Friday, June 8, 2012

A Biblical Perspective on the Scott Walker Wisconsin Win

A Biblical Perspective on the Scott Walker Wisconsin Win
Last Tuesday Scott Walker survived a radical Leftist recall to save his Governorship with a large margin of victory in a very blue state. The Red Marxist Leftist machine held nothing back as they sought to destroy Walker with the most hate filled slander, lies and character assassination that has not been seen in a long time. The Left instituted a national campaign against Walker and even with all the outside money shipped in to help, hate filled slander, un-truths, dead voters, leftist vote fraud and radical socialistic union intimidation the Wisconsin tax payer and Governor Walker stood their ground and stood strong to win the day! This race was very exciting and the grass root participation of the Tea Party in all of this has been very encouraging to the conservative movement. This win was a great victory for true constitutional Americans and has given hope (a false hope) to those in the conservative movement to stand strong and fight with all your heart for our founding “fiscal values”.

Such victories when looked at subjectively look very hopeful and encouraging, but when looked at from Heaven’s biblical perspective, this victory is likened unto a little healthy movement of a nation who is in their last days in the hospice unit of the world stage.

As we come near to the end of the “Great Experiment”, the Tea Party was founded and started to awaken American to our sobering fiscal realities and sought to hold Washington accountable for their actions. Thank Almighty God for this movement, but sadly and in all reality, this movement - as the little Dutch boy with his finger in the fractured dike - has only slowed down this consuming LEVIATHAN very minutely. Alarmingly, under this cry for accountability by the Tea Party, all goes on in Washington as Washington always does but at an even faster pace. My dear friends, just look at these last 6 years, big Government has morphed into ENORMOUS and  GINORMOUS Government! Even with the countless voices of the Tea Party, Conservative radio, active U.S. citizens and a small group of lawmakers, ALL goes on as usual. Nothing can stop thisU.S. beast from consuming and moving us ever forward to a socialistic state of tyranny and oppression. My friends, are we not already there!

Thank God for this movement, but sadly and in all reality, this movement - as the little Dutch boy with his finger in the fractured dike - has only slowed down this consuming LEVIATHAN very minutely.

Americans and those who are active in the Tea Party (we here at the IFB being of those Americans) need to comprehend the REALITY of the hour and know with ALL our hearts thatAmerica dream is over. How many Americans today are willingly gullible, naive and delusional about this reality? These cannot see past their noses on this reality. They are imprisoned in a subjective world with NO vision of the ETERNITY that awaits every single one of us (John 3:16-17; Rev. 20:1-3, 11-15; 21:8; 22:11). This is not a fatalistic or “give up” mentality. The REALITY is that the jig is up and innumerable lawless consequences and 5th column foes of our American constitution have entered into the mightily seized Alamo and it is just a matter of precious time before we ALL fall. IT MUST BE my dear friends. To think other wise is to willingly to deceive yourselves!

What to Do?

In these very sobering hours may the realities at hand bring you to the comprehension that bigger forces are at work here in America and in the world in general (Eph. 6:12).
The stage is being set for far greater evils and horrific policies of godless fallen man that will enslave and engulf the entire world (Rev.6-19; 13). Do these biblical observations sound like the ravings of a mad man? Well my friend, they are not! To be wise in this world, one must KNOW the Savior and Creator of this World (John 1:10-12, 3:3-7, 17:17, Rom. 1:16, 1 Cor. 18-31, Heb. 1:2-3). Without Almighty God and His precious Word - which is the ONLY source and key of revelation and light to unlock the subjective, delusional prison hold of this vain and futile world, there isABSOLUTELY NO hope!
WITHOUT Almighty God’s Word and revelation ALL is a mystery! ALL is unanswerable! ALL is despair! ALL is hopeless!

WITHOUT Almighty God’s Word and revelation ALL is a mystery! ALL is unanswerable! ALL is despair! ALL is hopeless! My friend, do not deceive yourselves with false hopes, false vain ambitions. False saviors, and false Utopian visions that can NEVER come to pass in a sin ravished world (Gal. 1:4). My friend, do the very best that you can in this hour for the critical and fatal condition of our nation, but do NOT place ALL your trust in it my friend, see the BIG picture from Heaven’s ETERNAL perspective and trust Almighty God for the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!


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