Friday, April 7, 2017


Fri, April 07, 2017
When ''Adjust'' Means ''Maladjust''
A word that is being greatly overused in modern society is adjust.

I am certainly not the first one to complain about it, but my objection to its overuse is, I believe, on a little higher level, for most persons who register their objections are thinking only about its social effects while I am concerned with its effect in the spiritual realm.

Thinking persons who deplore the present mania for adjustment point out that almost all adjustment is made downward to bring people into harmony with the common and the mediocre, so that society is educated toward a dead level with ordinariness as its ultimate end.

This passion to be mediocre and to make everyone else the same begins with the parent in the home, spreads to the schools and is propagated with missionary zeal by the advertisers. And advertising, at least in the United States, is the most powerful educational agent extant. Those who write the advertising copy probably do more to determine the way the average person thinks than the school and church combined.

''Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.''
James 1:27

Adjusting can be helpful, even needful. It depends on what one adjusts to. Societal adjustment may result in spiritual maldjustment--adjustment to evil and error, to this world system.

Lord, pressure is on to adjust to this world system, its values and lifestyle. Keep me from world pollution and may I not forget those in distress.

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