Bible studies # 22: The claimed power of Pope is sin against the Holy Spirit
The Papal claim of Pope as «Vicar of Christ» replaces the Holy Spirit as the head of the Church on Earth. The Holy Spirit is equally available to all who surrender to Jesus of Nazareth as God the Son.
First, Christians should not be to occupied with what Satan and his children are doing. We are called to shine among men, reflect the light of Jesus and do the will of our Father in Heaven.
But we cant avoid encounter people who work for the devil, many out of ignorance but some knowingly, having been told the truth but rejected it.
When Paul met a false prophet named Bar-Jesus, He gave him this message:
Acts 13:10
«You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?»
This Bar-Jesus claimed to know God, and he spoke about God, but his knowledge was not based on the truth. He had got power from the devil, but was in the eyes of God Most High worthless.
Where did the deception begin?
It all started in the Garden of Eden, with the devil taking the name of God, claiming to know the will of God. The result was Adam and Eve being lead into sin, by disobeying the Word of God.
Satan basically is a promoter of sin against the Word of God. Thats why Jesus the Messiah told us it would be better for people to have a milestone around their neck, and being thrown into the deep blue sea, than to lead people into sin.
Lets take a look of some major institutionalized sins, explained in the Bible:
The sin of holding the Jews back in Egypt:
The sin of holding the Jews back in Egypt:
Satan is the killer of the truth, the enemy of the Jewish people from the day of their election as God`s`chosen people.
The devil did his best to exterminate the Jews in Egypt, by telling the pharaoh to kill all the firstborn Jewish boys. Pharaoh did not fully know what Satan had in mind: «The moment there is no Jews on planet Earth, the God of Israel is a false God, and the Bible a false book».
The sin of trying to murder the new born Messiah:
When Jesus of Nazareth was born, the devil again used his children to try to block the will of God. This time it was the Messiah him self that was the target. King Herod sent out his soldiers to kill all boys in and around Bethlehem, under the age of two years. Satan knew that if he could kill the Messiah at birth, there would not be a needed redemption of man kind.
The sin of claiming global Papal authority:
The sin of claiming global Papal authority:
In the early Church Satan operated through a man called Bar-Jesus. But this man copy-cat-Jesus was not the only one. When we reached 400 A.D, another copy-cat had become very powerful. He was promoted by the Pope in Rome, a «Jesus» claiming that God demanded the Church to be headed by one supreme Bishop, the Pontifex Maximus in Rome.
This pagan tittle was first held by Caesar in Rome, the head of the Roman religion.
When this tittle was introduced into claimed to be Christianity, true followers of the Messiah objected.
To have a Roman Pontiff would be against the teaching of the Apostles. Jesus of Nazareth had said that the Holy Spirit will come and be the «vicar of Christ», and would be equally available to all believers.
And there were many synods and Bishops who did not want to be ruled by the Emperor of Rome and his pope.
The pope is a man of sin. His throne is a lie and blunt blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, a sin that Jesus said never will be pardoned and forgiven.
The sin of banning people from reading the Bible:
The sin of banning people from reading the Bible:
The Papal system tried to take control over the Jewish scriptures, banning ordinary people from access to the Word of God. The Pope and his faithful followers claimed that the will of God, was meant only to be understood by Roman Catholic priests, who was learned men in Latin.
In several European countries, faithful Christians were burnt at stake for trying to translate the Latin Bible into their local languages. Martin Luther was a German Catholic priest who avoided being arrested by the Pope, protected by the Protestants, and therefor succeeded in giving his own people the Bible in the German language.
The sin of trying to get rid of the Jewish people:
In the 1940-ties Satan used two Roman Catholics as a tool to genocide the Jewish people. The Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler was baptized and confirmed in the Papal Church, and the Fascist leader in Italy, Benito Mussolini, converted to Catholicism as an adult. The Satanic motive was one and the same as in Egypt 3000 years earlier. «If we can get rid of all Jews, than Lucifer will be proven to the God Most High».
The sin of trying to demolish the restored Jewish homeland:
The sin of trying to demolish the restored Jewish homeland:
Today, the children of the devil work hard in a bid to demolish the Jewish state of Israel. Because, the existence of the restored Jewish homeland is the best proof there is, of a living God of Israel and a coming of His Messiah. The devil know that if he can manage to destroy Israel, the prophetic Word that foretold an end time restoration of the Jewish people in the homeland will be a bluff.
The Bible tells that Satan shall almost succsed. Like with Job, an image of the struggle of the Jewish people. Sin is the man of lawlessness.
1. John 3:4
Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.
You can be sure that working against the will of God of the Bible, will put you in trouble for eternity. You have chosen to have the devil as you fauther, and you will surely end up in the lake of fire together with him and all his children.
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