Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crosses baned but gay flags permitted « News that matters

Crosses baned but gay flags permitted « News that matters

Crosses baned but gay flags permitted

It’s an Obama World. Gay Flag Flies at Afghan Base But the Christian Cross Is Banned.
Gay soldiers can promote sodomy in Afghanistan without Muslim creating riots. As longs as Jesus is not lifted up anything can be tolerated.
The Pentagon forced an Army post in Afghanistan to remove a cross on its worship tent in December.
Before and after. Secular people can not tolerate that Jesus of the Bible is honored.
It was offensive to liberal atheists.
Source: The Gateway pundit.
My comment:
When you accept sodomy in the army, you will see it spreading like wild fire. The boys are far from home, and muscle men can enslave each other while the Military police can only stand and watch.
In Afghanistan the Pentagon has offered local Muslims what they consider to be a can of worms. Gay soldiers living in perverted military camps are the worst thinkable ambassadors for the free World.
Written by Ivar

New School Prayer

New School Prayer

New School Prayer

Since the Pledge of Allegiance
The Lord's Prayer
are not allowed in most
public schools anymore
because the word
"God" is mentioned
a kid in Arizona wrote
a new school prayer:
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule.
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And any time my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green.
That's no offense.  It's a freedom scene.
The law is specific.  The law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate.
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but first the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen
And the "unwed daddy" our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong.
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed.
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess.
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot my soul please take!


Obamacare | Shortfall | Jeff Sessions | The Daily Caller

Obamacare | Shortfall | Jeff Sessions | The Daily Caller
Senate Republican staffers continue to look though the 2010 health care reform law to see what’s in it, and their latest discovery is a massive $17 trillion funding gap.
“The more we learn about the bill, the more we learn it is even more unaffordable than was suspected,” said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republicans’ budget chief in the Senate.
“The bill has to be removed from the books because we don’t have the money,” he said.
The hidden shortfall between new spending and new taxes was revealed just after Supreme Court justices grilled the law’s supporters about its compliance with the Constitution’s limits on government activity. If the court doesn’t strike down the law, it will force taxpayers to find another $17 trillion to pay for the increased spending.
The $17 trillion in extra promises was revealed by an analysis of the law’s long-term requirements. The additional obligations, when combined with existing Medicare and Medicaid funding shortfalls, leave taxpayers on the hook for an extra $82 trillion in health care obligations over the next 75 years.
The federal government has an additional $17 trillion unfunded gap in other obligations, including Social Security, bringing the total shortfall to $99 trillion.
That shortfall is different from existing debt. The federal government already owes $15 trillion in debt, including $5 trillion in funds borrowed during Obama’s term in office.
That $99 trillion in unfunded future expenses is more more than six years of wealth generated by the United States, which now produces just over $15 trillion of value per year.
The $99 trillion funding gap is equal to almost 30 years of the the current federal budget, which was $3.36 trillion for 2011.
Currently, the Social Security system faces $7 trillion shortfall between spending and taxes over the next 75 years, according to the Government Accountability Office.
Also, Medicare will is underfunded by $38 trillion, and Medicaid will consume another $20 trillion of the taxpayer’s wealth beyond what is budgeted, according to estimates prepared by the actuarial office at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The short-term cost of the Obamacare law is $2.6 trillion, almost triple the $900 billion cost promised by Obama and his Democratic allies, said Sessions.
The extra $17 trillion gap was discovered by applying standard federal estimates and models to the law’s spending obligations, Sessions said.
For example, Session’s examination of the health care law’s “premium support” program shows a funding gap $12 billion wider that predicted.
The same review also showed the law added another $5 trillion in unfunded obligations for the Medicaid program.
“President Obama told the American people that his health law would cost $900 billion over ten years and that it would not add ‘one dime’ to the debt… this health law adds an entirely new obligation—one we cannot pay for—and puts the entire financing of the United States government in jeopardy,” Sessions said in a floor speech.
“We don’t have the money… We have to reduce the [obligations] that we have.”

Mission:America - Fighting the Gay Agenda in Schools

Mission:America - Fighting the Gay Agenda in Schools

Feds Use Minneapolis Schools to Test Pro-Homosexual "Blueprint"

Once again, bullying is just a convenient tool to promote a radical “gay” agenda.

Another school district has
just caved in to organized and well-funded “gay” activist bullying. Only this time, some of the bullies were also from the Obama administration.
Trying to be a good parent today is becoming more and more difficult. And if you are a Christian, especially if your kids are in public schools, you have to fight more battles than usual.

Parents in Minneapolis were being diligent, were monitoring what the schools were teaching on the issue of homosexuality. The school board of the Anoka-Hennepin district had passed a policy of “neutrality” on homosexuality several years ago. Teachers and school staff were not going to take a position on homosexuality, because this subject was best covered by parents in the home.
But after the tragic suicides of several students, homosexual activists jumped on the school, saying “neutrality” wasn’t acceptable, even though bullying about homosexuality was not found to be a cause in these students’ deaths. But that’s not the way these pressure groups and their lawyers wanted to spin this, and they took advantage of the situation and sued the school district.
The reason every school needs to learn from Minneapolis, is that our federal government got involved. That’s right— both Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, and the US Department of Education launched an investigation and entered this suit— on the side of current and former students who claimed the school allowed them to be unrelentingly bullied over homosexuality— and the school board finally caved under pressure.
One brave school board member voted “NO” on the settlement and then submitted her resignation The suit was brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, with GLSEN and the federal agencies also signing on—and each of these students will receive $45,000 from this settlement.

The school has also been forced to set aside $500,000, just to start with, to fund sweeping pro-homosexual indoctrination programs for students and teachers. The settlement demands that the district hire a mental health consultant, an equity coordinator and a Title IX coordinator, and be monitored for five years by these two federal agencies as they apply Title IX federal law to justify these actions.

But wait, you may be thinking. Title IX has nothing to do with sexual orientation, but is about sex discrimination—as in, male and female. Get the picture? There’s no federal law that actually applies, so the Obama Administration will just pick one and make it work. Our radical pro-homosexual president and his staff will disrespect the law once again.
The Parents Action League, a group of concerned area parents, collected well over 1,000 petition signatures from citizens in the school district to keep the neutrality policy. Homosexual groups presented a petition with thousands of signatures, but it turns out only 49 of them were from the district.

Meanwhile, left-wing media told untruthful accounts of the situation. An article inRolling Stone is entitled, “School of Hate: One Town’s War on Gay Teens.” This twisted account even reported a false number of teens who committed suicide and the reasons for these tragedies and blamed the suicides on evangelical Christians and even Michelle Bachman. An excellent article by Laurie Higgins critiquing theRolling Stone smear piece is here.
As if all this hysteria wasn’t enough, federal civil rights officials are saying this so-called “remedy” will be their blueprint for school districts throughout the country. So get ready: watch for the professional “hate” hucksters of the Southern Poverty Law Center to roll into your town with the Department of Justice. And parents, don’t rely on the school board. Perhaps hire your own law firm.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012




What, then, are we looking at? We are looking at a system; and I would not hesitate to assert that this system, known as Roman Catholicism, is the devil’s greatest masterpiece!
It is such a departure from the Christian faith and the New Testament teaching, that I would not hesitate with the Reformers of the sixteenth century to describe it as “apostasy.
Now let us be clear about this. We define apostasy as a kind of total departure from the Christian truth. “Well,” says someone, “are you saying that about the Roman Catholic Church?”
We have to be most careful here. If we say that Roman Catholicism is apostasy we must be clear as to the sense in which that is true. Let me put it like this therefore.

Here it is not so much a matter of “denial” of the truth, but rather such an addition to the truth that eventually it becomes a departure from it…
Here is a great body, an institution, that has from time to time throughout the centuries—and still is doing this very thing—manifested the wiles of the devil in all its subtlety and deceitfulness, “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness” as the Scripture puts it…
Take the first example of [robbing Christ of His glory], their teaching with regard to the question of justification— justification by faith. As Luther said this is, “the test of a standing or a falling Church”—the whole glory of Protestantism, the thing that brought it into being. Look at their teaching with regard to justification.
We know what ours is, or do we? I sometimes wonder whether we do, many of us Protestants. It is not surprising that Roman Catholicism is increasing when Protestants do not know what justification means.
It is not surprising that Roman Catholicism is increasing when Protestants do not know what justification means.…Justification is by faith!
Roman Catholicism is bound to succeed while Protestants think that merely to live a good life is enough. It is not surprising that Roman Catholicism is sweeping through the countries and the nations.
Justification is by faith!
Roman teaching is that good works, meritorious works are possible in man, in sinful man; that man can contribute something to his own justification…
Need we be concerned about all of this [after Vatican II]? Ought we to be rejoicing that there is a new approach to Roman Catholicism?
Should we not all be rejoicing in the fact that it is possible for us all to stand together as Christians over and against Communism?
That is the question you have to face. For myself I do not hesitate about the answer. This system is altogether more dangerous than is Communism itself, because this is a counterfeit, this does it in the “name” of Christ…
No, the Protestant Reformers were not just bigoted zealots, they were not just fools. These men had their eyes opened by the Holy Spirit.
That is what happened to Luther, that is what happened to Calvin, that is what happened to Knox, that is what happened to all of them.
These men had their eyes opened, they saw it, they saw this horrible monstrosity depicted in the Bible in the warnings against it, and at the risk of even losing their lives they stood up and they protested. They said that it was not true.
So they began to assert justification by faith, the supreme, final, adequate authority of the Scriptures, the universal priesthood of all believers and so on. They were ready to die for those truths, and many did die for them! (Online source)
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: U.S. Constitutional Apostates

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: U.S. Constitutional Apostates


U.S. Constitutional Apostates

The apostate American Left of today holds the position that the Founding Fathers original intent for the Constitution was to be an “evolving” and “living” document to fit and conform to the hour and day which Americans are living in. America has devolved into a lawless, narcissistic, decadent, and immoral nation because of the ABANDONMENT of the ideals of our Founding Fathers. Therefore, the Left believes that the Constitution must also change due to the lawless practices of godlessness by many (including themselves), and the immoral decadence which exists must be accommodated by calling it "normal" and "constitutional." It doesn't matter how many people you can get to agree that 2 + 2 = 5, it is still wrong, no matter how many math scholars and college professors you can win to your side. Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not.

The Left believes that the Constitution must also change due to the lawless practices of godlessness by many (including themselves), and the immoral decadence which exists must be accommodated by calling it 'normal' and 'constitutional'.

My friends, nothing could be more damaging to a healthy society than holding this pluralistic and relative position. It is a damnable lie, and those who adhere to it will only reap the consequences of its poisonous fruit. Are we not as a nation beginning to reap a whirlwind (tornado) of calamities for abandoning our Founding Fathers’ timeless wisdom and accurate insights? The rhetorical answer is yes, we absolutely are.

These Constitutional apostates interpret the Constitution from a subjective, secular and lawless viewpoint based on their unbridled passions and emotionally dominant reasoning, which is contrary to theLaws of Nature and of Nature’s God. These subjective practitioners of lawlessness are quite easily offended when called into question about their anti-natural law positions to which they are completely enslaved. Have you ever noticed how quickly liberals and progressives get "hot under the collar" when challenged on their anti-Constitutional perspectives and lawless positions? They become enraged, spiteful and vindictive toward any who point out to them the error of their way.
The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviance and the promotion of licentious behavior as normal and natural. Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishing of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?
What is at the root of their liberal, progressive ideology and secular adherence to the anti-natural law position is their stark rejection of Almighty God and His moral absolutes instilled at the dawn of creation (Gen. 1:1-31). The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviance and the promotion of licentious behavior as normal and natural (Jude 1:10). Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for thepromotion and establishing of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior? These seek to make such vices legal and normal by the marketing of them, and demonize any who voice a sound, moral stance against them. From sodomy to pedophilia, from infidelity to abortion, from the redefining of marriage and family to the war against abstinence and sound moral teachings, to the removal of personal accountability and responsibilities of the father (and even seeking the elimination of fathers!), these are the advocates of deviancy and the destroyers of historic American culture and society.

Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not.
Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer fit this lawless, secular mold to a tee and are in total lock-step with their President’s totalitarian demands and ambitions. They are the perfect advocates for any who adhere to the lawless practices of the secular progressive American Left. Supreme Court Judges Sonia Sotomayor, Eleane Kagan,  Ruth Bader Ginsberg and  Stephen Breyer are the perfect constitutional apostates to promote the secularization of America and the removal of the fundamental mechanisms for maintaining the prosperity of American freedoms and liberties.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.


McCain: Obama Will Use 'Presidential Power to Downgrade' Missile Defense |

McCain: Obama Will Use 'Presidential Power to Downgrade' Missile Defense |

McCain: Obama Will Use 'Presidential Power to Downgrade' Missile Defense

( - Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says President’s Obama’s recent comments to Russian President Medvedev show the president intends to downgrade the importance of missile defense in Europe.
“What he means is that he will use his presidential power to downgrade the importance of missile defense, that’s what he means, that’s what the translation is,” McCain told
On Monday an open microphone picked up President Obama telling Russia’s leader that he would have more flexibility after the presidential election in November to deal with the difficult issue of missile defense.
“This is my last election,’’ Obama told the Russian President. “After my election, I have more flexibility.’’
McCain, the ranking Republican of the Senate Armed Services Committee is critical of President Obama’s comments, “It’s deeply alarming and disturbing to all of us that we show ‘flexibility’, we know what that means, we know what that means. That means he will back off existing American policy since Ronald Reagan.”
“I think they’re very revealing. I think those of us that are very committed to national security should be very concerned about stating one policy and then saying you’re going to be quote ‘flexible’ – does anybody believe flexible means that he’s going to increase his stance or strengthen his stance on missile defense? Of course not.”
Tensions over missile defense have strained relations between the United States and Russia in recent years.
Russia has been critical of a US-led NATO missile defense system in Europe. Russian officials are concerned the planned missile initiative will focus on Russia’s nuclear weapons.
The United States says the missile defense system is to counter threats from Iran.

Issa on Obama's Remarks to Medvedev: 'He's Going to Sell Out Our National Defense After the Election' |

Issa on Obama's Remarks to Medvedev: 'He's Going to Sell Out Our National Defense After the Election' |

Issa on Obama's Remarks to Medvedev: 'He's Going to Sell Out Our National Defense After the Election'

Obama and medvedev at Nuclear Summit
President Obama and Russian President Medvedev at summit. (AP photo)
( – House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Tuesday that “the American people should be very afraid” after hearing President Barack Obama’s accidentally recorded remarks to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday that after the election he would have more “flexibility” in dealing with the Russians.
"I judge that in fact he’s going to sell out our national defense after the election," said Issa.
At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, asked Issa about the president’s remarks  to Medvedev, which were inadvertantly picked up by a microphone and recorded. “Can I ask you about the President’s remarks to the Russian president yesterday?" asked "Does he mean he’s going to be making concessions to the Russians after the election?”
Issa responded: “Well clearly, the president has a plan to do after the election what he can’t or won’t do before the election. And he’s going to do it without ever being honest with the American people.”
“I think that’s clear,” said Issa. “Now, how much of a sell out of America’s security -- [Incoming Russian President Vladimir] Putin certainly is not on our side, doesn’t want what we want, has certainly proven to be a new generation dictator of Russia.”
“So, when he sends to the president [Medvedev] who’s about to leave office in favor of Putin coming back in and taking over officially, that we can work together to get what Putin wants, quite candidly the American people should be very afraid that any President who’s going to be flexible with Putin is going to be flexible with an enemy of America, an enemy of the West, an enemy of even delivery of oil and natural gas to people in need in the winter,” Issa said.
“Understand, it has been the Putin administration that has cut off the flow of natural gas in the winter to Eastern Europeans if they didn’t play ball with them," said Issa. "So, that’s the person that he’s quote, going to be ‘flexible’ with after the election.”
On Monday in Seoul, South Korea, President Obama thought he was speaking to Russian President Medvedev privately when live microphones caught his remarks ahead of a summit meeting on nuclear security.
“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space,” Obama said.  “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

“I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” Medvedev replied.
Obama attempted to clarify his remarks on Tuesday, saying he is not “hiding the ball” on his goal to reduce nuclear stockpiles.
“Arms control is extraordinarily complex, very technical, and the only way it gets done is if you can consult and build a strong understanding, both between countries and within countries,” he said. asked Issa if President Obama owes a better explanation of his remarks, and if Congress should look into it.
“A free press should be asking the questions and trying to get answers,” Issa said. “And if they can’t get answers as to what this really meant, and an honest answer and a full answer of the kind of disclosure that would occur afterwards, then quite candidly the voters will have to decide.”
“I personally don’t think that the statements like that of a president are the subject of my committee," said Issa. "I won’t be following up on it. I think that they’re available for the press to ask and for the American people to judge."
“I, as an American citizen, was already not voting for the president,” Issa said.
“But, you know, I judge that in fact he’s going to sell out our national defense after the election or something along that line, because I know Putin to be a man who, unlike what George W. Bush said, you cannot see into his soul or his heart," said Issa. "He has been a really awful person for countries around him and for America.  And right now he’s the only--he and the Chinese are standing with Bashar Assad as people in Syria are being murdered.”