Friday, October 9, 2015

Obama And Clinton Address Pro-Illegals Agitators On Telling The Truth And Ugly Extreme Comments |

Obama And Clinton Address Pro-Illegals Agitators On Telling The Truth And Ugly Extreme Comments |

Obama And Clinton Address Pro-Illegals Agitators On Telling The Truth And Ugly Extreme Comments

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Hussein Obama is practicing the fine art of deliberate distortion again, joined in the effort by a woman who is literally his partner in crime, Hillary Clinton. Distortion is a founding principle upon which the Democrats are forced to operate, as their arguments cease to exist or are at a minimum greatly diminished when viewed in a truthful context.
The disgusting duo made their remarks before a pro-Latino gathering Thursday at the Caucus Institute Inc. It’s an event rooted in self-serving agenda promotion steeped in anti-white, anti-American law, anti-conservative, Constitution-diminishing.

Obama proclaims in his phony, “folksy Reverend Barry” locution that “Unless you were one of the first Americans, unless you’re Navajo or Cherokee, somebody, somewhere came from someplace else,” a totally irrelevant comment that has nothing to do with, as is falsely implied, whether someone qualifies for American citizenship.
The citizenship laws are very clear and they make no exception for people who are in excess of two hundred and fifty years old. It’s also a fact, as illustrated in the recent anchor baby discussions that members of Indian tribes, such as the Navajos and Cherokees he chose to identify, weren’t allowed to be citizens when the nation was formed. Obama’s not one who generally restricts himself to relevant data or to the use of facts in the sale of his fermented excrement.

The hypocrite global warming alarmist, gun-grabbing cop-hating community agitator goes on to say, “You can’t just feed on fear,” notably using the “you,” not the word “I.” He says, “You should be feeding hope,” in a holier-than-thou elevation of the politically motivated Democrats over the nationalist protections advocated by his “backwards adversaries,” the “immoral capitalist Christian Americans.”
He says “you,” apparently meaning those who disagree with him, should be for fixing our immigration system. That’s the system he and Jeh Johnson have deliberately broken to rebuild in their own, open borders model. It’s a system that worked quite well when it was properly enforced and which would work again if only given the chance by our corrupt officials.
He reiterates the stale arguments that illegals who’ve gotten away with breaking our laws long enough have earned the right to be rewarded for their success by having the laws declared invalid. He then makes a bold statement, that “you should tell the truth.” That’s quite a declaration to pass the lips of the great deceiver, but it’s part of what makes him so “great.”
Obama pretends that illegal border crossings are down, a blatant lie that is disputed by all who witness the daily events on our now open border with Mexico, dealing with the ravages of Obama’s Marxist expansion. He also generalizes saying that “economists agree” that “immigration does not hurt our economy, it grows our economy, creating jobs, raising wages for Americans.”
That’s too much; a step too far, enough, enough, enough of the lies. He can circumvent and nullify Congress and the laws of the United States in a dictatorial manner, as he’s proven over the course of our six and a half year nightmare, but there is one law that he cannot simply proclaim away. That is the law of supply and demand. There is no way that importing cheap foreign labor, be it illegally or otherwise, to compete with Americans for what are already scarce jobs will increase wages. It also won’t increase the number of jobs for Americans. When the supply of anything increases the value of each individual component in that supply is diminished proportionally. That‘s what is driving our inflation, through an increased money supply and it’s the same principle that’s driving our wages and employment down. When there is competition the individual prices, and wages of the individual, increase.
That’s a concept that Obama might be able to understand had he ever actually done anything other than redistribute the property of others and harangue them for being productive, non-parasitic members of society.
His screeching socialist comrade, Hillary Clinton picked up where he left off; taking a shot at Donald Trump and continuing the misrepresentation that he said “all immigrants from Mexico” are rapists and drug dealers. She’s not as intelligent as Trump, and as a Democrat may not understand that there is a legal way and an illegal way to do things. Trump was taking about the illegals, the border-crashing invaders that Mexico is “encouraging” to find their way here and refusing to repatriate.
She also said it’s a problem when candidates use offensive terms like anchor babies. Naturally she’s unwilling to admit what is truly offensive, her Party’s support and enabling of anchor babies in the first place, assisted in their un-American activities by some despicable Republicans as well. Perhaps she would find it less offensive to address the problem and describe them as deportees, resolving the problem and the issue of semantics.
Clinton says, “We need people who will stand up to this ugly rhetoric and extreme thinking.” As ill- advised as it was for Obama to raise the issue of telling the truth, is extreme thinking and “ugly” rhetoric really the topic and the mental image Hillary Clinton wants to leave us pondering?
I’m Rick Wells – a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. I’m not PC; I call it like I see it. – Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit &

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