A hair stylist in New Mexico is refusing to do Governor Susana Martinez's hair again. Activist Peter LaBarbera calls the incident "a lesson in homosexual activism" for conservatives.
The reason Antonio Darden is snubbing the governor is that she does not support homosexual "marriage" -- and Darden is refusing to do her do until she changes her stance. OneNewsNow turned to Peter LaBarbera ofAmericans for Truth About Homosexuality for a reaction.
"My first reaction to this crazy hairdresser story is, I wish homosexual activists would go back in the closet," he says. "I mean, the more 'out' the homosexual movement is, the more obnoxious it is. Here's a guy trying to get his 15 minutes of fame and use his position as a hairdresser to brow beat the governor into supporting counterfeit homosexual 'marriage.'"
LaBarbera suggests it is preposterous that the story has circulated widely -- but then again, he says, the media will "do anything to embarrass conservatives who agree with traditional marriage." He adds "it's a lesson in homosexual activism.""Now this hairdresser is going around telling other gay people operating businesses to not do business with the governor simply because she agrees with the historic definition of marriage between a man and a woman," suggests LaBarbera. "This is all about homosexual arrogance and homosexual activist power and using the media to harass people of faith who simply stand for traditional marriage."
LaBarbera says it is time for moral-minded citizens to start using their economic leverage "against arrogant homosexual activists."
In 2008, a Christian photographer in Albuquerque refused to photograph a homosexual "commitment ceremony," citing conflicts with sincerely held religious convictions. But the New Mexico Human Rights Commission found Elaine Huguenin and her husband Jon, who co-own Elane Photography, guilty of discrimination under state anti-discrimination laws and ordered them to pay more than $6,000 in costs.
The Christian couple appealed to a New Mexico trial court, which upheld the decision.Alliance Defense Fund has appealed that court ruling on behalf of the couple.
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