Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cannibals, Zombies and Televisions

Cannibals, Zombies and Televisions
Cannibals, Zombies and Televisions 
Commentary on the News 
Thursday, June 07, 2012 
J.L. Robb 
I read the Book of Revelation for the first time at age ten. I loved it, but that’s not to say I understood it. Who really does? I have always liked science-fiction or supernatural stuff, and Revelation was the crème de la crème of supernatural.
Mountains falling on the rivers, stars falling into the sea, sun turning black and moon turning red.  Then there were the plagues and pestilence, the poisoning of fresh water drinking sources, the world economic collapse, starvation and a third of the ships at sea, sinking; Earthquakes and turbulent seas.  What could possibly be scarier? 
The Bible talks about increased crime when the last days approach; but when I read statistics, it appears that crime is decreasing.  Of course, one only has to be a news junkie to know that crime is not decreasing, only getting more violent and gruesome.  So much for government-fed statistics.  Feed the people a lie long enough, and the people will believe it.
I stopped watching “mainstream” TV about thirty years ago when sex, violence and smart-assedness became so prevalent.  The TV “children” began to ridicule their parents, especially Dad.  No more Father Knows Best; because of course, he didn’t, at least to the TV writers.  Dads became the problem, not the solution.
I remember once teaching a class on the Old Testament at my Presbyterian Church Sunday School when the subject turned to sex education.  Don’t know how we got there, but we did.  It turned out that one in the group was a sex-ed teacher.  I guess I really offended him when I said that the schools should fire all the sex-ed teachers and just instruct all the kids to watch televisionevery night from 8:00-10:00, that the taxpayers could save a lot of money.  He was not pleased with me or my comment, stating that there were some things the schools “had” to teach because parents were “too irresponsible.”  I think he is now a Rastafarian.
Of course, the same logic should apply to God, that the parents are too irresponsible to teach their kids religion, so the schools have to.  Nope.  On that one, the parents are suddenly so responsible that God could be kicked out of school, and they would take care of it.  He was, and they didn’t.
I wrote a letter to NBC about a couple of programs, telling them that if they keep promoting young girls having babies out of wedlock, it might happen.  The response was that television did not mold anyone to do anything.  So much for TV advertising.  I bet Volkswagen doesn’t know that their advertisements on TV have no relevance to car buyers.
Being a science fictionophile, I find it interesting that so many programs today pertain to zombies eating people.  I was never a fan of vampires, zombies and such stuff; but it’s everywhere.  If television programming is, in essence, advertising zombiism and cannibalism, is it no wonder there is so much of it going on?
Take the case of Rudy Eugene and Ronald Poppo last week in Miami.  As the two men lay naked along a Miami causeway, bicyclists and cars riding by a few feet away, Rudy Eugene was laying on top of Poppo, a longtime homeless man, eating his face.  Eugene was described by his girlfriend last week as a “gentle” man, so let’s be glad he wasn’t ungentle.  The police shot Eugene multiple times when he wouldn’t stop eating Mr. Poppo’s face, killing him.  When the police yelled at Eugene, the man looked up, face bloodied and growled at the police.
Poppo is in the hospital in critical condition, though he will live.  He probably will have a hard time finding a girlfriend though, at least if you’ve seen the pictures.  Here is a report of the incident, but I will give you a warning.  If you follow this link, look at your own risk, because the photos are graphic.  You have been warned!
It turns out Rudy Eugene was on “bath salts,” sold legally across the United States and Europe, now a new “high.”  The DEA describes these legal bath salts as an imitation “cocaine or LSD.”  Now, I’ve been around the block a few times, was in the night club business before God smacked me into reality in 1979; and I have been around my share of cocaine users and a few LSD participants.  None of them ever ate people or anything close, and LSD is now being used in the world of psychiatric medicine.  Bath Salts seem to be in a world of their own, and it’s not the world of “cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Don’t take a bath with this stuff if any of your friends are around!  Now Gloria Allred, bless her heart, is involved with the case.  Must be lots of cameras around.
Luka Magnotta, a Canadian “cannibal porn star” was arrested in Germany this week.  He was located in an Internet Café reading about his narcissistic self.  Known as the “Canadian Psycho,” Magnotta apparently murdered his gay lover (not sure if they were ‘married’) Jun Lin, age 33.  Magnotta then proceeded to dismember the body.  The torso was found at his apartment, but other body parts were mailed to political offices in Ottawa, including the Prime Minister’s office.  A video that appeared on the Internet showed Magnotta stabbing Jun Lin with an ice pick and then hacking him to pieces.  The video also showed him having sex with the corpse after eating part of the man’s flesh. Other videos posted by Magnotta showed him torturing kittens to death.
Then there is the case of Alexander Kinyua in Maryland. Alexander killed and dismembered a “family friend,” and later admitted to eating the man’s heart and brain.  He had been described as a “Virginia Tech waiting to happen.”  A campus military instructor at Northeast Baltimore University said that Kinyua, an ROTC cadet, was an “unusually angry person.”  I guess.
Why is all this happening?  I mean, if television has nothing to do with encouraging all this bizarre behavior because TV influence isn’t “relative” to molding behavior, what the heck’s going on?
Now the liberal rag, Slate Magazine is investigating to see what human flesh really tastes like, according to this disturbing article.  Lovely.
The Bible has a lot to say about cannibalism, and none of it’s good.  The Ancient Jewish prophets told the Children of Israel, as they often did: If you don’t pay attention to God, He is paying attention to you; and discipline for the Israelites was usually severe, though the rewards for obedience were great.  While there is no commandment stating “Thou shalt not eat another person,” the Bible makes it plain that cannibalism is extremely evil.
Some examples:
‘If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you.” (Leviticus: 27-30 NIV)
“Because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you. Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children, and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating. It will be all he has left because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of all your cities.” (Deuteronomy 28:53-33 NIV)
“So beware, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter. In this place I will ruin the plans of Judah and Jerusalem. I will make them fall by the sword before their enemies, at the hands of those who want to kill them, and I will give their carcasses as food to the birds and the wild animals. I will devastate this city and make it an object of horror and scorn; all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds. I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh because their enemies will press the siege so hard against them to destroy them.” (Jeremiah 19:6-9)
“Look, Lord, and consider: “Whom have you ever treated like this? Should women eat their offspring, the children they have cared for? Should priest and prophet be killed in the sanctuary of the Lord?” (Lamentations 2:20)
This event occurred during the siege of Samaria by Ben-Hadad king of Aram:
As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, “Help me, my lord the king!”
The king replied, “If the Lord does not help you, where can I get help for you? From the threshing floor? From the winepress?”  
Then he asked her, “What’s the matter?”
She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we’ll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him,’ but she had hidden him.” (2 Kings 6: 26-29)
Being one of God’s Chosen was tough for the Israelites, described as a stubborn people.  Like in the days before the Israelites, Adam and Eve, according to the story, couldn’t even keep a single “rule.”  Consider how much more difficult it was to follow the 613 rules in Mosaic Law.
Until the great flood of Noah, the Bible indicates that all mankind were vegetarians.  It was at that time that God told Noah that man could now eat the animals on the land and the fish of the sea for nutrition.  This may have been because of the lack of vegetation left after the inundation.  However, cannibalism was a big taboo in the teachings of God.
When there is nothing to eat, man has been shown to do most anything to survive.
In the recent cases of cannibalism as reported in the news, there was no starvation involved, just the spirit of demons. We can blame “bath salts,” but the real cause is man himself and his ongoing lack of Godliness.
The latest occurrence reported in the news was yesterday, June 6.
God help us all, and don’t dare blame television.  TV has nothing to do with anything concerning behavior, especially the SciFi network.

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