Monday, April 22, 2013

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: What We Are "Left" With

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: What We Are "Left" With

MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2013

What We Are "Left" With

We are at a time right now in America’s history when we are about to experience the full collapse of our Republic (socially and fiscally). Our nation’s debt and fiscal situation is at the absolute breaking point and our leadership knows it and is genuinely frightened at the fiscal and social tsunami that is about to take place. Forthe Left, this is their “perfect storm” and “the ideal crisis” to move forward on. For this will be their time to seize final control and power, set up a godless secular state and tyrannize the America people into making them absolutely dependent on them for every thing. Thus is the fate of a republic when lawlessness has over come its inhabitants and has saturated their minds. When the collapse of a nation’s currency and social order takes place (After the Rapture), the massive vacuum will be filled with a fascist dictatorship and state. History continues to bare witness to this. We in our world of today have no where to go but straight into the Wrath of Almighty God and tribulation (Rev. 6-19).

When Americans out right reject Almighty God's Person, RIGHTEOUSNESS, people and moral absolutes for time for a healthy society they are left only with Satan, tyrants, thugs, reprobates, immorality and its horrific consequences, violence and their godless selves.

We here in America are about to witness and experience the great depression on EXPONENTIAL steroids. When these things finally take place, we will see the eradication of the middle class and the EXPONENTIAL rise of far greater dependent Americans. We will see the rise of lawlessness, violence, anarchy and the evaporation of any personal rights. We will see the collapse and dissolving of our nation’s union even to the point of civil wars through out our land and we will go from a super power to a super disaster third world nation over night. When Americans out right reject Almighty God's Person, RIGHTEOUSNESS, people and moral absolutes for time for a healthy society they are left only with Satan, tyrants, thugs, reprobates, immorality and its horrific consequences, violence and their godless selves (Rom. 1:18-32). How much "peace" do you think that will bring to our nation?
Our nation’s debt and fiscal situation is at the absolute breaking point and our leadership knows it and is genuinely frightened at the fiscal and social tsunami that is about to take place.

We here in America - at this time in our world’s history - know NOT what it is like to ever lack or want. Our Founder's vision for this nation under the rule of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God has been the blue print for sinful man to live with unalienable rights and freedoms in a fallen world. Never in the history of the world has a nation been so blessed and has prospered so rapidly as the United States. On the same note, NEVER will a nation imploded so rapidly. We as a nation did not handle our blessings rightly and are at the very verge of social and moral collapse. The key to surviving today is to face the REALITY of our day and hour and to see things rightly from Almighty God's ETERNAL perspective! My dear friends lose the optimistic delusion that we will save America, for that is the greatest demonic lie of our hour! My dear friends TRUE PEACEwill only come when one acknowledges ones dire need for the Savior of the world and abandon ones fallen subjective worldly perspective and have faith (believe/receive) in Almighty God, His Son and His Holy Word (John 3-7, 16-17, Gal.1:4).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



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