day, what a reminder, It's been written about the unchanging nature of our God, also in Hebrews 13:8 we have these words " Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." Isn't this uplifting to our hearts far above our trials of the day, knowing that an unchanging, trustworthy God rules over even the chaos of a changing world, For Our God does not Change. His truth, His Love remain each day the same! He is faithful to His matchless name and Word, for He is God He does not CHANGE "! So let us be rooted in Jesus and be a bridge that leads others to Him. For even the strongest trials cannot blow down anyone rooted in God. Let the sameness of God waft over our hearts, with His peace, love, and comfort in all our Storms !" Like a firmly rooted tree, those who rely on our God, have a sense of stability and vitality, despite the worse circumstances.
Thank you, Father, for your, Word and your promises, I pray for All in Jesus Holy Name AMEN!
Love ya, Jesus Dennis "
A new day, what a reminder, It's been written about the unchanging nature of our God, also in Hebrews 13:8 we have these words " Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." Isn't this uplifting to our hearts far above our trials of the day, knowing that an unchanging, trustworthy God rules over even the chaos of a changing world, For Our God does not Change. His truth, His Love remain each day the same! He is faithful to His matchless name and Word, for He is God He does not CHANGE "! So let us be rooted in Jesus and be a bridge that leads others to Him. For even the strongest trials cannot blow down anyone rooted in God. Let the sameness of God waft over our hearts, with His peace, love, and comfort in all our Storms !" Like a firmly rooted tree, those who rely on our God, have a sense of stability and vitality, despite the worse circumstances.
Thank you, Father, for your, Word and your promises, I pray for All in Jesus Holy Name AMEN!
Love ya, Jesus Dennis "
Thank you, Father, for your, Word and your promises, I pray for All in Jesus Holy Name AMEN!
Love ya, Jesus Dennis "
It's all part of our design and anointing,
It's all part of our design and anointing, to be the Good Samaritan. For there are many around us suffering, let us be moved with compassion for their pain, let us be the ones who are first to stop and help. Reaching out like Jesus , with hands of love and care , to meet those with what they need , who are caught up in life's despair, let compassion be forever active , loving our neighbor as ourselves , let the beauty of Jesus shine through us , let us be His loving heart, with all His wonderful passion and purity. When our resources diminish we can grow richer in good works, generosity and sharing with others, for we can trust solely in God for His endless supply.
Remember the little ugly grub, that turned into a beautiful butterfly "
Dennis Osullivan
As we get older, there are physical signs that reveal our aging, this is inevitable, many spend lots of time and money to conceal it, out of vanity. We must accept and be thankful for our aging,, for getting older is a continuation of our life's journey, to become more like Jesus, which means that as time goes on, our hearts and attitude should increasingly resonate with ' and reflect, the compelling character and winsome ways of our Savior Jesus. So as we grow older, let us not regret, but let us embrace the opportunity of Becoming spiritually more like Jesus. All will notice we look better with age. Let us not just grow older but grow better as the Followers of Christ. ! Remember the little ugly grub, that turned into a beautiful butterfly "
As we get older, there are physical signs that reveal our aging, this is inevitable, many spend lots of time and money to conceal it, out of vanity. We must accept and be thankful for our aging,, for getting older is a continuation of our life's journey, to become more like Jesus, which means that as time goes on, our hearts and attitude should increasingly resonate with ' and reflect, the compelling character and winsome ways of our Savior Jesus. So as we grow older, let us not regret, but let us embrace the opportunity of Becoming spiritually more like Jesus. All will notice we look better with age. Let us not just grow older but grow better as the Followers of Christ. ! Remember the little ugly grub, that turned into a beautiful butterfly "
Jim Vining to Understanding the Times SS Class
Acts 1:8 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
In die-casting machinery parts; if there is a flaw in the die – it is reproduced in the casting. So it is with spiritual reproduction – the defect in the teacher is more often than not reproduced in the student. Our institutions of “higher” education are shining examples of defective reproduction – causing each generation to become more defective than the previous. Anyone who is called to represent God must devote themselves to the whole counsel of God. They must be an example of learning and change – to simply reproduce individual bias or personal proclivity is an abomination to God. Christianity is not a culture, race, nation or people – God’s truth injects his plan into every circumstance of life. Those of us who have been privileged freedom and relative peace have done more harm trying to reproduce our culture. The same hazard applies to the one called of God – trying to reproduce our own understanding or nature in others. The fault lies in the heart of the teacher who has not accepted his responsibility to take up his cross. We have assumed that willingness to die for Christ is nobler than living for Christ. All external ambition and service is useless unless there is a determined dedication to holiness. Holiness begins with a change in thinking reflected in a change of behavior. Many are willing to work their hands to the bone while ignoring they should render their hearts to God. Unless our desire to serve is preceded by our passion to obey and please Christ our agenda will be in conflict with His eternal purpose.
Read through the Bible in one year – Feb. 28 – Mk. 6:30-56; Num. 17-20
FLEXIBILITY (Parenting by Design devotional)
FLEXIBILITY (Parenting by Design devotional)
~Each of our children is unique. Some like lots of activities; others prefer time alone. Some are compliant; others constantly test the limits. Some have thick skins; others are easily offended. And each child will change over the years. As a result our parenting approach depends on knowing each child and responding according to his unique personality.
~For the undisciplined or rebellious child, admonishment is needed. You will be challenged to deliver consequences consistently and empathetically.
~For the discouraged child who is tempted to withdraw, comfort and encouragement are necessary. Learn to listen to their concerns and reflect their feelings back to them as you communicate confidence in their abilities.
~A weak child needs help. Maybe he tends toward adherence to "the rules" without understanding there are principles behind the rules. Spiritual wisdom can be passed along by helping the child explore the reasons for his actions.
~Regardless of the personality type, God asks us to be patient. God wants us to "know" each child and adapt our parenting style to each particular personality.
1 Thessalonians 5:14
'And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.'
~Each of our children is unique. Some like lots of activities; others prefer time alone. Some are compliant; others constantly test the limits. Some have thick skins; others are easily offended. And each child will change over the years. As a result our parenting approach depends on knowing each child and responding according to his unique personality.
~For the undisciplined or rebellious child, admonishment is needed. You will be challenged to deliver consequences consistently and empathetically.
~For the discouraged child who is tempted to withdraw, comfort and encouragement are necessary. Learn to listen to their concerns and reflect their feelings back to them as you communicate confidence in their abilities.
~A weak child needs help. Maybe he tends toward adherence to "the rules" without understanding there are principles behind the rules. Spiritual wisdom can be passed along by helping the child explore the reasons for his actions.
~Regardless of the personality type, God asks us to be patient. God wants us to "know" each child and adapt our parenting style to each particular personality.
1 Thessalonians 5:14
'And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.'
Tue, February 28, 2017
Cultivating the Devotional Mood
Maintenance of the devotional mood is indispensable to success in the Christian life.
Holiness and power are not qualities that can be once received and thereafter forgotten as one might wind a clock or take a vitamin pill. The world is too much with us, not to mention the flesh and the devil, and every advance in the spiritual life must be made against the determined resistance of this trinity of evil. Gains made must be consolidated and held with a resolution equal to that of an army in the field.
To establish our hearts in the devotional mood we must abide in Christ, walk in the Spirit, pray without ceasing and meditate on the Word of God day and night. Of course this implies separation from the world, renunciation of the flesh and obedience to the will of God as we are able to understand it.
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
John 15:4
Remaining or abiding in Christ as a life habit is the key to spiritual fruitfulness. He is the vine, the channel of life to the branches. He produces fruit through the branches. To be a fruitful branch will mean for us to continue remaining in Him.
Lord, I have so much to learn in cultivating the devotional mood. By Your Spirit, teach me.
Tue, February 28, 2017
Cultivating the Devotional Mood
Maintenance of the devotional mood is indispensable to success in the Christian life.
Holiness and power are not qualities that can be once received and thereafter forgotten as one might wind a clock or take a vitamin pill. The world is too much with us, not to mention the flesh and the devil, and every advance in the spiritual life must be made against the determined resistance of this trinity of evil. Gains made must be consolidated and held with a resolution equal to that of an army in the field.
To establish our hearts in the devotional mood we must abide in Christ, walk in the Spirit, pray without ceasing and meditate on the Word of God day and night. Of course this implies separation from the world, renunciation of the flesh and obedience to the will of God as we are able to understand it.
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
John 15:4
Remaining or abiding in Christ as a life habit is the key to spiritual fruitfulness. He is the vine, the channel of life to the branches. He produces fruit through the branches. To be a fruitful branch will mean for us to continue remaining in Him.
Lord, I have so much to learn in cultivating the devotional mood. By Your Spirit, teach me.
PROPHECY WATCH: Russia's Power Play In MidEast Brings Together Nations of Ezekiel 38
PROPHECY WATCH: Russia's Power Play In MidEast Brings Together Nations of Ezekiel 38
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=1048#BHefIv38BFJrCcIf.99
Russia's Power Play In Middle East Brings Together Nations of Ezekiel 38
image: http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/images/recent/gogfeb272017.jpg
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Russia continues to expand its influence in the Middle East and is bringing together more and more countries into its fold.
Intervention in Syria has been the catalyst to re-establishing its power in the region not seen since the cold war days.
Iran has been a long time partner with Russia but now we see new developments in both Libya and Turkey to also bring about a stronger alliance.
Iran saw a massive cash influx after sanctions were removed last year, thanks to the Obama administration, and as a result a substantial portion of this money will be put toward military modernization including an estimated $1 Billion air defense missile system supplied by Russia.
Part of this deal also includes the Russian S-300 air defense missile system, considered one of the most effective anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic missile systems in existence. A clear response to Israel's threat the Iran will never be allowed to become a nuclear power.
Russia, in a bid to regain its previous influence enjoyed in Libya before the overthrow of the Ghaddafi government, has also reached out to a Libyan general named Khalifa Haftar who controls as many as 60,000 men in the Libyan National Army (LNA) in the east of the country.
Russia recently received General Haftar aboard its aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, pledging their support for his bid to control Libya, a move that would give Russia significant influence over North Africa.
A former colonel under Ghaddafi stated that "Haftar is going to facilitate Russian access to ports in Libya as well as open up airport runways to them."
In the case of Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has thrown himself on the side of Russia as Turkey's relations with both Israel and the United States have soured.
In August of 2016, Erdogan praised Putin as his "dear friend" in a visit to St. Petership that saw the two leaders pledging to strengthen ties.
The 2015 downing of a Russian jet by Turkish forces seems all but forgotten as the two nations continue to strengthen their military ties.
Turkey's half-century old EU membership bid is also currently tottering on the brink of collapse, after the European Union's legislature asked the bloc to freeze membership negotiations with Turkey over the government's heavy-handed crackdown following a failed coup in July.
Turkish president Erdogan indicated in a recent interview that he was fed up with waiting for the European Union to accept Turkey as a member state, indicating that he would be willing to consider joining the Russia-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an alternative to the Western bloc.
2,600 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel foretold of a time when a coalition of Nations would gather together to invade the nation of Israel. This well-known conflict is known as "The War of Gog and Magog."
According to the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, this confederacy of nations will attack Israel during a relatively peaceful period that appears to be generated by a recent conflict resulting in a "state of peace" for the Jewish nation.
According to the prophet, "After many days you shall be called. In the latter years, you shall come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered out of many peoples, against the mountains of Israel which had been always a waste. But its people were brought out of the nations, and they, all of them, are dwelling safely ... and you shall say, 'I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates'" (Ezekiel 38:8, 11).
The nations cited by Ezekiel are each referenced in the Old Testament, yet they all represent nations which exist today.
Long before Russia became a major world power, most Biblical scholars identified Magog as the nation of Russia and Gog as the ruler of Russia.
These other nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 are:
" Magog (also said by other experts to include Meshech, and Tubal) = Russia
" Persia = Iran
" Cush = Ethiopia/Sudan
" Put = Libya
" Gomer = Turkey (Some have identified as parts of eastern Europe)
" Beth-Togarmah = Turkey (also said by other experts to include Armenia, and the Turkish-speaking people of Asia Minor).
The Bible indicates that in the "latter days" the Lord will put a "hook in the jaw" of these nations listed and according to the prophet, "you shall ascend and come like a storm; you shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you." (Ezekiel 38:9)
Some speculate that "hook in the jaw" could be Israel's newly discovered oil and natural gas riches which directly affect the Russian economy.
Other analysts believe Russia's alliance with Iran could be a "hook' if Israel pre-emptively attacks Iran's nuclear program, resulting in retaliation by Iran and the ensuing continued draws in Russia.
For now we see the alliance of nations forming exactly as Ezekiel described. Now we await the "hook".
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=1048#BHefIv38BFJrCcIf.99
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