The Marching Rage to Armageddon!
Through out this week we have heard and seen the coverage of the riots which have been taking place in England. As these lawless individuals rage against authorities and powers, they are totally oblivious to the demonic hypnotic state of mind which they possess (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10). They are held prisoners of themselves from their own delusional subjective narcissistic world of victim status and burning rage. These have reaped their OWN lawless doings and need a scapegoat to destroy and to avenge their own self afflicted adversities (Gal. 6:7). The State - who is almighty god to them - has put them in these socialistic "self afflicted" prisons, yet they rage against the very ones who provide the capital, which provides them food, shelter and a measure of aid. As the day grows exceedingly darker and the hour of the Day of the Lord draws ever more nigh, expect to see this lawless rage, hatred, violence and hardness of godless man EXPONENTIALLY intensify (Matt. 24:12, Rom. 3, 2 Tim. 3:1-4, Rev. 9:20-21). For what you are witnessing are the global rumblings of the armies of Lucifer massing to the final epic expression of godlessness and hatred ever displayed! The Battle of Armageddon!
Today human technology, violence, godlessness, oppression and darkness has saturated the world and is EXPONENTIALLY at its height; Lucifer is putting the final touches and preparing this present world and his fallen angelic hosts for the final showdown AGAINST Almighty God and His ETERNAL sovereignty of RIGHTEOUSNESS.
In Lucifer's darkened vision and agenda he is seeking for himself the worship from Almighty God's creation,, the establishment of his 666 global state under his anti Christ and the FINAL delusional designs for the eradication of his Creator (Almighty God). Ever since his expulsion from Heaven’s courtroom Lucifer has been so zealously at work to establish his darkened delusional kingdom and self worship. Whatever masses of raging humanity that remain during the last days of GREAT tribulation, Lucifer will lead to the plains of Megiddo for the Battle of Armageddon (Isa.14:12-17, John 8:44, Rev. 13: 4, 16:13-16).
As these 70-100 lbs hailstones bombard the remnant of the Anti Christ satanic hosts, these will CONTINUE their ADVANCE to Armageddon DRIVEN WITH ALL CONSUMPTION OF HATRED AND RAGE. Thousands upon thousands will fall to these great hailstones but despite these horrific judgments - like those of the past seven years - these WILL NOT be distracted nor repent! They will CONTINUE to slander and blaspheme Almighty God until their final eradication with the Lord Jesus Christ’s return from heaven’s glory (Dan. 2:43-45, ,7:13-14, 2 Thess. 2:10, Rev. 19:11-21). It will be after these two last horrific global cataclysmic events that their personal rage and hatred towards their Creator and RIGHTEOUS SOVEREIGNTY will be at a demonic fever pitch (Psalm 2:1-4)!

For what you are witnessing are the global rumblings of the armies of Lucifer massing to the final epic expression of godlessness and hatred ever displayed! The Battle of Armageddon!

In Lucifer's darkened vision and agenda he is seeking for himself the worship from Almighty God's creation,, the establishment of his 666 global state under his anti Christ and the FINAL delusional designs for the eradication of his Creator (Almighty God). Ever since his expulsion from Heaven’s courtroom Lucifer has been so zealously at work to establish his darkened delusional kingdom and self worship. Whatever masses of raging humanity that remain during the last days of GREAT tribulation, Lucifer will lead to the plains of Megiddo for the Battle of Armageddon (Isa.14:12-17, John 8:44, Rev. 13: 4, 16:13-16).
This global remnant of rebellious humanity of the ravished world at this time will make their final delusional destination, clawing and crawling to war against their Creator.
The Battle of Armageddon will commence near the end of the seven year tribulation period in which a sin ravished “EXPONENTALLY CATISTROPHIC” world’s remnant will march to war against Almighty God and His ETERNAL sovereignty over His creation (Joel 3:2,12, Zech. 12:2, Rev. 16:13-16). This global remnant of rebellious humanity of the ravished world at this time will make their final delusional destination, clawing and crawling to war against their Creator. So focused, so driven, so blind with such EXPONENTIAL subjective, vindictive hatred that seven years of the EXPONENTIAL horrific consequences of godless man along with the SUPERNATURAL Divine judgments of Almighty God will NOT DETOUR these individual’s godless passion, hatred and consuming desire to establish their insane and delusional godless utopia and seek the full eradication Almighty God from His creation (Rev. 9:20-21, 16:9,11). No wonder Almighty God will laugh His head off at the full blown insanity of the nations of this period (Psalm 2).
These people from the 10 regions of the anti Christ will
ADVANCE through the seas and rivers of blood which have been cursed by Almighty God.
Just before this battle’s commencement - as the world’s global armies under Lucifer’s demonic leadership and the anti Christ’s despotic mandate - which are comprise the 10 regions of the world (Dan. 2:34,40-44, 7:7-27, Rev. 17:12-17) - will ADVANCE their way through seven years of global catastrophic obstacles and tribulation to war with Almighty God (Dan. 9:27, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Rev. 16:13-16). These people from the 10 regions of the anti Christ will ADVANCE through the seas and rivers of blood which have been cursed by Almighty God (Rev. 16:3-6, 17:13-14), they will ADVANCE through the catastrophic global landscapes covered with the horrific carnage of global war (Rev. 6:1-8, 9:14-21, 16), they will ADVANCE through thecatastrophic obstacles of the natural and SUPER natural disasters inflicted by Almighty God in His wrath (Rev. 6-16). In their insanity and rage they will NEVER STOP MARCHING UNTIL THEY HAVE ARRIVED AT THEIR FINAL DESTINATION AND SHOW DOWN. These will NOT let go of their hatred and rage as it absolutely consumes them. They are all FULLY unrepentant and possess a “Pharaoh’s heart of rebellion and stone”. Their only consolation and motivation for existing will be to let out their EXPONENTIAL rage on the very One who has judged them for their EXPONENTIAL godless deeds (2 Thess. 2:10-12, Rev. 9:20-21, 16:9, 11, 21).
They are all FULLY unrepentant and possess a “Pharaoh’s heart of rebellion and stone."
As this global horde continues their raging ADVANCE to Megiddo in the midst of all Almighty God’s Divine obstacles, Almighty God will unleash His FINAL 21st Divine judgment on this raging demonically induced ADVANCING global host (Rev. 16:17-21). In this FINAL “Bowl Judgment”, Almighty God will proclaim to ALL His creation, “IT IS DONE!” and will cause every global tectonic fault line to move out of their place and institute a global earthquake that is absolutely incomprehensible (Rev. 16:17). This earthquake will be so EXPONENTIALLY catastrophic, so EXPONENTIALLY horrific, so EXPONENTIALLY ravishing that it will completely transform and ravish the entire world’s continents causing super tsunamis, obliterating all islands, coastlines and mountains. It will obliterate ALL of the world’s great cities, technologies and millions of human lives will be wiped out (Isa. 24:5-6, Hag 2:6, 7, Rev. 16:18-20).
As the aftermath of this EXPONENTIALLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE judgment quiets down, one will begin to hear the stirring of men who have survived in the global desolation and rubble. As the dust clears from this Divine EXPONENTIALLY EXPONENTIAL global earthquake judgment, the remaining surviving masses of the armies of the anti Christ will amass and CONTINUE their ADVANCE to Israel to the plains of Megiddo (Rev. 16:13-16)! Oh my friend, what a consuming passion of wrath of these hordes! What consuming vindictive rage filled with burning hatred (Psalm 2:1-5)! They are fully UNREPENTANT as they march to their ETERNAL doom (2 Thess. 2:10, Rev. 9:20-21, 16, 19:11-21)!
In this FINAL “Bowl Judgment” Almighty God will proclaim to ALL His creation, “IT IS DONE!
As the aftermath of this EXPONENTIALLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE judgment quiets down, one will begin to hear the stirring of men who have survived in the global desolation and rubble. As the dust clears from this Divine EXPONENTIALLY EXPONENTIAL global earthquake judgment, the remaining surviving masses of the armies of the anti Christ will amass and CONTINUE their ADVANCE to Israel to the plains of Megiddo (Rev. 16:13-16)! Oh my friend, what a consuming passion of wrath of these hordes! What consuming vindictive rage filled with burning hatred (Psalm 2:1-5)! They are fully UNREPENTANT as they march to their ETERNAL doom (2 Thess. 2:10, Rev. 9:20-21, 16, 19:11-21)!
As they regather themselves, crawl and claw their way to Megiddo, Almighty God will send the FINAL part of the Seventh Bowl Judgment on them! This final judgment is the heavenly bombardment of 70-100 lbs hailstones from Heaven (Rev. 16:21)!

As these surviving dregs of the nations make their final ADVANCE into the valley of Megiddo, these will most likely have nothing but stones and sticks in their hands to wage war against Almighty God and His people Israel.
As these surviving dregs of the nations make their final ADVANCE into the valley of Megiddo, these - due to the EXPONENTIAL and CATASTROPHICALLY HORRIFIC events of the last seven years) will most likely have nothing but stones and sticks in their hands to wage war against Almighty God and His people Israel (Zech. 12:1-4, 9, 14:2-4)! Oh my friends, how pathetic a picture. Be it great atomic rockets or be it stones, these will strike out and seek to eradicate Almighty God from out His creation. This final conflict will reveal to all that fallen humanity has an incurable heart problem in (Jer. 17:9, Matt 15:19-20, Gal. 5:19-21).
In all reality, only a REMNANT of all of the nations will survive the godless trek to Megiddo.
In all reality, only a REMNANT of all of the nations will survive the godless trek to Megiddo. The Anti Christ's armies at "Battle of Armageddon" will be the remaining violent dregs of a godless rebellious world (Isa. 24:5-6, Rev. 19:21). Their rage and hatred has produced a fanatical drive to survive and reach their final destination, only to be destroyed at Christ's second coming and cast into outer darkness and flames (Isa. 24:5-6, Zech. 14:12, 2 Thess. 2:8, Rev. 19:11-21, 20:11-15). Oh, how godless the heart of man when he continually rejects reality and the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God (Jer. 17:9, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 9:20-21)! Man WILL NOT let go of his godless rage and rebellion EVEN when under honorific tribulation. Man - when he fully rejects Almighty God's witness, revelation and proclamation of salvation will ONLY continue FOREVER spiral downward into the subjective darkened abyss of delusional darkness and vanity (Matt. 25:41, John 3:19-21, Rev. 20:11-15, 22:11). So it is no wonder that during this period man's hardness will only exceedingly intensify and manifest its self to the EXPONENTIAL heights of depravity (Jer. 17:9)!
The Anti Christ's armies at "Battle of Armageddon" will be the remaining violent dregs of a godless rebellious world.
As we come to the very hour in which the seven year tribulation period will commence (Dan. 9:27, Rev.6), May I ask you this very pertinent question? Do you PERSONALLY know the Lord Jesus Christ as your PERSONAL Savior? My friend IF NOT, harden NOT your heart as we approach this day. May it be that you see things from Almighty God’s ETERNAL and BIBLICAL perspective. Call on the Lord Jesus Christ and YOU will be saved (Acts 16:29-31)! May it be so!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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