Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Learning to Love [ you may find this a strange statement. But many many who have deceived, in romance, certainly have to learn to give their love again.
Love does more than making the world go round, as an old song says. It also makes us very vulnerable. Often we may say to ourselves:" Why love when others do not show appreciation?" Or "Why love and open ourself to be hurt "? But apostle PAUL gives a clear and simple reason to Pursue Love: " These three remain: faith and hope. But the greatest of these is Love.BUT the GREATEST of these is Love .( 1 CORINTHIANS 13:13-14-1).
Love is an Activity, the essential Activity of God Himself," and when men and women love GOD or their fellow men and women, They are doing ( however imperfectly ) what GOD Does ." GOD is ever so pleased when we act and live in HIS ways (Like Him)!
To begin following the way of love, let's us think about how we might live out the characteristics listed in ----1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-7). Examples, how can we show our children the same patience GOD shows us? How can we show kindness and respect for our parents? What does it mean to look out for the interests of when we are together. When something good happens to family, friends, and others , let us rejoice for them without envy, but be pleased with their good happenings.--As we " follow the way of Love ", we'll will find ourselves often turning to GOD, the sources of Love , and to JESUS, the greatest example of Love . Only then will we gain a deeper knowledge, of what true Love is and find the strength to love others like Gods.
We must love others like God loves, we must show our Love for Jesus. 1JOHN 4:7 LOVE COMES FROM GOD. EVERYONE WHO LOVES HAS BEEN BORN OF GOD AND KNOWS GOD!
IF You HAVE NOT LOVE FOR OTHERS - IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE GOD !" Thank you, Father for your Love,
I Love All in Jesus precious name,

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