Worldwide Kingdom Awakening News and Views

Published by Ron & Barbara McGatlin - Basileia Publishing
1. Fresh Winds of Kingdom Revival Fire
2. The Spirit of Prophecy - Video
3. Top News Headlines
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1. Fresh Winds of Kingdom Revival Fire
By Ron McGatlin
A fresh spiritual wind is like the fresh winds of changing seasons in the natural; you can sense it before is arrives. There is a fresh scent and feeling in the air. A hard to explain tinge of inner excitement deep within stirs a deep longing – a sleeping hunger in the spirit begins to awaken the soul. Can it be? Can it really happen? Here, now, to me, in our town?
The hope of real revival is ARISING -
Can you feel it? Tears fill my eyes just now as I write of the stirring of the Spirit in my own heart. – Can these dry bones live? Can these dry wells spring up again? Are the ancient foundations being uncovered? Can these destitute mountains of vanity become the dwelling place of the fire of God? Can the holy joy of the Lord ring forth from the mountaintops to the treacherous valleys of darkness? Is the golden liquid fire of God’s love and the white fire of His holiness beginning to pour down from the surging living fire of heaven that has now come near to the earth? Is the at-hand kingdom of God touching the mountains now?
I am overwhelmed; my human strength pours out as water, and I melt before the nearness of the roaring sound like a thousand jet engines at full power of the surging boiling clouds of fire of heaven that have come near to earth. The atmosphere upon the earth near the clouds of fire is charged as if electrified. Tongues of fire like swirling fingers drop down from the holy cloud to touch the earth igniting it with the fire of heaven and transforming all that it touches. People touched by the finger of God’s fire become flaming ministers of God igniting fires wherever they go.
Unlike any previous outpouring of God on earth, this shall last. This outpouring of the fire of God is bringing the real kingdom of God from heaven to the earth. The dead bleached bones, the stopped up dry wells, and the buried scorched foundations of past moves of God were all once alive with the fire of God. Eventually they all became unholy, man-centered works of dead religion. They were choked to death with organization and empty religious works.
The well-meaning people captive in religion gradually became hard-hearted, stony ground growing thistles. They could not hear and grow the seed of the word of the kingdom into fruition of the kingdom of heaven on earth (Mat 13:18-23). The gospel of the kingdom became a false word to them, buried deep under the mud of the pride of life and the lust of eyes. Ears grew dull of hearing and eyes became full of darkness (Mat 13:15).
Babylon, the glorious whore, was built into the lands of rich merchandisers preaching great swelling words of the wisdom of fallen man and doctrines of demons (1 Tim 4:1). Religious systems developed a man-centered gospel that lead millions into the deceitfulness of the riches of Babylon, believing they were rich and filled with knowledge and in need of nothing and not knowing they were wretched, poor, and naked of the reality of the Spirit of God (Rev 3:17). They became disqualified for the real kingdom of God lifestyle (1 Cor 9:27).
Real kingdom revival fire will bring an end to Babylon.
The roaring fire of God has come and will waste Babylon leaving only ashes. The trumpet of the Lord is urgently and loudly calling, “come out from her my people (Rev 18: 2-6) (Jer 51:49-50).”
Rev 18:4: And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”
Mystery Babylon represents the religious and fallen world systems ruling in all facets of life. New Jerusalem the great Bride city from heaven represents the kingdom of God on earth from heaven.
Beauty for Ashes
God will raise up a people of Jesus – those in whom Christ dwells by the Spirit of the Lord to repair the old ruins and heal the people of captivity (Isa 58:12).
Isa 61:1-4: "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.
Kingdom revival will last.
Past revivals and outpourings did not last, because they did not produce the kingdom of God. They were primarily about getting people saved and in church so they could become disciples to get more people saved. The church-age church systems for the most part had little or no vision beyond getting people saved to go to heaven when they died. Some did also have benevolent works of helping the poor.
In more recent outpourings the Spirit of God moved to heal and deliver as well as initial salvation. This was and is a movement toward kingdom but is yet short of the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom as Jesus and the first century disciples brought it. They spoke of great tribulation and the cleansing of the earth making preparation for the coming of a fullness of the kingdom of God coming to earth producing a heavenly Jerusalem - a New Jerusalem lifestyle – the rule of God on earth with His people as it is in heaven.
This great kingdom revival will do more than get people to heaven when they die. It will move beyond miracles of healing and deliverance for the people. It will not be focused on church growth or church buildings. The great kingdom revival awakening will focus on changing the city and the nations. It will change the culture from Babylonian style living to kingdom of God, New Jerusalem style living.
Kingdom Revival will not be centralized.
Past revivals became centralized geographically, or according to sectarian views or structure. Different streams flowed in the most recent outpourings. However, it did not flow across the culture. At best some sub-cultures were present. This in part is because of the church system connection to the revivals. A spontaneous move of God would soon become an independent stream or group of systemized churches or a denomination which tended to confine the stream within the river banks of that group.
The Holy Spirit did begin to jump boundaries in the most recent revivals and outpourings. However, it never really became full-grown kingdom revival because it remained tied to the systemized church and separated from the rest of life. Culture including family and work life, business, media, education, government, and more were NOT equally engulfed in the Spirit of revival fire. God’s plan all along has been to return all things under the one King Christ Jesus.
True kingdom revival will be at ground level with underground roots and will spread everywhere across all of life. It will not be tied to church systems or to leadership personalities nor any centralized concentration of headship other than Christ Jesus. Kingdom revival headquarters will be in heaven. The centrality of kingdom revival is Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit flowing through multitudes of brethren all at one level as brethren with Christ Jesus and consumed in the holy fire of revival. There will be no opportunity for famous leaders to become rich by merchandising the revival.
No opposing religion or secular government forces can destroy it, because it is everywhere at one time with its roots hidden from view in the underground of the spiritual realm. It will arise like grass in a field covering the landscape of life on earth.
Though I see this coming in the Spirit now, I have no idea how long it will take to come to full completion. It could be months, years, decades, or centuries, but it has begun and is coming to pass. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God.
(First posted 08/28/2009)
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
2. The Spirit of Prophecy - Video
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
2. The Spirit of Prophecy - Video
3. Top News Headlines
Revival needed for survival as a nation - 6/1/2012
In 1970, a revival began on campus at Asbury College. It quickly spread to other university campuses. Critics said it won't last. Billy Sunday had an asnwer for such a statement, "neither does a bath last." It is possible to live so long in filth and debauchery to believe it is the normal way to live - the abnormal embraced so long it appears to be normal. Read On:
The Kampala Miracle - Kampala, Uganda - CfaN - 6/6/2012
The very fact that we are here is a sign and a wonder in itself. We experienced a miracle of provision a couple of days ago. Tonight evangelist Bonnke preached a powerful evangelistic message and thousands responded. An old lady who was totally blind in both eyes received her sight tonight. There is much more - too much to tell. We are so grateful to be here. Read On:
Minority Pastors: Gay Marriage Not a 'Civil Right' - 6/5/2012
A number of minority pastors gathered May 24 at the Defense of Marriage Summit in Washington, D.C., to confront the president over his decision to support same-sex marriage. The leaders said the president needs to understand that their Christian faith comes before their support of his historic presidency. "Black vote cannot be bought simply because of skin color." Read On:
Mechanic crushed by truck axle rescued by angels - 6/7/2012
He was underneath a Peterbilt logging truck’s engine when the jack gave way, and 10,000 pounds crushed his body to within an inch of the cement floor. In his near-fatal experience he watched two angels tend to his body as he miraculously came back from the edge of death. His wife Lori and their four children jumped into his mind. I can’t die, he suddenly thought. Read On:
Flying Again: Burnham 10 Years after Kidnapping - 6/7/2012
In 2002, millions followed the kidnapping of missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham. They were taken hostage by the Muslim Filipino terror group, Abu Sayyaf, and were held for more than a year before a rescue attempt resulted in Martin's death and Gracia's release. On the 10-year anniversary of Martin's death, CBN News Anchor News Anchor spoke with Gracia. Read On:
Nigeria & Sudan: Jihad & Genocide (plus Tunisia) - 6/6/2012
NIGERIA: BOKO HARAM'S JIHAD Christians in Northern Nigeria are attending worship behind barricades and checkpoints constantly reminding them that jihadists are plotting to eliminate them. SUDAN: KHARTOUM'S NUBA GENOCIDE - Kharto um's genocide against the non-Arab, non-Muslims of the 'New South' has been raging for over a year. Why is this genocide attracting no attention? Read On:
Eritrea: Reports of Abducted Women Highlight Vulnerability of Refugees in Egypt - 6/5/2012
"The victims, whose ages range from 20 to 32, report boarding a white taxi prior to being abducted. In each instance, the taxi was stopped by men in police uniforms, who opened the door and sprayed an unknown substance into their faces, causing them to lose consciousness. They later awoke in a strange location." "One of the women was abducted on her way to church." Read On:
Sunday proves deadly in Nigeria - 6/5/2012
Nigerians were reeling from news that there were likely no survivors from a plane crash in Lagos, when news about a suicide bomber striking Bauchi hit. "Swallowed under the news of the plane crash was the news that there was another suicide bomber at a church in Northern Nigeria, in Bauchi. Apparently, at least 10 others were killed and 30 injured in that attack." Read On:
California's Prop 8 Likely Headed to Supreme Court - 6/5/2012
A federal appeals court refused to reconsider an earlier ruling against California's effective ban on gay marriage, meaning the fight will likely head to the U.S. Supreme Court. In February, two of three judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Prop 8 "serves no purpose" other than to "lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians. Read On:
When God sends signs in the natural world after the death of a loved one - 6/1/2012
David sees the hummingbird as a symbol of love, joy, and beauty. His spirit-filled wife gave off these same qualities because of her close walk with Jesus. “I would jokingly refer to Kathy as my ‘hummingbird,’” In the days leading up to her passing a hummingbird constructed a nest in a palm bush next to their front door, something that had never happened before. Read On:
Eight African Nations on Brink of Starvation - 6/1/2012
The United Nations is asking the world to help millions of West Africans who are facing a crisis of epic proportions. The people in eight nations are on the brink of starvation. At least three million of them are children. Aid agencies are doing what they can to deliver food to the region, but so far they have not been able to raise even half the money needed. Read On:
News From British Isles, Ireland. Europe and Worldwide - 6/7/2012
Afghanistan: Breathtaking rescue of kidnapped aid workers - Voters bombard MPs over same-sex marriage -Local officials sideline religion - High abortion rate continues - EU: Preparing for 'new stage' in economic union - Indonesia: ’What happens now?’ - Nigeria: Blast wreaks bloodshed on two Churches in Bauchi - China: Churches requested to desist - More> Read On:
Bill Banning Sex-Selection Abortions Fails in House - 6/1/2012
The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday conducted a roll-call vote on the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (H.R. 3541), a bill that would make it illegal to perform or coerce a sex-selection abortion. The vote was 246-168 in favor of the bill—a strong majority, although short of the two-thirds vote required under the current fast-track procedure. Read On:
For More Top News Headlines, Go Here:
3. Top News Headlines
Revival needed for survival as a nation - 6/1/2012
In 1970, a revival began on campus at Asbury College. It quickly spread to other university campuses. Critics said it won't last. Billy Sunday had an asnwer for such a statement, "neither does a bath last." It is possible to live so long in filth and debauchery to believe it is the normal way to live - the abnormal embraced so long it appears to be normal. Read On:
The Kampala Miracle - Kampala, Uganda - CfaN - 6/6/2012
The very fact that we are here is a sign and a wonder in itself. We experienced a miracle of provision a couple of days ago. Tonight evangelist Bonnke preached a powerful evangelistic message and thousands responded. An old lady who was totally blind in both eyes received her sight tonight. There is much more - too much to tell. We are so grateful to be here. Read On:
Minority Pastors: Gay Marriage Not a 'Civil Right' - 6/5/2012
A number of minority pastors gathered May 24 at the Defense of Marriage Summit in Washington, D.C., to confront the president over his decision to support same-sex marriage. The leaders said the president needs to understand that their Christian faith comes before their support of his historic presidency. "Black vote cannot be bought simply because of skin color." Read On:
Mechanic crushed by truck axle rescued by angels - 6/7/2012
He was underneath a Peterbilt logging truck’s engine when the jack gave way, and 10,000 pounds crushed his body to within an inch of the cement floor. In his near-fatal experience he watched two angels tend to his body as he miraculously came back from the edge of death. His wife Lori and their four children jumped into his mind. I can’t die, he suddenly thought. Read On:
Flying Again: Burnham 10 Years after Kidnapping - 6/7/2012
In 2002, millions followed the kidnapping of missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham. They were taken hostage by the Muslim Filipino terror group, Abu Sayyaf, and were held for more than a year before a rescue attempt resulted in Martin's death and Gracia's release. On the 10-year anniversary of Martin's death, CBN News Anchor News Anchor spoke with Gracia. Read On:
Nigeria & Sudan: Jihad & Genocide (plus Tunisia) - 6/6/2012
NIGERIA: BOKO HARAM'S JIHAD Christians in Northern Nigeria are attending worship behind barricades and checkpoints constantly reminding them that jihadists are plotting to eliminate them. SUDAN: KHARTOUM'S NUBA GENOCIDE - Kharto um's genocide against the non-Arab, non-Muslims of the 'New South' has been raging for over a year. Why is this genocide attracting no attention? Read On:
Eritrea: Reports of Abducted Women Highlight Vulnerability of Refugees in Egypt - 6/5/2012
"The victims, whose ages range from 20 to 32, report boarding a white taxi prior to being abducted. In each instance, the taxi was stopped by men in police uniforms, who opened the door and sprayed an unknown substance into their faces, causing them to lose consciousness. They later awoke in a strange location." "One of the women was abducted on her way to church." Read On:
Sunday proves deadly in Nigeria - 6/5/2012
Nigerians were reeling from news that there were likely no survivors from a plane crash in Lagos, when news about a suicide bomber striking Bauchi hit. "Swallowed under the news of the plane crash was the news that there was another suicide bomber at a church in Northern Nigeria, in Bauchi. Apparently, at least 10 others were killed and 30 injured in that attack." Read On:
California's Prop 8 Likely Headed to Supreme Court - 6/5/2012
A federal appeals court refused to reconsider an earlier ruling against California's effective ban on gay marriage, meaning the fight will likely head to the U.S. Supreme Court. In February, two of three judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Prop 8 "serves no purpose" other than to "lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians. Read On:
When God sends signs in the natural world after the death of a loved one - 6/1/2012
David sees the hummingbird as a symbol of love, joy, and beauty. His spirit-filled wife gave off these same qualities because of her close walk with Jesus. “I would jokingly refer to Kathy as my ‘hummingbird,’” In the days leading up to her passing a hummingbird constructed a nest in a palm bush next to their front door, something that had never happened before. Read On:
Eight African Nations on Brink of Starvation - 6/1/2012
The United Nations is asking the world to help millions of West Africans who are facing a crisis of epic proportions. The people in eight nations are on the brink of starvation. At least three million of them are children. Aid agencies are doing what they can to deliver food to the region, but so far they have not been able to raise even half the money needed. Read On:
News From British Isles, Ireland. Europe and Worldwide - 6/7/2012
Afghanistan: Breathtaking rescue of kidnapped aid workers - Voters bombard MPs over same-sex marriage -Local officials sideline religion - High abortion rate continues - EU: Preparing for 'new stage' in economic union - Indonesia: ’What happens now?’ - Nigeria: Blast wreaks bloodshed on two Churches in Bauchi - China: Churches requested to desist - More> Read On:
Bill Banning Sex-Selection Abortions Fails in House - 6/1/2012
The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday conducted a roll-call vote on the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (H.R. 3541), a bill that would make it illegal to perform or coerce a sex-selection abortion. The vote was 246-168 in favor of the bill—a strong majority, although short of the two-thirds vote required under the current fast-track procedure. Read On:
For More Top News Headlines, Go Here:
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