Pro-Life Candidate Gets Death Threats for Airing Graphic Abortion Ads
by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | | 8/15/12 3:34 PM
Pro-life activist Gary Boisclair is creating quite a stir in his primary bid against Muslim Democrat incumbent Congressman Keith Ellison in Minnesota’s 5th District, up to and including death threats.
Boisclair freely admits he is running against Ellison solely to take advantage of federal law that forces television stations to air federal candidates’ ads uncensored.
Boisclair is airing three graphic ads, one on Ellison’s support of abortion, one on the underbelly of Ellison’s religion, and one on a combination of the two issues….
The ads began airing August 7 and immediately drew death threats, but Boisclair says he will not be detered.
According to the Star Tribune, August 7:
“This is not pretty,” he said of his television ads that started airing in the Twin Cities on Tuesday afternoon, featuring close-up images of aborted fetuses. “It’s not intended to make people feel good.”The ads are part of a national campaign backed by longtime abortion opposition leader Randall Terry, the Operation Rescue founder who has run similar ads in Florida, Illinois, Oklahoma and other states.In the Twin Cities, the 15th-largest media market in the nation, the ads take aim at Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison, whose Muslim faith is also a target for Boisclair.CLICK LIKE IF YOU’RE PRO-LIFE!
“Islam has a long history of shedding blood,” said Boisclair, a native of Buffalo, MN, who now lives in West Virginia, where he describes himself as a Christian missionary.Ellison’s campaign denounced the ads, which were scheduled to run on all the major networks in the Twin Cities, including during NBC’s 4 p.m. Olympic news time slot on KARE, Channel 11.“Mr. Boisclair’s television ads are clearly designed to divide Minnesotans and spread fear,” Ellison campaign manager Will Hailer said. “With his official residence listed in West Virginia, it’s not surprising that Mr. Boisclair’s views are out of touch withMinnesota values. Conversely, Representative Ellison is a proud advocate for inclusion, dialogue and a woman’s right to access comprehensive reproductive health care.”
“Comprehensive reproductive health care” – in other words, abortion. Love how they can no longer say the word. Note: Jill Stanek fought to stop “live birth abortions” after witnessing one as an RN at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. That led to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act legislation, signed by President Bush, that would ensure that proper medical care be given to unborn children who survive botched abortion attempts.
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