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This bill would give Obama's Secret Service vast new powers to arrest sheriffs and other law enforcement that defend the republic's Second Amendment rights. This is definitely an arrogant move by controlling globalists in the Obama administration.
As the Obama administration continues campaigning against violence, new laws are being signed that actually perpetuate crime. To some, all the gun grabbing laws seem like conspiracy, but maybe the Obama administration is really just ignorant of the facts. Obama continues to welcome several gun laws that actually promote violence in the end. As seen in the Sandy Hook shooting, a gun-free zone attracts violence. As seen in Aurora, Colorado, a helpless defenseless crowd is a target. This is why the president and other high ranking officials have armed body guards at their side.
The Colorado bill, SB-13-013, has quickly passed, giving Secret Service agents arrest powers by granting them the title of peace officer. This places them on the same level with state law enforcement officials, granting them power over local sheriffs.
As the bill was debated, no one could explain why it was even brought up.
"I was told it was so we can exercise 72-hour mental holds on our own citizens," Sen. Kevin Lundberg said. "I found it curious...Currently a police officer, doctor, psychiatrist, registered nurse and other professionals just on the strength of their word can say they want a person taken against their will and put in a mental institution for up to three business days."
Rep. Jared Wright was told that the law could be needed in case something happened during a motorcade procession.
Rep. Saine was told that the bill would help local law enforcement with check and wire fraud.
As the federal government covertly injects its power into new state laws, framework is being set up to begin a purge of Constitution-abiding sheriffs. It seems the federal government is secretly planning to expand its powers unchecked, and rule over the states, bypassing the Tenth Amendment.
As confusion mounts with this sweeping new power grab in Colorado, one can only wonder, "Is my state next?" "What might happen to my local sheriff?" "Is the federal government really this capable?"
Law enforcement officers across the country are fighting back, standing against the Obama administration. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is compiling a list of sheriffs, associations, and police chiefs who have vowed to uphold the Second Amendment in the wake of any unconstitutional action by President Obama.
In January, 28 of Utah's 29 sheriffs signed a letter to Obama stating,
"We respect the office of the President of the United States. But make no mistake, as the duly elected sheriffs of our respective counties; we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal officials will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights - in particular Amendment II - has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation."
So is the federal government capable of arresting our local sheriffs?
Yes, with laws like these on the books, they can obviously affect and manipulate the legal system, but as real law is destroyed in America, more free people are going to grow wary and dismiss the law altogether, standing together with fellow sheriffs, oath keepers, and constitutionalists in defense of a free America.
In the end, liberty will prevail, for it has always stood the test of time.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Lance Johnson, along with his wonderful wife Kender, are creating a natural products movement from the ground up: Free Spirit All Natural Products. As more hearts are pulling toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance wants to help others see the real health opportunities all around us.
He's also a passionate writer who has self published two works of poetic writing that relate to the people, unmask the hiding, and challenge the status quo. He has more writing ideas within him, as health and freedom has become a major topic of interest within him.
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