Is Jesuit Pope Francis the Antichrist or the False Prophet?
This Blog deals with world and church trends and Bible prophecy so I would be remiss if I did not write something about the first Jesuit Pope ever to take the throne. Pope Francis now rules over half of what is called Christendom with its 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. This Pope will also have great influence with other world religious leaders and world governments.
I recently have already written on the supposed prophecy attributed to St. Malachy. The prophecy says that Peter the Roman will be the last Pope before Rome is destroyed and judgment comes on the world. This present Pope is the 112th Pope and last Pope on the Malachy list. I will not be rehashing that story here except to briefly mention that some have already found reasons to believe that Pope Francis fits the description of Peter the Roman.
The new Pope is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina. He is a son of Italian parents so some think that qualifies him as being a Roman. This Pope took on the name Francis after St. Francis of Assisi who some say was once named Francesco di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone. They see some significance in that. I do not. What the last Pope proponents see as more significant is that Pope Francis is a theological conservative Jesuit. They say that means that he will try to establish a one world religion under his own authority. For people to understand the implications I will get into some of what the Jesuits are about.
What I will be saying about the Jesuits is not a scholarly study on the Jesuit order, if you want scholarly research on the Jesuit order you can find plenty of material for that study on the Internet along with probable misinformation. For example, Brannon Howse is now offering a $19.95 four hour CD on the Jesuits (as of this writing it is free to those that are members of his situation room). Understanding the Times also has a good free article named The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical Protestant Church.
There are countless articles written on the Jesuits but to separate fact from fiction takes real scholarship. I do not have a clue if they actually say the gruesome oaths that have been attributed to them and that are all over the Internet. There are also articles debunking these oaths. So who really knows about what goes on in highly secretive societies?
I think it is safe to say that only the very brightest priests are allowed into the Jesuit order and the primary mission of Jesuits is to counter the protestant reformation and bring the whole world under the Pope’s authority and establish a world church on earth.
The Jesuits have been working toward that end since the mid 1500′s. Jesuits do take oaths of obedience to the Pope and they take oaths to oppose those that are opposing the Roman Church agenda. They intend to bring about a counter-reformation through any means necessary. They very much are the secret police of the Pope and have taken oaths to follow any orders from the Pope without question. The brightest of them even act as secret undercover agents. You likely will never find out that some very high up figures in government, science, religion, corporations and economics have sworn allegiance to the Jesuit order and its agenda.
The Jesuits have a vast network of teaching centers all over the world. They also infiltrate Protestant higher education institutions in order to subvert Protestant beliefs. You name an intellectual movement in mainline seminaries that turned Protestant pastors into liberals and the Jesuits were probably behind it.
The Jesuits were behind the Higher Criticism agenda used to get students to doubt the infallibility of the written word. The Jesuits talked about establishing social justice before Karl Marx even picked up on it. They played a role in Liberation Theology. They founded heretical Preterist Theology. The Jesuits probably even started Masonry and the New Age movement and have played a role in the mysticism within Eastern religions. The Jesuits run a number of observatories and will probably be the first to announce some extraterrestrial contact for some future deception. Jesuits are much of the mystery in Mystery Babylon.
Today, the Jesuits are having great influence in once Evangelical theological seminaries and Bible colleges thanks to the influence they had on Peter Drucker, Richard Foster, C. Peter Wagner and many others. Many of the top leaders in the evangelical movement are now dismissing doctrine and promoting mysticism implanted by Jesuits. That is why spiritual formation techniques with contemplative prayer is now the rage among the New Evangelicals.
The end agenda of the Jesuits is to have a one world ecumenical system that is under the control of the Pope. There is good reason to believe that the Jesuits are behind globalist organizations and ideologies. Those that think world events are being orchestrated by a Masonic conspiracy probably should be looking a layer deeper for the Jesuit connection.
With that background given, let me get back to Pope Francis. As a Jesuit, this Pope is not about to modernize his church to conform to the world or to compromise with real Bible believers. If anything, under his leadership, the Catholic Church will become more mystical and will harp on a gospel of social justice and ecumenical dominionism led by the Vatican.
Pope Francis has already appealed and prayed to Mary since he was elected. He soon could officially make her Co-Redemptrix. That means that she is playing an on-going roll with Jesus to bring about the salvation of the world. That heretical doctrine from this Pope would be appropriate infallible Bull for deception (pun intended).
In any case, I have no doubt that Mary apparitions are going to play an increasing role to help sway people toward their ecumenical end. Expect to hear much more about mystical experiences all over the world and expect to hear messages that have a humanistic gospel of social justice and good works in all messages coming from this church or related demonic apparitions. The social justice theme will play into the United Nations socialist agenda and that plays into the Jesuit agenda of a world theocracy under the Pope.
Rick Warren announced to his followers that he was thrilled with the announcement of his new Jesuit Papa, and why not? With Warren being a member of the CFR and on the board of directors of Tony Blair’s interfaith foundation they are working toward the same ecumenical and globalist end. Many Baptists and other Evangelicals need to take their blinders off about Rick Warren and the Creekers should do likewise with Bill Hybells. Both are highly influenced by Jesuits.
Since the reformation and until more recent Dispensation Theology, most Protestants historically believed that the Pope was the Antichrist. They really had good reason to believe this. The message coming out of the Vatican pays lip service to Christ but their overall message is antichrist. The Roman Church does not believe salvation comes through grace through faith in what Jesus did alone on the cross to pay for all sin.
They add that salvation can only be achieved through obedience to their church and salvation is only possible for those dying without mortal sin. That means that Christians have to stay obedient to the Vatican and stay out of mortal sin or confessed up to a Roman Catholic priest for any chance to escape Hell.
The Catholic Church has decreed many anathemas against Protestants unless they return to being under the authority of the Pope. These damnations can not be rescinded because Popes are infallible. So don’t let people tell you that Roman Catholicism is just another Christian denomination that Christians should unify with so that we can all be one.
Their gospel of works and submission to their Pope will only lead people to Hell. They teach there is no salvation for anyone outside of Roman Catholicism. So don’t think the Roman Church looks at you like brethren. All they want is to put your soul in bondage to their church. Misery loves company.
It really is crazy because most Catholics are living in mortal sin according to their own church doctrine. Those that die in mortal sin go to Hell according to their own doctrine. Therefore, Catholics know that their sins will send them to Hell but they do not care enough to obey their church doctrine. Yet, they still want to identify with Roman Catholicism even through they know they will be going to Hell because they do not obey their infallible decrees?? Who knows, they may get lucky and die in front of a priest and get their mortal sins absolved. Such is the eternal hope of Catholics that actually know Roman Catholic doctrine. Most Roman Catholics do not even know what the Roman church teaches and hardly attend any church functions at all but yet they still like to identify themselves as Roman Catholics and love to idolize priests and the Pope as holy men.
The illogical rational of religious minds just proves man’s total depravity. Roman Catholicism is a perfect example of the clerical blinded leading the lay blind into the pit. And the Jesuits mission is to bind the whole world under the black light of mysticism. No wonder the world turns against the religious Harlot and burns her with fire when some charismatic figure appears on the scene debunking the religious doctrines that held them in bondage.
So, will this Pope turn out to be the Antichrist or False Prophet like some believe? Actually, any Pope is already an antichrist and a false prophet. It goes with the job description. However, if we are talking about the Beast/Antichrist who is also the Son of Perdition that comes out of the pit and his false prophet. I doubt it. This Pope is probably just another imposter.
Maybe as we get further into the reign of this Jesuit Pope while watching him try to lead everyone back to Rome we will see things more clearly. This pope is 76 years old, maybe if this Pope can live another 15-20 years he will turn out to be the last Pope because the real Antichrist and False Prophet will be due on the scene about that time IMHO.
I actually wrote this article to hear what you people think about all this because thanks to the latest Horn conjectures, it appears that this topic is going to be all over Bible Prophecy sites for the next couple of years. If people Google this topic they might as well get the views of the best biblical thinkers. That is where some of you come in.
Under aberrant/heretical teaching, Beast/Antichrist, Global government/Beast government, Mystery Babylon, The Church | Taged Antichrist, Beast, bible prophecy, Dominion Theology, False Prophet, food for thought, Globalism, heresy,perspectives, Rick Warren, social gospel, trends
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