Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pastor Robert Jeffress: Pope “a humble Christ follower. We can all learn from him.” | My Word Like Fire

Pastor Robert Jeffress: Pope “a humble Christ follower. We can all learn from him.” | My Word Like Fire

Pastor Robert Jeffress: Pope “a humble Christ follower. We can all learn from him.”

Robert Jeffress has defended the biblical faith for decades. What is going on here?
3:44 in video: Pastor Jeffress states, “I have great respect for Pope Francis. He’s a humble Christ follower. We can all learn from him.” 
7:00 in video: According to Pastor Jeffress, “As this world becomes increasingly darker I find myself having much more in common with my Catholic friends than I even do with liberal Baptists because the fact is we are fighting together against a common enemy, the kingdom of darkness.” 
Contrast that with these 2011 comments from Pastor Jeffress about the origins of Catholicism.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Amen, Martin. I am just having a hard time accepting that Jeffress said this, even though I can hear it with my own ears. I am hoping for an explanation but I just don’t know what could explain this.
  2. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church with masses in Latin, confession, and the whole package. Anyone who thinks that it is just another denomination in the Christian church needs to be brave enough to read the book “Two Babylons” by Hislop. There are lots of nice, moral, loving people that are deceived by the devil twisting the word of God and adding tons of man-made traditions.
  3. Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor…
  4. Lyn, I added to the article. Here is where Jeffress is very bold in describing the origins of Catholicism.
  5. Yes, I had read about her unbiblical beliefs. She is receiving much praise and support from Christians, including Huckabee. I use the term ‘Christians’ very loosely. In any case, her meeting with the pope says much, and her receiving an idolatrous trinket from him is equally telling.
  6. Kim Davis is a Oneness Pentecostal, which you probably already knew. Thank you for this link, I am going to check it out now.
  7. It’s all happening so fast isn’t it? I also read where Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who’s been in the news as of late met with the pope and prayed with him, she also accepted a rosary from this Jesuit snake! This is very informative concerning the dangers of the rituals of the RCC –
    Is it any wonder when the disciples asked what would be the sign of His coming and of the end of the age, the FIRST response from our Lord was ‘take heed that no man deceive you’?
    Blessings to you brother,
  8. I don’t have an answer but I’ll definitely be contemplating and considering the “why” question.
  9. I just don’t get it. How can this be?
  10. Very sad indeed to see Pastor Jeffress succumb to the papist spell 😔

A Chinese aircraft carrier docks at Tartus, Syria to support Russian-Iranian military buildup | JEWSNEWS

A Chinese aircraft carrier docks at Tartus, Syria to support Russian-Iranian military buildup | JEWSNEWS

A Chinese aircraft carrier docks at Tartus, Syria to support Russian-Iranian military buildup

As US President Barack Obama welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping to the White House on Friday, Sept. 25, and spoke of the friendship between the two countries, the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning-CV-16 docked at the Syrian port of Tartus, accompanied by a guided missile cruiser. This is revealed exclusively byDEBKAfile.
Beijing is not finding it hard to dance at two weddings, wooing the US for better relations, while at the same time backing Russia in its military intervention in Syria. Coupled with the warm smiles and handshakes exchanged at the lavish reception on the White House lawn, Beijing was clearly bent on showing muscle – not just in the South China Sea, but by allying itself with the Russian-Iranian political and military buildup in support of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his regime.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Chinese aircraft carrier passed through the Suez Canal on Sept. 22, one day after the summit in Moscow between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
When they talked, Putin made no mention of the Chinese warship entering the eastern Mediterranean or its destination. Its arrival has upended the entire strategic situation surrounding the Syrian conflict, adding a new global dimension to Moscow and Tehran’s military support for Assad.
This was grasped at length by US Secretary of State John Kerry. On Sept. 25, he sent Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, who also led the US negotiating team for the nuclear talks with Iran, to announce that the Obama administration is ready for dialogue with Iran about the situation in Syria, and this topic would be raised when Kerry’s met Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammad Jawad Zarif in New York on Sept. 26.

Obama's New Combat Patch For U.S. Troops Fighting ISIS Has The Military In An UPROAR

Obama's New Combat Patch For U.S. Troops Fighting ISIS Has The Military In An UPROAR

Obama’s New Combat Patch For U.S. Troops Fighting ISIS Has The Military In An UPROAR


Believe it or not, American soldiers fighting against ISIS in Syria and Iraq will actually be wearing the emblem of ISIS – the infamous crossed-swords logo. Well, almost.

Controversy has stirred because many think the patch looks too much like our boys are fighting for the enemy… just another sign of confusion about the counterproductive Obama-led war against the notorious and shamefully exploitative jihadist army.
The Military Times noted that:
“A combat patch worn by U.S. soldiers who served in Iraq on the mission against Islamic State is drawing flak from service members and veterans who say the patch — with its palm wreath, stars and crossed scimitars — looks like something the enemy would wear.”
Sites like JihadWatch are arguing that the:
“new U.S. Army patch for fight against the Islamic State closely resembles Muslim Brotherhood logo.”
But this patch has no resemblance to U.S. Army patches of the past, which featured the American eagle and other recognizably American imagery, not the two swords of the Muslim Brotherhood.
While the Islamic State is using barbaric tactics to remake the Middle East closer to its own vision of a Caliphate, the United States and its allies also seek to remake the Middle East, and use the  specter of terrorism to aid in regime change in Syria and elsewhere.
The triangulation and cross-purposes are both confusing and aggravating to many Americans.
According to USA Today:
Soldiers in Iraq will soon have a new shoulder sleeve patch to signify their service in the fight against the Islamic State.
All told, there are about 3,335 troops in the region training Iraqi troops, providing security and conducing bombing missions on Islamic State targets in Iraq and neighboring Syria.
The Army’s patch features crossed scimitars, a palm wreath and stars. The scimitars, short swords with curved blades, are meant to symbolize the twin goals of the U.S.-led coalition: to defeat the Islamic State, also referred to as ISIL, and to restore stability in the region, according to Army documents.
Arguably the “twin goals” of Operation Inherent Resolve – better known as the fight against ISIS / ISIL – is fitting with the War on Terrorism in general which always, like a double sword, cut both ways. Symbolically, the double sword cuts both ways, and plays of opposite goals, and embraces conflict, which creates chaos, and begs for a savior and a solution.
But the U.S. has, in fact, created and breathed life into the TV villain known as ISIS. From. the. beginning.
The naked hypocrisy of the U.S. effort to fight ISIS is that the West has been building up and unleashing terrorism upon the Middle East region in order to facilitate chaos and regime change – and give the United States a pretext for stationing troops there, funding budget and spewing rhetoric across the media.
President Bashar al-Assad himself recently called out the United States and other Western allies for actually fostering terrorism – and providing arms, funding, training and soldiers for ISIS and other groups. Assad stated bluntly:
But as for Western cooperation with the al-Nusra Front, this is reality, because we know that Turkey supports al-Nusra and ISIS by providing them with arms, money and terrorist volunteers. And it is well-known that Turkey has close relations with the West. Erdogan and Davutoglu cannot make a single move without coordinating first with the United States and other Western countries.
Al-Nusra and ISIS operate with such a force in the region under Western cover, because Western states have always believed that terrorism is a card they can pull from their pocket and use from time to time. Now, they want to use al-Nusra just against ISIS, maybe because ISIS is out of control one way or another. But that doesn’t mean they want to eradicate ISIS. Had they wanted to do so, they would have been able to do that.
Meanwhile, Putin put in a “call” at the global poker table, vowing to take on ISIS and defend Assad with its own fighter jets, tanks and military equipment.
In a taunting and vexing spin on the United States’ own mission in the Middle East, Putin invited the West to join hands and eradicate ISIS once and for all, as SHTF recently reported.
Moscow, realizing that instead of undertaking an earnest effort to fight terror in Syria, the US had simply adopted a containment strategy for ISIS while holding the group up to the public as the boogeyman par excellence,publicly invited Washington to join Russia in a once-and-for-all push to wipe Islamic State from the face of the earth.
Of course The Kremlin knew the US wanted no such thing until Assad was gone, but by extending the invitation, Putin had literally called Washington’s bluff, forcing The White House to either admit that this isn’t about ISIS at all, or else join Russia in fighting them. The genius of that move is that if Washington does indeed coordinate its efforts to fight ISIS with Moscow, the US will be fighting to stabilize the very regime it sought to oust. 
But Putin won’t be holding his breath. Neither should we.
Should we view the patch as a U.S. “resolve” to stop ISIS, or as part of the “inherent” contradiction that serves the larger purpose of terrorism and U.S. foreign policy at the expense of U.S. troops, U.S. taxpayer money and U.S. sovereignty?
And is WWIII near when the U.S. and Russia lock heads so pointedly as they are right now? And who is the real enemy?


Live Action

Wow must see!!!!
Live Action
Pro-abortion lawmakers and the President are determined to fund Planned Parenthood at all costs - even if it means shutting down the government. Why?
Live Action President Lila Rose breaks this down on the Glenn Beck Program.

Media BLACKOUT on MASSIVE PROTESTS Against Muslim Migrant Invasion of Europe | Pamela Geller

Media BLACKOUT on MASSIVE PROTESTS Against Muslim Migrant Invasion of Europe | Pamela Geller

Media BLACKOUT on MASSIVE PROTESTS Against Muslim Migrant Invasion of Europe

ByPAMELA GELLER on September 30, 2015
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Here is another groundbreaking news story the media won’t report. Tens of thousands in Dresden protested against the Muslim invasion of Europe.
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There is a virtual media blackout on these demos. Upwards of 20,000 people gathered on Monday to protest against the “Islamization of the West” and the current invasion of Europe.
This rally on Monday took place in Germany. Chancellor Merkel has said Germany will accept 1,000,000 migrants.
You will see more of this. As the EU and political elites continue to pursue the demise of Europe, I predict civil war.

US failing to stop most people trying to join ISIS, report finds | Fox News

US failing to stop most people trying to join ISIS, report finds | Fox News

US failing to stop most people trying to join ISIS, report finds

Report says US not stopping Americans from joining ISIS
A congressional study released Tuesday said the Obama administration has largely failed to stop more than 250 Americans who have traveled overseas since 2011 to join -- or try to join -- terror groups including the Islamic State, describing the flow of fighters as the largest global convergence of jihadists in history. 
Republicans and Democrats on the House Homeland Security Committee conducted an extensive six-month review to assess the severity of the threat from those leaving home to join jihadist groups and to identify potential security gaps. 
"It is clear that our nation faces a grave and growing threat from foreign fighters," Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said in a statement. "Sadly, global efforts have failed to stop the flow of these aspiring jihadists into Syria, and we have already seen 'returnees' from the conflict zone come home to America and Europe and plot acts of terror. Even more, those still on the battlefield are radicalizing their peers online and inciting them to launch homegrown attacks." 
According to the final report, of the hundreds of Americans who have sought to travel to Syria and Iraq, authorities have only interdicted a fraction of them. 
"As horrible as attacks like the Chattanooga shooting were, we've been incredibly lucky," National Security Analyst for the Clarion Project Professor Ryan Mauro told Fox News. "But our luck is bound to run out." 
The report also reflects on the 10,000 foreign fighters that battled the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s, contributing to the rise of Al Qaeda. Today, more than 25,000 have joined jihadists in Iraq and Syria. 
"If the fighting in Afghanistan brought us 9/11, it's frightening to think what the fighting in Syria and Iraq will bring us," Mauro said. 
The report also said the Obama administration lacked a strategy to identify all who try to return to commit terror attacks, saying: "Several dozen have also managed to make it back into America." It noted that several people were identified and arrested this year trying to return to the United States. 
Key findings in the report are: 
  • "Despite concerted efforts to stem the flow, we have largely failed to stop Americans from traveling overseas to join jihadists. Of the hundreds of Americans who have sought to travel to the conflict zone in Syria and Iraq, authorities have only interdicted a fraction of them." 
  • "The U.S. government lacks a national strategy for combating terrorist travel and has not produced one in nearly a decade." 
  • "Gaping security weaknesses overseas-especially in Europe-are putting the U.S. homeland in danger by making it easier for aspiring foreign fighters to migrate to terrorist hotspots and for jihadists to return to the West." 
"The Task Force's report was done in a bipartisan manner and provides bipartisan proposals," said Democratic Lead, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif. "These are real threats, requiring real solutions and commitments. Moving forward, it is critical that we continue to tackle this problem together in order to facilitate action and progress." 
Fox News' Brooke Singman and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Police Chief Forced to Do THIS After Calling Out #BlackLivesMatter on Social Media - The Political Insider

Police Chief Forced to Do THIS After Calling Out #BlackLivesMatter on Social Media - The Political Insider

After Calling Out #BlackLivesMatter on Social Media

I’ve always valued police officers and the job they do on a daily basis so when I say I feel sorry for this police chief and what happened to him for speaking his mind, you will understand what I mean.
The town council in Surf City, N.C., approved the retirement of Police Chief Mike Halstead during an emergency meeting Tuesday. Halstead is white and had planned to retire this year, but he was forced to retire immediately or be terminated. The town approved the retirement following a Sept. 3 Facebook post by Halstead, according to WNCN.
Halstead placed blame for the recent killings of police officers across the country on the media’s coverage of police shootings of civilians.
In a 662-word “open letter from a police chief” on Sept. 3, Halstead wrote that “this Black Lives Matter group is nothing more than an American-born terrorist group brought on by the lie of the hands up, don’t shoot during the criminal thug Michael Brown incident.”
Halstead removed the post, which was on his personal account, this week. Here is the original post from the chief:
Open letter from a Police Chief , this Black Lives Matter group is nothing more than an American born terrorist group brought on by the lie of the hands up don’t shoot during the criminal thug Michael Brown incident. The FBI and other Government Law Enforcement groups need to step up and put a stop to this. The Government and blacks would not tolerate the White Supremacist group to march through the streets and call for the murders of a race of people and a group of public servants. I agree there is a race problem in this country. It is not brought on by police officer doing their sworn duty, it is brought on by the government, the President and his cronies Al Sharpton, who is a criminal tax evader (but has the support of our so called President), Jessi Jackson, Eric Holder and that ignorant S.O.B. Farrakhan who should be charged with solicitation for murder, lord knows a white man would be arrested for the same actions of idiot Farakhan. I am sure there are many hard working Black people who will agree with me.
I have been a Police Officer for 35 years. I do not judge anyone by the color of their skin, but by there actions. A criminal is a criminal whether a police officer or any other profession. I will not state statistics because black lives matter do not care or believe proven statistics. I put allot of the blame for these cop murders on the media and the way they report police related shootings. There is no need to list or even state the race of a person shot by the police. It is more important to wait for the facts and report those. But and a big but that does not make money for these greedy media ass holes. When a black thug is killed by the police they are all over it as is Mr. Barack Obama. However when a police officer white, black or any race is murdered for doing his job the media is short with it’s reporting or not at all. When a white person is killed by a black officer you hear nothing. Has our so called President spoke publicly about these murders of police officers by blacks, HELL NO he has not. Step up Mr. President, or step down because we do not need you. Has our Attorney General spoke against these murders, no of course not because she was appointed by Barack Obama. Now let me say this, and this is not a threat but common knowledge.
I have instructed my officers to be vigilant, if threatened take appropriate action. If that means shoot a thug, then do it and answer for it while you are still alive not dead. Law Enforcement is fed up with this murderous society who want to take out those who protect and serve. Imagine if all law enforcement shut down for just 1 day. There would be murders, rapes, robberies, you name it. America wake up, all of you black, white, Mexican whatever you need the police, we do not need you. End this Black Lives Matter bull shit and start a movement that all lives matter. As for the New Black Panther movement who wants to kill whites and cops, go for it, we are ready for you. You take one of us and there will be 100 who will step up and end you. This letter is not meant to offend anyone, just the feelings of a man who has spent the last 35 years of his life serving and protecting, for what so a thug can take it or to be treated as a criminal by the very people I swore to protect. Let’s get this around folks so maybe our President and the media will get a wake up call. Be safe all of my Brothers and Sisters in blue, not white, black, yellow or brown BLUE.
The TV news media has been giving the “Black Lives Matter” organizers some kind of legitimacy while not reporting on their outrageous protest demonstrations, outrageous statements, and inflammatory language.
The TV news media does not name the names of the “Black Lives Matter” organizers because a very quick Google internet search would produce lots of articles and videos of their outrageously offensive protests. If the TV news media showed the “Black Lives Matter” organizers defecating and burning American flags, they would not have the legitimacy the TV news media has anointed them with.
I hope this former police chief sues this city for as much as he can get. He spoke the truth and I agree with his breakdown. What do you think about this story and the chief’s statement? Share your thoughts in our comment section below and add this to your Twitter/Facebook timeline for discussion.

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BREAKING: Obama to Bypass Congress, Push to 'Internationalize' Internet : #patriotupdate @patriotupdate

BREAKING: Obama to Bypass Congress, Push to 'Internationalize' Internet : #patriotupdate @patriotupdate

The GAO will delay and distract while they are looking for a way around the Constitution and maybe, just maybe they will come up with some emergency that would justify them handing the US-founded and based Internet over to globalists. Maybe they’ll redefine it as a treaty, which still has to get Congressional approval by the way. Count on the GAO trying to find some way by next summer to hand over the Internet to foreign entities before Obama leaves office. It won’t happen if Ted Cruz gets his way and he’s working on this unconstitutional theft of intellectual and structural property. Cruz is right – this is absolutely an unconstitutional move that aims to bypass Congress once again.
From the Washington Examiner:
President Obama’s plan to “internationalize” the Internet may be unconstitutional, key members of Congress are claiming.
The group of lawmakers sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office last week, saying the plan to relinquish oversight of Internet domain name functions to a global, multi-stakeholder body raised questions about the administration’s “authority to transfer possession and control of critical components of the Internet’s infrastructure to a third party.”
The letter was signed by the chairmen of both congressional judiciary committees, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va; presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. Issa is also a former chairman of the House Oversight Committee.
The lawmakers point out that the Constitution says “Congress has the exclusive power ‘to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States.'”
The Internet’s root zone file was developed by a grant from the United States, and since 1997, it has been operated by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration under contract with the Department of Commerce. The department had planned to transfer its management rights to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, an international agency, by this Wednesday, but announced this summer that the date would be postponed until roughly June 30 next year.
In their letter, the lawmakers asked the GAO whether transferring ownership of the Internet domain name functions would cause government property to be transferred to ICANN, whether the root zone file constituted U.S. property, and whether it was constitutional for that property to be transferred to any non-federal entity.
The lawmakers did not provide a deadline for answers, saying that the GAO would need to “conduct both significant audit work and complex legal analysis” in order to respond.
Notice how a small number of patriots are constantly the only ones thwarting the dictatorial and unconstitutional moves of Barack Obama. Ted Cruz is hated by the Washington Cartel because he is honest, ethical and does the right thing. He’s not afraid to take the fight to the corruptocrats and duke it out with them. Some say that Cruz can’t get anything done and says things that are akin to falsehoods and can’t be accomplished. That’s not true. Virtually everything Cruz has proposed can be done and is constitutional. The fact that he is feared and hated is one of the things that qualifies him for the presidency. The Internet must stay under US control. We dare not let dictators and despots gain control of the largest communications and commerce engine in the world. Obama knows his time is running short and wants that power in the hands of the globalists at all costs. Ted Cruz is the man who will stop him.