Saturday, October 31, 2015

Obama Admin Teams Up With Muslims, Enforces Shariah on U.S. Businesses | JEWSNEWS

Obama Admin Teams Up With Muslims, Enforces Shariah on U.S. Businesses | JEWSNEWS

Obama Admin Teams Up With Muslims, Enforces Shariah on U.S. Businesses

Barack Obama just sided with Muslims to enforce Islamic Sharia Law on an American business, leaving many outraged and two FoxNews anchors absolutely stunned.
Two Muslim truck drivers — former Somali “refugees” —  refused to make deliveries of beer to stores for their employer. So they were understandably fired.
They claimed it was a violation of their religious beliefs — even though Islam bars only the consumptionof alcohol. And, as the employer pointed out, the workers knew they would have to deliver alcohol beforethey took the job.
So guess what Barack Obama did.
He SUED the employers it on behalf of the pair, Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdkiarim Hassan Bulshale, claiming religious discrimination.
Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) represented them in the case, providing tens of thousands of  taxpayer dollars in legal support, judicial filings and court appearances against the employer who was hopelessly outgunned by the Federal government.
And this week the Muslims were awarded a stunning $240,000 by a jury, presided over by an Obama appointee who stunned analysts by allowing the case to go forward at all.
Fox News hosts Megyn Kelly and Andrew Napolitano were flabbergasted:

“The Obama administration actually represented the two Muslims in this case. But has sometimes taken a very different position in the case of Christians trying to assert their religious beliefs.”
She then said to Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano:
“So in the case of the Muslim truck drivers, the Obama administration through the EEOC is all in. This is what they said:
‘We are proud to support the rights of
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Articles: 13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'

Articles: 13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'

13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'

President Obama wants to flood this country with “Syrian refugees.” As most AT readers know, we should not admit a single one. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are in the dark about what’s going on and/or are so brainwashed by politically correct thinking they dare not acknowledge the truth. We need to keep chipping away at this gargantuan problem of Americans choosing stupidity over survival.

Any one of the reasons noted below should be sufficient to make the case as to why we must close our doors to Muslims pouring out of Islamic countries heading points West. But in case you encounter someone who is truly thick (and there are a lot of them out there), it’s always best to have several facts on hand.
  • They are not “refugees.” They are invaders; soldiers of Allah: What is unfolding is hijra, otherwise known as immigration jihad. It is written in the Quran and is a powerful strategy the Islamic world has used for many centuries to overwhelm nations and assert dominance. We must not allow our culture to be undermined and destroyed by increasing the population of Muslims in the United States. (See hereherehere, and here. See here for a book on the topic by Ann Corcoran.)
  • The vast majority of Muslims flooding into the West are young men: We are being invaded by an army of young fighting-age men from across the Islamic world. Muslim males often wreak havoc wherever they go, including disproportionately high levels of involvement with criminal activity, rape, threats against others, terrorism, and everything in between. We should not be importing a demographic of people who have a propensity toward violence. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • We can’t vet these invaders: The FBI has stated we are unable to screen people leaving Islamic countries en route to the West. That should count for something. It’s madness to invite people into one’s home – one’s nation – when we know next-to-nothing about them. In addition, the FBI is stretched to its limit with nearly 1,000 ISIS investigations spanning all 50 states. We are doing a poor job of playing offense and we’re on the verge of losing our ability to play defense. That is a dangerous combination that will lead to increased violence against Americans. (See herehere, and here.)
  • The teachings of Islam are incompatible with Western civilization: Although the FBI can’t vet these invaders the way they would like to, they’re already sufficiently vetted because we know they will bring an ideology with them that is in direct conflict with our values. Islam is a totalitarian vision that seeks world domination. As in convert, pay the jizya tax, or die. As in the teachings of the Quran. As in what is unfolding across the Middle East and beyond. As in the death knell for any nation these conquerors infiltrate in relatively large (or even small) numbers. (See hereherehereherehere, and here. List of jihad attacks in America, here, and here.)
  • Terrorists will be among them: The FBI has stated this will be inevitable – that terrorists will slip through. It has already been documented in Europe. We cannot afford to import terrorists. Not a single one. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • Some invaders morph into jihadists: Many may not be terrorists. Yet. But plenty will undoubtedly become radicalized once they’re here. We know this from past history. We cannot risk importing one more person who may become a jihadist. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • The number we admit will increase exponentially in a year or two: Once approved for refugee status invaders can petition to bring immediate family members. And they do. And not just one or two (though that would be bad enough), but often as many as eight family members. This increases the base number initially admitted dramatically from, for example, 200,000 (which is 200,000 too many) to nearly 2,000,000. (See here and here.)
  • Support for sharia law: More than half of Muslims in America want sharia law and 25% support violence against Americans who commit blasphemy against their religion and their prophet. The more Muslims we admit, the higher those already staggeringly high numbers will likely go. Sharia law conflicts with our Constitution. It makes no sense to import people who embrace an oppressive legal code that is not in line with our laws and our values, nor is it in our best interests to admit (more) people who feel justified in committing violent acts against Americans. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • Lack of assimilation: Muslims in Western countries often form their own enclaves and do not assimilate. This is another way they assert supremacy and maintain Islamic values (such as they are) instead of adopting the values of the host country. It also increases the risk of developing no-go zones. It is not in our interest to admit people who prefer to live in insular communities, living life as if still in their native country. Assimilation is necessary to maintain our values and our identity as a nation. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • There will be increased proliferation of mosques and Islamic schools: The more Muslims we admit, the more mosques and Islamic schools that will be built. More than 80% of mosques in the United States teach jihad and/or advance the idea of sharia law while many Islamic schools indoctrinate their students to distain non-believers. We cannot afford to have more Islamic institutions that teach hate and incite members to violence. In addition, mosques also double as military installations when the time is ripe. (See herehereherehere, and here.)
  • Inbreeding: Half of the Muslim population worldwide is inbred because Mohammed married his cousin and stands as the model of the perfect man. Inbreeding deteriorates human genetics. We should not be importing people who are genetically compromised and who will continue to perpetuate inbreeding and genetic decline, including a baseline drop in average IQ currently 10-16 points below normal. (See herehere, and here.)
  • Disease: Many of these invaders have diseases, many of them contagious and life-threatening, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, cholera, typhoid, and HIV/AIDS among many others. There are also diseases unknown in the West. This demographic of people are also not inoculated against diseases we eradicated a long time ago, such as polio. We should not be admitting people into this country who will introduce and spread disease in society that will cost money to treat, and more importantly, that will cost American lives. (See hereherehereherehere, and here.)
  • They will rely on the public dole: Many invaders from Islamic countries are uneducated and unemployable, if not also genetically damaged. A disproportionately high percentage of them will be dependent on a wide array of public assistance for all manner of things, including medical care, food, clothing, shelter, education, job training, transportation, child care, interpreters, and other goods and services. This dependence occurs, at the very least, during the initial period after their arrival. For many, independence is never attained. It makes no sense to import people who will siphon off huge sums of money from the public dole. (See hereherehere, and here.)
Each and every one of us must do all that can to educate others about this Islamic advance against the West and what it means for our future.
President Obama wants to flood this country with “Syrian refugees.” As most AT readers know, we should not admit a single one. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are in the dark about what’s going on and/or are so brainwashed by politically correct thinking they dare not acknowledge the truth. We need to keep chipping away at this gargantuan problem of Americans choosing stupidity over survival.

Any one of the reasons noted below should be sufficient to make the case as to why we must close our doors to Muslims pouring out of Islamic countries heading points West. But in case you encounter someone who is truly thick (and there are a lot of them out there), it’s always best to have several facts on hand.

  • They are not “refugees.” They are invaders; soldiers of Allah: What is unfolding is hijra, otherwise known as immigration jihad. It is written in the Quran and is a powerful strategy the Islamic world has used for many centuries to overwhelm nations and assert dominance. We must not allow our culture to be undermined and destroyed by increasing the population of Muslims in the United States. (See hereherehere, and here. See here for a book on the topic by Ann Corcoran.)
  • The vast majority of Muslims flooding into the West are young men: We are being invaded by an army of young fighting-age men from across the Islamic world. Muslim males often wreak havoc wherever they go, including disproportionately high levels of involvement with criminal activity, rape, threats against others, terrorism, and everything in between. We should not be importing a demographic of people who have a propensity toward violence. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • We can’t vet these invaders: The FBI has stated we are unable to screen people leaving Islamic countries en route to the West. That should count for something. It’s madness to invite people into one’s home – one’s nation – when we know next-to-nothing about them. In addition, the FBI is stretched to its limit with nearly 1,000 ISIS investigations spanning all 50 states. We are doing a poor job of playing offense and we’re on the verge of losing our ability to play defense. That is a dangerous combination that will lead to increased violence against Americans. (See herehere, and here.)
  • The teachings of Islam are incompatible with Western civilization: Although the FBI can’t vet these invaders the way they would like to, they’re already sufficiently vetted because we know they will bring an ideology with them that is in direct conflict with our values. Islam is a totalitarian vision that seeks world domination. As in convert, pay the jizya tax, or die. As in the teachings of the Quran. As in what is unfolding across the Middle East and beyond. As in the death knell for any nation these conquerors infiltrate in relatively large (or even small) numbers. (See hereherehereherehere, and here. List of jihad attacks in America, here, and here.)
  • Terrorists will be among them: The FBI has stated this will be inevitable – that terrorists will slip through. It has already been documented in Europe. We cannot afford to import terrorists. Not a single one. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • Some invaders morph into jihadists: Many may not be terrorists. Yet. But plenty will undoubtedly become radicalized once they’re here. We know this from past history. We cannot risk importing one more person who may become a jihadist. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • The number we admit will increase exponentially in a year or two: Once approved for refugee status invaders can petition to bring immediate family members. And they do. And not just one or two (though that would be bad enough), but often as many as eight family members. This increases the base number initially admitted dramatically from, for example, 200,000 (which is 200,000 too many) to nearly 2,000,000. (See here and here.)
  • Support for sharia law: More than half of Muslims in America want sharia law and 25% support violence against Americans who commit blasphemy against their religion and their prophet. The more Muslims we admit, the higher those already staggeringly high numbers will likely go. Sharia law conflicts with our Constitution. It makes no sense to import people who embrace an oppressive legal code that is not in line with our laws and our values, nor is it in our best interests to admit (more) people who feel justified in committing violent acts against Americans. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • Lack of assimilation: Muslims in Western countries often form their own enclaves and do not assimilate. This is another way they assert supremacy and maintain Islamic values (such as they are) instead of adopting the values of the host country. It also increases the risk of developing no-go zones. It is not in our interest to admit people who prefer to live in insular communities, living life as if still in their native country. Assimilation is necessary to maintain our values and our identity as a nation. (See hereherehere, and here.)
  • There will be increased proliferation of mosques and Islamic schools: The more Muslims we admit, the more mosques and Islamic schools that will be built. More than 80% of mosques in the United States teach jihad and/or advance the idea of sharia law while many Islamic schools indoctrinate their students to distain non-believers. We cannot afford to have more Islamic institutions that teach hate and incite members to violence. In addition, mosques also double as military installations when the time is ripe. (See herehereherehere, and here.)
  • Inbreeding: Half of the Muslim population worldwide is inbred because Mohammed married his cousin and stands as the model of the perfect man. Inbreeding deteriorates human genetics. We should not be importing people who are genetically compromised and who will continue to perpetuate inbreeding and genetic decline, including a baseline drop in average IQ currently 10-16 points below normal. (See herehere, and here.)
  • Disease: Many of these invaders have diseases, many of them contagious and life-threatening, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, cholera, typhoid, and HIV/AIDS among many others. There are also diseases unknown in the West. This demographic of people are also not inoculated against diseases we eradicated a long time ago, such as polio. We should not be admitting people into this country who will introduce and spread disease in society that will cost money to treat, and more importantly, that will cost American lives. (See hereherehereherehere, and here.)
  • They will rely on the public dole: Many invaders from Islamic countries are uneducated and unemployable, if not also genetically damaged. A disproportionately high percentage of them will be dependent on a wide array of public assistance for all manner of things, including medical care, food, clothing, shelter, education, job training, transportation, child care, interpreters, and other goods and services. This dependence occurs, at the very least, during the initial period after their arrival. For many, independence is never attained. It makes no sense to import people who will siphon off huge sums of money from the public dole. (See hereherehere, and here.)
Each and every one of us must do all that can to educate others about this Islamic advance against the West and what it means for our future.

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Black St. Louis Man Arrested For Burning 6 Black Churches and 1 White Church | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Black St. Louis Man Arrested For Burning 6 Black Churches and 1 White Church | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Black St. Louis Man Arrested For Burning 6 Black Churches and 1 White Church

Too many Americans believe what they want to believe, regardless of the facts. And they were dead wrong about the facts in thisstring of church arsons. The man arrested does not fit the template in their minds but that didn’t stop them from irresponsible speculation and lying about “racism”. Read on to see what YOU think about how this was handled by “journalists”.
An African-American man in his 30s has been arrested for setting a string of fires at black churches in St. Louis, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is reporting.
The unidentified suspect is accused of setting seven fires at churches between Oct. 8 and Oct. 22. The first six fires occurred at black churches in predominantly black neighborhoods. The last fire was set at Shrine of St. Joseph, a white church in a predominantly black neighborhood.
The arsons causes minimal damage, but federal investigators were brought in.
Speculation swirled that the fires were racially-motivated, especially given the proximity to Ferguson, Mo., the St. Louis suburb that was the site of massive protests last year over the police-involved shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man.
A white priest at St. Louis’ Christ Church Cathedral asserted that the arsonist had racist motives.
“Holy God, if we ever needed a wake-up call to believe that racism is alive in St. Louis — if this is not it, I don’t know what it could be,” Mike Kinman said, according to CNN.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks white supremacist groups, suggested in an article last week that the arsons were carried out by white supremacists.
The group quoted a journalist who covers African-American issues who said that the fires were “both alarming and not surprising.”
“This is alarming because domestic terrorism is alive and well,” David A. Love told the SPLC. “It is such a problem that the U.S. Department of Justice recently predicted increases in violent acts by white extremists who are responding to a new reality in which people of color will become a majority in America.”
The SPLC also quoted Love blaming “a vicious cycle created by rightwing politicians, the NRA and hate groups who stir up anger, fear and resentment over changing demographics and want their country back.”
“Arson and other crimes are a natural outgrowth of that. These groups need a scapegoat, whether African Americans, Latino immigrants, the LGBTQ community or others,” he continued.
For its part, the SPLC did tweet a link to the Post-Dispatch’s article noting that an African-American man is the suspect in the case.
This criminal clearly hates churches. And he doesn’t much care if the church is black or white. He’s an equal opportunity arsonist. His issue is with religion, not color. His bigotry is aimed at God’s people and God’s house, and that’s nothing new. When will the media and Americans wake up and start paying attention to facts instead of color?

France's army chiefs, facing new threats, get new 'Pentagon' - Europe - Stripes

France's army chiefs, facing new threats, get new 'Pentagon' - Europe - Stripes

France's army chiefs, facing new threats, get new 'Pentagon'

PARIS — The building's walls are designed to withstand a missile strike and a highly secured operational room is hidden underground. France's army chiefs are moving into their new defense ministry, aimed at allowing a quicker response to the threats faced by the country — especially terrorism.
About 9,300 military and civil staff who were previously dispersed around a dozen different sites are now based in the $4.6 billion, dubbed the "French Pentagon."
The joining together of army, air force and navy headquarters will make it easier to lead France's military operations abroad, said Jean-Paul Bodin, secretary general for the administration of the Defense Ministry. "This enables us to be in contact with each other much more easily than before and also to mobilize the staff quicker when needed."
France's military is highly active internationally, with about 7,000 French troops involved in operations around the world, including in the anti-Islamic State coalition in Iraq and Syria and in operations against extremists in Africa's Sahel region. An additional 7,000 troops have been mobilized to patrol sensitive sites across France, following attacks in Paris in January on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery that left 20 dead, including the three Islamic extremist attackers.
Bodin said the new military organization will make the army's decision-making process "more efficient."
It will also help reduce costs and staff in the headquarters, as part of a government plan to reduce France's military from 270,000 people to 240,000 by 2019, he said.
The ministry's employees left behind historical buildings in the center of Paris for the new modern site, in a quiet district in the south of the capital.
Yet Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian keeps his office in a prestigious Paris mansion from the 18th century, closer to Parliament and the presidential palace.
The new ministry is to be inaugurated by president Francois Hollande next month. It is named the "Hexagone-Balard" — the hexagon being the shape used to describe France's mainland, and also the shape of the heart of the building.
From the outside, the seven-floor structure looks like a modern fortress with its white opaque glass front. It is topped by the largest solar-paneled roof of Paris.
Inside, it evokes a small university campus with its succession of gardens surrounded by blue and green facades, and a series of facilities including a hairdresser, library, swimming pool, sports rooms, restaurants and preschools for the staff's children.
Specific military equipment is being kept top secret —even from the architects.