Saturday, June 30, 2012

Supreme Court rules lawless federal government can tax liberty

Supreme Court rules lawless federal government can tax liberty

Supreme Court rules lawless federal government can tax liberty

On June 29, 2012 · Comments Off
It should be clear that the U. S. Supreme Court no longer makes decisions based on the interpretation of our Constitution. They make decisions based on their feelings instead of law. Almost all court decisions now break down according to the judge’s ideology and not on any honest interpretation of the Constitution.
The Executive Branch and the Democrat controlled Congress at the time the health bill was passed denied that this Health Care mandate in the bill, was a tax. The Executive Branch was arguing for the mandate in the law before the Supreme Court based on the Constitution Commerce Cause.
The Court did rule that this mandate to buy insurance or be fined was not constitutional but instead of finding the Affordable Health care Act (ObamaCare) unconstitutional five judges decided that they wanted to pass this unconstitutional act so they looked for a way to rewrite ObamaCare to make it constitutional. They did that by just declaring that nobody has to buy health insurance and the fine for not buying health insurance is just a new tax and Congress has the right to tax.
The problem is that the Obama administration and Democratic controlled legislator branch never got this law passed as a tax and new taxes have to be approved by Congress as a tax. The Supreme Court cannot just write tax law for Congress. President Obama in many public forums vigorously opposed people who called the mandate penalty a tax. Therefore, this administration passed this law by selling Congress that ObamaCare was not a tax. That is why the Solicitor General argued the Commerce Cause before the Supreme Court.
The Commerce Clause argument was clearly rejected by the majority Court and the law should have been declared unconstitutional. Instead Chief Roberts decided to claim that the law was a tax and was constitutional as a tax. He is wrong on both counts. Even so, since when does the Court legislate for the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch of government just to make a bad law constitutional? If these branches wanted to make it a tax they need to get it passed as a tax. The whole law was a lie and the Supreme Court has now become a partner in this fraud.
It was not up to the Supreme Court to dispute the Executive Branch and declare a law is a tax when that issue was not even before the court. The Supreme Court interprets law, it does not try to find arguments for the defense. Yet, Chief Roberts thought it was his duty to save this unconstitutional act?
The bottom line is that Chief Roberts did not want his court to take the heat for shooting down this act, so he indicated that it is the responsibility of voters to determine what laws they want. I thought our government was founded on our Constitution and all legislation had to pass the constitutional test and that is why we have a Supreme Court? The Court might as well not show up for work if they think anything that Congress passes does not need judicial review.
So Chief Justice Roberts and four other judges conspired and decided that the law was constitutional because they determined it was really a tax after all. However, by making it a tax they set new law precedence for the federal government to force people to do just about anything through taxing people.
Chief Roberts in his majority argument actually said that people not buying health insurance can be taxed just like they are taxed when buying gas or earning income? This argument is totally insane. What sane person believes that the Constitution allows government to tax products that you do not buy or want to buy? Someone in Washington ought to be peeing in a bottle.
Nevertheless, even this tax is not permitted under our Constitution. Under the Constitution only excise taxes and direct taxes are allowed. To get the Income Tax added, a constitutional amendment had to pass the states. However, the Court here just declared a Health care mandate penalty that will be paid to private insurance companies to be a lawful tax, and then declared this new unconstitutional tax to be constitutional?
The Federal government will now be able to tax your behavior and force people to do whatever they want through tax law. That has already been happening in the pulpits of America. Much of what was left of liberty died yesterday. We became Europe overnight where the people are dictated to by intellectual activist bureaucrats in the EU rather than constitutional laws of the sovereign nations. In other words, the government is now Big Brother, Big Sister and the deity that controls your earthly existence.
The Supreme Court was correct that the fine for not buying health insurance was really a tax, because it was deceptive for this administration to claim otherwise. The law is a fraud. But that is just another reason that they should have declared the whole lying ObamaCare act unconstitutional. The costs for this act will be paid for by the largest tax increase in world history and it hits the Middle Class the hardest but it was not passed as a tax bill. Most of the cost of this act does not kick in until 2014, so people will not realize the cost to employers and themselves until after the 2012 election.
This law massively increases the size of federal  government and its control over everyone. For that reason alone the law should have been declared unconstitutional under several constitutional amendments. The checks and balances put into our system of government are now dead. There is now nothing that federal government cannot force you to do and that is why communists and government dependents are dancing in the street. The Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare is a precedence for this lawless federal government to literally tax your liberty. That is icing on the cake for an administration that already ignores the federal laws that they do not like.
This Supreme Court ruling allows the expansion of federal control to unbelievable levels. Federal government has been given a free hand to impose tyranny on the people through taxing them into submission. Want sugar in your drink? Sure. First pay the anti-obese tax. Want to eat meat? First pay the protect the swine tax. Want to get a tan? First pay the anti skin cancer tax. Want a gun? Just pay the law enforcement tax. Want to be overweight? You must pay the medical high risk tax. Want medical treatment? Show me your IRS form, etc.
What this ruling means in just the health care arena is that the government in 2014 will force people to buy health insurance or pay a tax and the enforcement will come through tens of thousand of new Internal Revenue agents. Sure, the tax starts at a lower rate than it would cost people to buy health insurance but the ObamaCare law will increase the fines every year until the tax soon becomes more than the cost of buying health coverage. Even jail time might happen for non compliance.
The plan is designed to gradually force people into a single payer system like Great Britain. The regulations and mandates within the law will increasingly squeeze private insurance and at first put them under the control of the federal government and then put them out of business. The whole goal is to have federal government control all health care in this country.
Frankly, the government will not be able to collect the money required to pay the costs of future health care and there will not be enough doctors or medical facilities. That means in the future, less trained nurses will be the medial care gate keepers and they will replace doctors. Death panels will decide who gets treated and who does not and government bureaucrats will be rationing and denying health coverage for any number of reasons.
Employers that provide health insurance are now going to really think twice about taking on any new employees and others will be dropping health insurance for their employees, so this is going to be another kick in the teeth to the economy. The enormous two trillion-dollar additional cost of this law puts the nation at danger.
The only solution left is to repeal the law. For that to happen there would have to be a Republican president elected in 2012 and the Republicans would have to achieve nearly 60 seats in the Senate. The chances of that happening are pretty close to zero. Well there is one other solution suggested in this article onthe day the Constitution died.
Are you seeing what is happening in this country yet? We have a lawless government. Obama is dictating without regard to the law of the land. The President and his Attorney General are not enforcing laws that they swore on the Constitution and to God to uphold. The judges do whatever they want rather than interpret law. The Attorney General of America was ruled to be in contempt of Congress for the Fast and Furious cover-up. That means that it is up to the Justice Department to determine the wrong doing of their own boss??
What is the point anyway, does anyone think that this contempt vote will actually change anything with the lawless? The election is in a few months and nothing will be done before that. If Obama is reelected, what can Congress do against Holder? If Romney wins, Obama could pardon Holder as one of his last acts in office, if that is even necessary. We need to realize that we have outlaws running our government. If we do not get them out of office we will be increasingly living under their tyranny.
You have seen nothing yet if Obama is reelected. Four more years of this administration and this nation will not even exist as a free prosperous country. The people of America that survive the destruction of the United States can blame themselves because they voted for lawless people with morals very much like themselves.
Don’t take me wrong, I am not under some delusion that electing a Republican administration will stop the ongoing judgment that is bringing America down. Pastor John MacArthur is correct. America is already under God’s judgment based on what God declared in Romans Chapter One. Read it. It totally applies to what we see going on in America today.
The nation has removed God from their minds and God gave them over to their own lusts and they turn to fornication, drug use, covetousness, lawlessness and are now embracing the homosexual rebellion. God gave the people who rejected Him over to a reprobate mind and America is now reaping the consequences. Just look around, at the lawless people running America and look at the conditions within American Christianity. God has given this nation over to a reprobate mind to do things that are not fitting (Ro 1:28).
Now don’t forget to sing God bless the U.S.A. this week and claim that you will “stand up and defend her still today”. Sure God will bless our lawlessness, and you will still defend America! That is why domestic enemies rule. Give me a break!

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