Saturday, May 6, 2017

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!
Easy to say – difficult to accept! The more humanity ‘progresses’ the more we expect instant gratification concerning anything we set our ambition or pleasure upon. Casual reading of Biblical history seems to suggest times of difficulty were almost immediately followed by blessing – but careful study often reveals decades pass between the events. Mortals have a very intrinsic view of troubles and suffering – we focus upon eliminating the physical or emotional discomfort and fail to understand or embrace any long term spiritual benefit. We must change the way we view this life – it is but opportunity to prepare us for our eternal habitation. When our Lord called Paul to his ministry He sent Ananias to tell him of all the things he must suffer for Christ’s name sake. It is in the fires of turmoil and suffering that our Lord strengthens our faith and develops eternal purpose. It is almost impossible for mortal man to understand this existence in time and fully embrace an eternal existence. There was little earthly reward for those who choose Christ other than knowing our Lord is pleased with our obedient faith and take some pleasure in aiding others to embrace the same truth. The same God that brought the saving grace of Jesus Christ to us has promised an eternity beyond our most vivid and hopeful expectations. Practically all of what Christ commands of us in terms of character and obedience requires a willful choice rarely accompanied with any immediate emotional satisfaction. We must learn to be content based upon God’s Word, trust in His promise and the desire to simply hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” 
Read through the Bible in one year – May 5/ Luke 23:1-25; 1 Kings 19,20 - May 6 / Luke 23:26-56; 1 Kings 21,22

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