Olympics' Blatant Occult Symbolism & Message
August 13, 2012
No Olympics has been as in-your-face with its Luciferian message.
Olympics reveals real meaning of "secular" : pagan, satanic.
Why would the Illuminati blow them up? They belonged to them.
by Marcos
The Olympics started as a religious ritual for Zeus in Ancient Greece. The Olympic pyre must be lit by the rays from the Sun (Lucifer) and paraded to the stadium with all reverence.
This famous ritual presented the Illuminati with an excellent opportunity to openly worship the devil. It was therefore hijacked by Pierre de Coubertain around 1900 and has become darker and creepier each time. As usual, the opening and closing ceremonies, with billions of viewers, are perfect opportunities for displays of occult power and for mass indoctrination.
However, no Olympics has been as blatant about its Luciferian message as the London Olympics 2012.
The opening ceremony in the London Games was aptly described as a "pandemonium." Instead of a linear narrative that described the rich culture of Britain, we saw a confusing patchwork of occult messages that spoiled any kind of narrative. Instead of a celebration of sports, it seemed the organizers wanted to present Britain as a land of witchcraft, in a stage illuminated by thirteen masonic pyramids. Some of the main points were:
If we consider that the blasphemous opening song Jerusalem which states that England is the new throne of God, we see that they wanted to portrait Britain as the center of the new world occult order, the "Zion" that displayed as the Olympic logo.
- The chimneys rising from the underground looked more like phallic obelisks rising from hell than industry icons. Like in any dark ritual, a magick circle was cast, this time in the form of an Olympic ring. A magick ritual is a portal through which demonic entities are invited into our realm.
If the Opening Ceremony presented us with several dark symbols from occult Britain, the Closing Ceremony foreshadowed their New World Order will be and who will rule over it.
- Three of the main characters of the show were blatant homosexuals: Fred Mercury, who appeared in a giant hologram, George Michael and David Bowie. Kate Bush also sang a song where a girl wants to be a man. The new world is androgynous and anti-male, it seems.
- A weird octopus appeared in the center of the British flag, without any context. It probably signifies the long reaching arms of the new world order leadership.
- Annie Lenox's boat of the slaves with Lucifer (the guy with the black wings) was perhaps the creepiest part of the show. The singer was dressed as a witch High Priestess in red and black and looked possessed. We wonder what the meaning of the tortured people inside the boat is. The dissenters?
- John Lennon's Imagine song about a united world with no religion was also a highlight of the party. His face had an eerie similitude to the famous face on Mars.
- The next Olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro. Instead of Christ the Redeemer, what we saw was the Brazilian singer dressed as Yemanjá. Yemanjá is the pagan voodoo goddess of the seas, aka Leviath or Cthulhu (remember the octopus). Satanists say that every country is ruled by a lieutenant of Lucifer and his element, and Brazil is ruled by water and Leviathan. Therefore, what we saw was the torch being passed to the demonic overlord of Brazil.
It seems that we are indeed living in the times of Alice Bailey's demonically authored book "The Externalization of the Hierarchy". She said that the esoteric secrets should be shared with the masses, so the AntiChrist could arise. Occult literature, especially Albert Pike's, also speaks of a Third World War that is necessary for the demonic leader to arise to power from the ashes of a old world order.
Occultists suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. Since they don't trust a loving , forgiving God, they must follow exact rules, symbols and chants in order to please their master, get rewards and avoid punishment and death. That's the way Lucifer keeps them enslaved. The concept of a God who dies for their sins is alien for them.
Those who love God don't need to understand all their symbols and tricks. It is enough for us to know that the Illuminati have the power to perform a blatant satanic ritual in the face of millions of viewers all around the world. It seems they are bragging about a coming war and the rise of their anti Christ Messiah. They want people to believe their regime will be fun and peaceful. All the world together celebrating.
Our responsibility is to be watchers and warn people of the coming evil, the horrible consequences of a New World Order and the need to get right with God right now.
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