Why? Because in spite of the arrogant snobbery of many Canadians large numbers of us realize that the US has been the bulwark which holds much of the world's evil in check and in many cases, check mate. Pay close attention to the drama unfolding in the Middle East, especially when comparing the American battle ships to the Iranian ones and you soon realize the scope of contrast between the two. Why, the mere lowering of an American anchor would be enough, I dare say, to crush the largest of the Persian fleet.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud "Canuck"; proud of our culture and history of rugged individualism. Proud of our landscape as I drive the Trans Canada Hi way. Proud of our inventiveness and proud of our diversity. But I am also proud of our intelligence, insight, and ability to foster healthy and respectful as well as respected relationships with other nations.
There is no shame in admitting that, for the sake of embracing the reality of global tension and conflict, we have had an outstanding relationship with a protector; almost a kind of body guard if you will. There are many who could not say this. Israel, for example, is literally surrounded on all sides by enemies who have tried to wipe her out and will likely do so again. South Korea would be over run by the North if they dropped their guard by only a little.
Yet being the neighbor to the world's only super power has afforded Canadians a luxurious lifestyle. Eighty percent of the population lives withing one hundred miles of the border because Americans buy our stuff. If the USA folds up Canadians do as well. As a small business man I have known the intimate relationship we have with the US economy. Sure, attempts are being made to decouple from it but honestly, even if Canada does broker a deal with China or anyone else, where do the Asians get their prosperity from if not from the US? If Americans aren't buying Chinese-made goods then they fold up as well.
So with that brief opining on the reasons for a Canadian endorsement interest in American elections let's take a look at the candidates; four of them at least. Ron Paul has no shortage of passionate supporters. Yet he has expressed certain isolationist leanings. Is this the best scenario for Canada? If N. Korea decides to launch an offensive against Canadian shores via long-range missiles (or whatever) could we count on Ron Paul's administration to help out? According to him we ought to be self-sufficient. We, along with Israel, should be able to defend ourselves. In fact there is video documentation of Ron Paul defending Iran's right to possess nuclear weapons. Israel could not count on the US under Ron Paul to defend her and it is in the world's interest to keep Israel protected, folks. Even if you don't adhere to the biblical significance of Israel being in the land, the Islamists have a world-wide edict to establish a caliphate, a planet on which sharia law is in place and there needs to be powers in place to prevent that from happening. If you don't see the significance of this then, for the sake of the rest of us who do, stay home on voting day.
Newt Gingrich: the man with too much baggage. Sure, he gets it on many levels. Yet considering the extreme negative polling coming from the ladies, his alleged unethical financial dealings, and his grandiose arrogance, we have ruled him out. Again: too much baggage.
The Front runner, Mitt Romney. He's got style, good looks, lots of money, and great oratory ability. Yet the attacks against him now are nothing compared with the deluge that awaits him. Once it is revealed that Romney could actually run as Vice President under Obama according to his record, which is going to get a lot more scrutiny to say the least, he may not seem so appealing. Add to that the personal beliefs he holds like the anti-Christian Mormon tenet which teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers and you've got yourself a recipe for keeping Bible-believing Christians home in November thereby handing Obama four more years.
So, though not a perfect choice, Santorum has been consistently conservative. Yes, he's had a cozy relationship with Washington yet that's where it all happens anyway, folks. Let's face it, Obama has done a great job demonizing lobby groups and yet - is every lobbyist cause evil? Of course not. American politics requires someone familiar with the system and who can navigate it. Being conservative doesn't mean being anti-Washington. That mentality has to be taken off the table. At least until they move the White House.
So even though this is no ordinary press release it is our endorsement. God bless you Rick Santorum... and God speed. To join us please visit our facebook page today.
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