America the Bully, an America that must pay, New World Order
Obama and Ahmadinejad singing from the same choir book
- Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives) Thursday, September 27, 2012 (10) Comments | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us |
Just one day later, the uncrowned King of the World has been pushed off the front page by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who says New World Order is needed to get away from US dominance.
“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that a new world order needs to emerge, away from years of what he called American bullying and domination.” (FoxNews, Sept. 26, 2012.)
Were it not for height and beard, Obama and Ahmadinejad would be one and the same.
The day before Obama told the UN Assembly: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” and “Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism.”
The millions slaughtered by radical Islam over the centuries got no mention, let alone a requiem, in the ramblings of this Hollywood-manufactured Pocket Messiah.
Though surprisingly eclipsed by news headlines when the media carried the words of Ahmadinejad full tilt, Obama and the Iranian president are both singing harmoniously from the same choir book.
Both Obama and Ahmadinejad make political careers out of marketing an image of America the Bully, an America that must pay.
The biggest news ignored by the mainstream media is that the UN, the Muslim Brotherhood and the socialists are now working in concert to deliver One World Government on a largely suspecting global population.
The only difference between the American president and the Iranian one is that the one who hails from the Mid-East is front and centre about what he wants. If ‘The Enemy Big Satan’ is crazy enough to give him a platform right in the Big Apple, then he’ll use it full scale.
Ahmadinejad comes right out and calls his mission One World Government, dodging from patriots in the cover of shadow, Obama calls his the “Fundamental Transformation of America”.
Ahmadinejad, finishing out his last term, has nothing to lose. Obama, facing a reelection bid within 41 days, has to be a lot more coy and to coach his terms, formulated for second guessing.
Despicable though he is, Ahmadinejad has bigger stones than the coy and cowardly Obama. Tough guy talk is easy to blare when you’ve already bowed to most Muslim leaders and framed your take on countries like Egypt in a heard-the-world-over speech. The bravest thing Barack Obama ever did was marry the overbearing Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.
Obama lobs all his bombs at the USA from the safety of lofty double entendre speeches and when he’s played out by golf, shooting hoops and other forms of recreation, doubles back to the Michelle/Valerie Jarrett coddle nest.
Sensible people can torture themselves by asking why the Manhattan headquartered United Nations provides a platform to enemies of the state, but for Obama it’s a convenient foil for distraction, better even than appearances with “the girls” on The View.
While Obama was waxing diplomatic at Turtle Bay, it was revealed that he had gifted Hispanic farmers and downtrodden women $1.33 billion—effective immediately—from an over strained public purse.
Hardworking, sun-up-to-sun-down farmers cut off from water in California now know how the families of loved ones massacred in the name of radical Islam must feel.
This is the time line in our upside down world in the last two days alone: Obama and Ahmadinejad were holding the floor at the UN General Assembly, Ahmadinejad, who will return today, on Yom Kippur.
At about the same time Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was paying handsome compliments to Bill Clinton (God help us) a few blocks away over at at the Global Initiative.
Why Mitt would venture into the enemy camp during a time when Dem trolls work so feverishly to frame him in the “they’re-all-the-same” category is a question only Romney’s campaign manager can answer.
Dreading the evil alternative, the Rooting for Romney crowd have no choice but to try to forget that their man Mitt went willingly into the enemy camp and will be there for him on November 6.
The entire world’s a stage and like the actors with alleged dubbed over lines in the trailer “Innocence of Muslims”, some of us are trying not to be part of the play.
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