BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive
BLM has no respect to citizens and property when starting fires for "land management" and burn animals alive. Fire video starts at 3:10 and you can see cattle that are burnt and suffering.
Gavin Seim
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is showing they have no rules to follow and no regard for either animal or human life, in the video the BLM is burning the land around Prince Glenn, Oregon, and telling ranchers and farmers to stand down and if they attempt to stop the fire they will be arrested.
Meanwhile in the video, Oregon land owners, neighbors and citizens try to scramble to save their belongings and the life of their cattle. Folks can see these cows burned alive while the BLM federal workers start more fires in the background, including one while the film is rolling. Clearly, the BLM is not putting out the fire they are starting them and you can see the government worker suited up. This unsupervised incident charred a ranchers home and burnt his cattle alive in their corral, not to mention the danger to the land owners themselves. Another rancher lost 11 cattle trapped in their corrals during the night.
BLM burns land and cattle. (Fire starts at 3:20) The video was taken in July and on on Jan. 4, Oregon citizens began protesting by occupying the Mulheur National Wildlife Refuge to have their voices heard by the people and others in the government. They are receiving support of many in the nation.
These residents are terrorized by U.S. government officials and threatened if they try to stop the fires. Clearly, their is corruption and the Feds are taking an "in your face" approach daring folks to do anything to stop them. This is one of the reasons the citizens and neighbors of the Hammond's marched to the Malheur County court house in Burns, Oregon, about 280 miles from Portland, to protest against the government corruption and destruction of life and property the people and their livestock are suffering in the area.
In July just days after the Hammond family were re-sentenced for arson the government starts burning the land. The Hammond fire was a regular backfire that got out of control and the BLM charged them as "Arsonal Terrorists" because it spread onto BLM lands. The government wants the Hammond properties and will do anything to get it.
The twist is the BLM starts burning the same lands unsupervised days later in July without fire safety procedures to protect the life and property of residents. This is right after the Hammond's were re-sentenced and the film is video proof of what the BLM government officials are doing. The other residents voices are going unheard as well and the stand off has occurred as a last ditch effort to get the local community members and the nation to believe what they are saying is happening to their home and property.
While these citizens are labeled militia and patriots and painted in a bad light across the world, many opinions on what is really happening has arisen. The video, however, doesn't lie. These are not crazed, mad men who are talking on the video they are every day citizens wanting the madness of our government to stop.
How can citizens prepare against corruption within the government?
- Write politicians to let them know what is going on and that you will not support their campaign if they do not stand for the citizens.
- Write local news Letters to the Editor and let neighbors and citizens know what is happening in the area.
- Meet with the press and show them what is happening they might not get the true version out but they certainly will get the wheels rolling and proof that something is going on.
- Join together and protest peacefully.
How to help Dwight and Steven Hammond?
- Tell the Department of Justice: Don't brand hardworking ranchers as terrorists. End this cruel and unusual punishment. It's unjust, unfair and un-American.
- Write your congressmen and Oregon governor and ask for them to be released due to this unlawful re-sentencing.
- Sign the Oregon Farm Bureau's petition to Save the Hammond's.
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