The Victor’s Stone
Pumice Stones found floating off the coast of New Zealand
“He who has an ear let him hear what he says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And, I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no man knows except him who receives it.” Revelation 2:17
On Thursday August 9, the above photo was released regarding a mass of pumice stone found floating off the coast of New Zealand. Discovered from the air, it appears that recent activity by an underground volcano has released in to the ocean a massive amount of pumice stone floating like a giant-sized “raft” or “island” the size of the country of Belgium off the coast of the southern capital of Wellington.
Pumice stone is generally white in color and very light weight; light enough to float and is formed from cooled and hardened lava. Frequently used in decorative landscaping, it is also used to strengthen concrete, and in its crushed state is used as an exfoliant – think Lava brand soap.
I have no idea how many individual stones are floating off the coast of New Zealand right now, but, as you can see from the photo below, they are many – so, many that the water shines brightly white with them.
Is this important? Perhaps so.
It’s interesting to note that August 9 is three days before the close of the 2012 London Olympics. Keep in mind, that the portion of scripture concerning the white stone is addressed to the church at Pergamum, and, Pergamum is directly tied to the idea of Olympic games. In fact, the altar of Zeus, which was located in Pergamum was decorated at its base with a frieze in high relief depicting the battle between theGiants and the Olympian gods. Perhaps, this is why Pergamum is referred to in Revelation 2 as “the seat of Satan” or the place, where Satan has his throne. An undeniable link to the games themselves and the extreme occult nature of this year’s games in particular. For a detailed analysis of the occult nature of this years Olympics, check out this fine work by Bob Schlenker of the Open Scroll blog.
Without a doubt, politics, religion and sports are intricately related, when it comes to the occult and, the new world order. From Madonna’s super bowl extravaganza to this year’s Olympiad; what was once occult (hidden) is now coming in to full view. And, an unsuspecting world high on pride and in full party mode will be stunned at what has been conjured up. Remember, the base of the altar of Zeus depicts Giants in struggle with Olympic gods. A word known as Giantomachy - a greek word, which means “giant” and “battle”. Think Nephilim …… and, their return.
In ancient times, white or black stones were used in sporting events and in trials. If you were on trial for a crime and received a white stone, you were judged innocent, if you received a black stone, you were guilty. If you participated in a sporting event and were victorious, you would receive a white stone, if you were not, you would receive a black one. Today white and black stones are no longer used in this way and medals of gold, silver and bronze are awarded instead. Medals that can be worn around the neck for all to see.
How different this is from God’s ways. For the Bible tells us that those believers, who, overcome will be fed with hidden manna and given stones of white with new names written on them, which only the Lord can see!
For it is the Lord, who feeds us daily by his word and by his Spirit and it is he, who issues to us stones of white; the Victor’s stone.
Something, we are promised as a reward for overcoming and something that the world cannot see.
“A white stone was also given to the victor in a contest or battle, which is exactly what is in view through overcoming. Christians are presently in a battle, a warfare, against “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world [‘age’], against spiritual wickedness in high places [‘against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenlies’]” (Ephesians 6:12). And Satan and his angels use the world and the flesh in their never-ceasing efforts to bring about a Christian’s defeat. It is the victor — the one overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil — that the promised white stone will be given”
Yes, brother and sisters, we are closer to that glorious day than ever before. Stand fast and do not waver in these final remaining days. I hope the thought of thousands, if not, millions of brilliantly white stones floating off the coast of New Zealand has brought a smile to your face today, I know it did mine. And, maybe, just maybe, your name and mine (known only to the Lord) is written on the face of one of them, – you know, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised!
Come quickly Lord Jesus, how, we long for your return!
And, as always,
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper, who love thee” Psalm 122:6 Waiting and watching with YOU for the soon return of Jesus! Cindy
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