A Messianic Jewish leader says it's a tragedy that mega-church pastor Rick Warren is ignoring the Great Commission as he reaches out to Muslims in southern California.
The Orange County Register reports that Warren, senior pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, is part of an effort called "King's Way" that is attempting to build a bridge between evangelical Christians and Muslims.
Warren says he wants to heal divisions by partnering with area mosques through a proposed set of principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. King's Way is also committed to building friendships with members of the other faith, without either group proselytizing the other, as the focus is not on conversion but on loving thy neighbor (Matthew 22:39).
But Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries, wonders how the Christian leader can overlook the Great Commission, which calls on Christians to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:16-20).
"Why and when did we get a pass on sharing our faith, on witnessing?" she wonders. "You can be a friend to a Muslim all the way into hell -- and that's where these Muslims are going, for Pete's sake. They're headed straight for hell, and Rick Warren could do something about that by sharing the gospel with them."
Markell says King's Way is part of the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3.
"This is just more of the church that has lost its direction, that is not tending to the sheep properly," she decides.
The Olive Tree Ministries founder concludes that it is a tragedy that at this late hour, Warren is not telling lost Muslims that Christ is the only bridge to eternal life.
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