Sunday, June 10, 2012

Obamacare in step with the Declaration of Independence?

Obamacare in step with the Declaration of Independence?
Lately, Nancy Pelosi has been making one claim after another concerning Obamacare.  If you can remember earlier last month, she claimed that the bill was ‘ironclad’, that it would pass ’6-3′, and that it would pass for being very constitutional.  However, one thing is true of all professional liars, when push comes to shove, the lies just get more desperate.  For instance, her latest statement would have almost anyone in the US who knows anything about our founding documents either groaning in pain or rolling on the floor laughing.
The Affordable Care Act is “about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the American people,” Pelosi told reporters on Capitol Hill. She said it “unlocks” them from a job to pursue happiness without the threat of losing their health insurance.”
The article continues, saying,
Pelosi blamed the health care reform law’s poor public support on opponents who have misrepresented the legislation.
“I’m very proud of the Affordable Care Act. I think the understanding of it has been jeopardized by misrepresentations that have been out there relentlessly,” she told reporters when asked about Thursday’s CBS/New York Times poll.”
Again, we would have to say that Nancy must know something that we don’t know about our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  Of course, how exactly was this bill ‘misrepresented’ when she, herself, said those infamous words, “we have to pass the bill, so you can find out what’s in it,”?
The other problem is that when two-thirds of Americans would have the Affordable Care Act thrown out, or at least altered beyond recognition, and she is fighting the intent of the Constitution…this is what is known as an ‘uphill battle’.  The report states:
The poll found that more than two-thirds of Americans want the Supreme Court to overturn part or all of the Affordable Care Act, while just 24 percent want the court to “keep the entire health care law in place.” According to the poll, 41 percent of respondents said the court should strike down the entire law and 27 percent want the court to overturn just the individual mandate.”
It is becoming painfully obvious that she is completely out of touch with her job, and she is out of touch with the voters.  She doesn’t know what’s in this bill, the Supreme Court doesn’t know what’s in this bill, and the American people don’t know what’s in this bill.  By the same token, we’re convinced that she has no clue what’s in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence either (except for what she could find on Wikipedia before she made the statement).

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