Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: Lucifer's Abomination of Desolation

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: Lucifer's Abomination of Desolation
In the 6000+ years of man’s history, the “pinnacle moment” is the
Abomination of Desolation, the key event that will occur in the midst of the Tribulation (a terrible seven-year period that will mark the end of this age). It will be the time when the Man of Lawlessness (i.e., The Anti-Christ) will break his covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:27) and establish himself as Almighty God (Daniel 11:36-37, 2 Thess. 2:2-4, Rev. 13:14-15). He will demand total, absolute allegiance and worship(Rev. 13:16-18).
This master politician of Europe's Socialistic European Community (Daniel 9:26-27) will rise to power, but it isn't until the key event of the Confirming of the Covenant with Israel that He will be revealed as the Man of Sin, Lucifer's Anti-Christ (2 Thess. 2:7-8, Rev. 6:1-2). At this time the Anti-Christ will establish himself as a capable leader and will emerge as the key player on the world stage. Due to the myriad of conflicts, crises and confusion (Rev. 6-9), He will quickly militarize and rebuild Europe's military strength (Daniel 11:38). It is during the first half of this seven-year period that he will win over the world's affections of those who oppose Almighty God's Two Witnesses (Rev. 11:4-6). He will be the darling of the global media; he will be praised as the peace-maker/ fighter and protector of "human" rights (Rev. 6:2). He will be a man of great vision and change (Daniel 7:25), and the world will flock to him as their Savior-Messiah. As the tribulation begins, there will be great wars, famine, pestilence and death (Rev 6). It is during these catastrophic, calamitous events when the world will look exclusively to this man to give them answers, stability and hope they so desperately want and need. Since they have rejected the gospel message and the love of the truth of salvation from their true Creator (2 Thess. 2:10-12), the Beast (Anti-Christ) will step into the vacuum/ void and rise to receive god-like status and devotion.
"It is during the first half of this seven-year period that he will win over the world's affections of those who oppose Almighty God's Two Witnesses"
It is during his political apex that a crucial event transpires. He will receive a deadly wound to his head (Rev. 13:3,14; 17:8,11). This event will have a traumatic effect on the godless world (3.5 billion people that are left) at this time. Their great Leader and Savior, their one and only hope for world peace, is dead. The Utopian Dream is now gone; Global Camelot is dead! Great mourning and glowing memorials all around the world will be taking place. As the world inhabitants mope and cannot cope with their misery, godless emotions will run amok. In their rage and emotional turmoil they will seek a scapegoat on which to vent their frustrations. This scapegoat will be God's "Two Witnessess", the Nation of Israel and those believers in the Messiah of Israel much like Nazi Germany in the 1930's but on a global level (see Zech. 14:1-2; Matthew 24:9; Mark 13:11-13). It is during this time of great despair and godless anguish that the “deadly wound” of this man will be miraculously healed (Rev. 13:3)! The world's mourning will turn into great joy at the resuscitation of this man. “He's Alive!,” will be their cry. “Our great Leader and Savior is alive!” It is at this key moment and event that he will absolutely solidify his global allegiance and power base (Rev. 17:11-12,17). His first act of authority is to destroy Almighty God's Two Witnesses (Rev. 11:7-8), which bare witness to the Saving Grace of Almighty God. For three and a half years these Two Witnesses have been unmovable and unstoppable. They have tormented the ungodly world with their message from Heaven: “Repent and be saved!,” and “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”(John 3:18-19; Rev. 11:10).

"He will demand absolute, sole allegiance and worship and requires all the inhabitants of the earth to receive his mark. He will lead in the worship of The Father of Lies: Lucifer the Slanderer"

After the execution of God's Two Witnesses, their bodies are left in the streets of Jerusalem to rot and for all to see. The world will greatly rejoice at the barbaric murder of these two men! These two messengers of Almighty God have finally been destroyed! The godless world will rejoice so much as to send great gifts to one another (Rev. 11:7-10). This execution of God's undefeatable messengers will serve to solidify even more the power and authority of the Beast (Anti-Christ)! The global chant will be: "Who can make war with our great leader?,” (Rev. 13:4,8). It will be a time of great rejoicing for the godless inhabitants of the earth! This rejoicing, however, will be very short-lived.
Parenthetical "Three and a half days later after this brutal murder in the midst of this “Global Mardi-Gras” Festival, God's two powerful witnesses are resurrected in the sight of all the world and are ascended up into Heaven right before their wicked eyes. This very sobering event will send great horror and fear into the hearts of all the world, but they will still not repent and be saved." (Rev. 11:11,12)
With his mighty enemies eliminated and the absolute devotion of the world secured, the ultimate power-grab and godless coup of all time and eternity takes place. This is called
The Abomination of Desolation(Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14-15; 2 Thess. 2:3-5; Rev. 13:4)! The Beast will then commit the ultimate abomination, more so than at any other time in the history of the world. In direct defiance of all who the Eternal God is, he will declare and establish himself as Almighty God! He will set up his image in the Most Holy Place in the rebuilt Temple of God (Matt. 24:15, Mark 13:14). He will demand absolute, sole allegiance and worship and requires all the inhabitants of the earth to receive his mark (Rev. 13:16-18). He will lead in the worship of The Father of Lies: Lucifer the Slanderer (Daniel 11:38-39, John 8:44, Rev. 13:4). At this time many of the Jews in Jerusalem will flee for their lives, remembering what the scriptures taught about this awesome and terrible event (Matt. 24:15, Mark 13:14-15, Rev. 12:6,14). From this point onward (known as the Great Tribulation), exceedingly great global disasters and calamities transpire, to a degree such as never before seen (Matt. 24:21-22, Mark13:19-20). The insane and delusional actions of the world's inhabitants empower Satan's man (i.e., The Anti-Christ) and his agenda for global dominance, which leads to world catastrophe. This godless decision will absolutely make them desolate!

"Since they have rejected the gospel message and the love of the truth of salvation from their true Creator, the Beast (Anti-Christ) will step into the vacuum/ void and rise to receive god-like status and devotion"

The Abomination of Desolation
An Abomination, as Holy Scripture defines it, is an idol or false god, making for a false reality. These godless practices are put in the place of the reality of Almighty God and His Eternal Absolutes and Laws (Exodus 20:1-5, Deut 27:15, 2 Kings 23:13, Proverbs 6: 16-19). This rebellious delusion is an absolute abomination; a wretched stench, a most vile odor in the nose. Think of some very vile odors with which you are familiar. That is what our sins smell like before Almighty God. When a godless person makes a false or an imaginary god, or seeks another reality in the light of Almighty God's Eternal Person and attributes as Creator, it is an absolute stench in His nose. It is an Abomination!
This horrific event will thus be the pinnacle of all abominations since the beginning of the creation. This Abomination of Abominations will make absolutely desolate and waste the godless world system and anyone who trusts in and gives their allegiance to the Anti-Christ and receives his mark! (Rev. 14:9-11). This last and final Abomination will absolutely ruin the wicked of this world (Daniel 2:44-45, 7:26-27, Matt 13:30,47-49, 25:41, Rev.19:20). At the Return of Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom, all unregenerate humanity (the unsaved) will be removed from the earth. Their future destination will be the ultimate prison for all eternity: The Lake of Fire, called Hell (Rev. 20:11-15). The Anti-Christ himself, in whom the multitudes of the earth have put all their hope and trust, has led them to the place of ultimate desolation. All those who enter into this final abode truly must “Abandon All Hope!”
The Salvation of Desolation
Almighty God's great desire and passion is that all men would repent and be saved from the coming wrath to come (Ezek. 33:11, John 3:16-17, 1 Tim. 1:3-6). Humble yourself, cast down your pride and repent of your trespass against your Creator, and be saved! (Isaiah 55:6-7). Put all your faith and trust in Him. Almighty God wants only the highest and best for you. Don't turn your back on His great love – you will only die in your sins and be made desolate. Almighty God has made wonderful provision for our salvation, which is found only in Christ! He is the Salvation from our Desolation (Romans 7:24-25, Eph. 2:1-10). Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? If not, put your trust in Him today! You will never be the same! Jesus is the only Salvation from every type of Desolation.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Rejoice!

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