Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democrats: You Belong to the Government

Democrats: You Belong to the Government

Democrats: You Belong to the Government

September 5, 2012   ·   By    ·   0 Comments
“The government is the only thing we all belong to.” – Democrat Party, September 4, 2012
Yeah, that really sums up the difference between the Democrat Party philosophy andthat of the Republican Party (well, the realRepublicans, that is, not the RINOs who like to steal the brand so they can counterfeit some respectability).
You belong to the government. That’s how the Marxist statists in the Democrat Party see Americans: as serfs who belong to the state.
The Democrats’ view of the American people is contrary to every single principle of Americanism, from the worldview of the American colonists going back 400 years, to the principles outlined in theDeclaration of Independence, to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and everything since.
America’s founders–and red-blooded Americans ever since that generation–have recognized that people belong to themselves, that they are endowed by their Creator (NOT government) with certain inalienable rights. We are not benevolently bestowed with liberty from government, consisting of the crumbs that fall from its almighty table; rather, our liberty comes from the Almighty Himself.
What an interesting “coincidence” that we hear this brazen and nauseating revelation of how the Democrats see the American people, in conjunction with their deliberate removal of the reference to God in their statement of beliefs.
Though some Democrats seem indignant that anyone would make the outrageous and unfounded accusation that removing any reference to God in their statement of beliefs might indicate they are a “Godless” party, it isn’t hard to get the drift of this from a party that has for many years waged war on God’s standards of morality, shown contempt for God’s chosen people in Israel, displayed disgusting sympathy with every lawbreaker and bloodthirsty renegade you can find, viciously fought to remove any reference to God from the public square, sanitize Christian values from any influence whatsoever on public policy, and have ruthlessly mocked Christian beliefs and anyone who takes them seriously.
Just as God is a jealous god, so is the god of the Democrats: The Government.  Their Government-god is jealous, and will not share the stage with the Creator acknowledged by the founders of America; therefore, they removed any blasphemous reference to the God of America from their statist agenda.
In the regressive minds of Democrats, government is god. In the backward minds of Democrats, government provides all blessings. In the tyrannical minds of Democrats, government decides what you can and can’t do.  All is subservient to the mighty Government-god…and as the High Priests of the Government-god, Democrats consider themselves entitled to interpret the will of their god for the unwashed masses.  In  their minds, no freedom, no constitution and no Creator is going to stand in the way of the will of their god.
The difference in the way liberals and conservatives view America and Americans is not merely a “different view” or “another opinion;” the difference is fundamental, foundational, philosophical, and profound. The Leftist philosophy is completely and totally antithetical to every principle and aspect of the American way of life.
I love it when the truth slips out in those rare moments like this.  America: take heed.

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