Democide: How many people will government kill this year?
Melissa Melton
January 4, 2012
January 4, 2012
In the 20th century, the greatest unnatural killer of human beings was not plague, cancer, or accidents. It was democide: death by government.
Governments murdered more people in the last 100-plus years than any other killer in existence on record. Statistics vary between 250 and 300 million dead depending on the source, but these counts typically only include civilian casualties and are underestimated. With military deaths added, the numbers soar much, much higher.
As illustrated in Alex Jones’ “New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen” (below), here are just a few countries that have slaughtered millions in the past century:
China (PRC) (1949 – 1987) — 76,702,000 people killed.USSR (1917 – 1987 ) — 61,911,000 people killed.Western Colonialism (combined) — 50,000,000 people killed.Hitler’s Germany (1933 – 1945) — 20,946,000 people killed, including their own population.Japan (1936 – 1945) — 5,964,000 people killed.Pol Pot’s Cambodia (1975 – 1979) — 2,035,000 people killed. Pol Pot was funded by U.S. government.
The death toll is so big, the horrifying devastation is hard to fathom. The list of serial killing governments goes on and on. For more statistics on governments murdering their citizenry, visit the University of Hawaii’s democide webpage.
What did many of these slain people have in common? They were disarmed. In many cases, bans on firearm possession left the majority of guns in the hands of a state who then turned its weapons against its own people.
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao all banned private gun ownership. As the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) points out, “When the civilians are defenseless and their government goes bad [...] thousands and millions of innocents die.” JPFO has made two videos underscoring the gun control agenda targeting vulnerable groups, then enslaving and murdering them following disarmament (see here and here).
How many of those people probably thought to themselves it would never happen there or to them and their families? But it did.
For a rundown of how gun control — or the idea that government controls all the guns while the people are disarmed and helpless against it — visit the JPFO website.
The 2nd Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The phrase “shall not be infringed” is as straight forward as it gets. The reason this Amendment was written had nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with protecting ourselves from a tyrannical, out of control government and its standing army.
In the wake of the tragic Connecticut school massacre, we have witnessed an all out war on our 2nd Amendment rights, culminating in Senator Dianne Feinstein calling for draconian anti-gun legislation whichObama says he will put his “full weight” behind.
These laws would not have stopped the Sandy Hook massacre, considering the guns were stolen, used in what was supposed to be a gun-free zone which was first broken into, and Connecticut already had an assault weapons ban in place.
Yet, this tragedy is being used as a pretext to confiscate our guns and subvert our 2nd Amendment. History has shown that disarming citizens is tantamount to democide.
History is repeating itself.
Recently, a video called “Demand a Plan” featured celebrities hypocritically calling for the state to disarm the American people. This piece of anti-gun propaganda was produced by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, co-chaired by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. As Infowars has reported, gun-grabberBloomberg exploited the Aurora theater shooting to fit his disarmament agenda, and he has now openly demanded Obama sidestep Congress and the Constitution to dilute our 2nd Amendment rights because of the Sandy Hook shooting.
A listener posted a response video pointing out the hypocrisy of these same stars getting paid big money to play movie roles where they blow people away with guns all the time.
We at Infowars decided to make our own video — “Demand a Real Plan”:
Here is a special update from Alex Jones announcing a new $5,000 “Demand a Real Plan” video contest:
(Stay tuned to for rules and more details.)
To keep the 2nd Amendment demonization campaign going, the White House has even posted a webpage for people to “Share Your Thoughts on Reducing Gun Violence” following the Connecticut shooting.
Why not share with them what history shows always seems to happen when citizens are disarmed by their governments?
We have to act to protect our rights now. Contact your local Congresspeople today and tell them to uphold the Constitution and protect our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms!
U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
So remember, when Bloomberg trots out a bunch of hypocritical celebrities in a trendy public service announcement to tell you to give up your guns, first ask yourself this: How many people will government kill this century? This year?
Do you want to let the monster under your bed render you helpless before it eats you?
“Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn’t.” — Ben Franklin“That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms…” — Samuel Adams“To disarm the people is the most effective way to enslave them.” — George Mason
This article was posted: Friday, January 4, 2013 at 7:07 am
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