Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Truth About Christian Television

The Truth About Christian Television
The Truth About Christian Television

efore I give an honest critique about Christian television, allow me to sum it up with a broad generalization which I believe to be accurate. Christian television these days is little more than a money raising vehicle, much of which gets pocketed by the star of each program. In 1975 God used Billy Graham to lead me to Christ via television. Now I do not agree with everything Billy Graham does or believes, however back in those days his association bought expensive time on secular stations and preached the gospel. Today, Christian television does not preach the gospel.

do believe that God desires the church to use any and all technologies in order to reach the lost. But that is not what Christian television is doing in these last days. Preachers and ministers are gaining great wealth and popularity through television and believers and unbelievers alike are funding these spectacles. And even if you can identify certain programs that preach Biblical truth, these programs support the networks that continue to expose people to all kinds of heresy and error. And that makes those “orthodox” programs culpable since they lend their support to these ungodly networks.

Television is very alluring and through slick imagery it bends the minds of those that watch and like the Greek sirens of old it draws people toward spiritual shipwreck. And when you see men like Franklin Graham endorsing people like Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN, then you realize just how sacred these money making cows are. People will endure all kinds of blatant compromise just so they can gain access to the air waves and into people’s hearts and minds and ultimately into people’s wallets.

If you dared to watch an entire day of Christian television you would see an incredible array of dog and pony shows. Anointed oil, blessed spring water, spiritual rocks, and magic handkerchiefs are but a few of the religious talismans offered to the gullible. Screaming and yelling and telling people their names and physical conditions are popular on these networks. And most of the men and women advertise their upcoming meetings which are also great money making schemes.

Many people have their favorite preachers and watch them religiously. And when that preacher comes to town and rents out an auditorium, it is filled. Books and Cds and other trinkets will be on sale, and an offering will be taken. Let us unveil the dirty little secret. These meeting are very lucrative or else they would not be holding them. Money is the petrol that runs the engine. Most of these preachers stay in hotels with lavish accommodations and they do not eat at McDonalds. The entire spectacle is a waste of God’s money and an affront to all that Christ lived and taught. And it isn’t confined to the false teachers. Even “orthodox” teachers and preachers hold such meetings and rake in the big bucks.

But as lucrative as these meetings are they pale in comparison to the money making vehicle of television. And as if the normal offerings were not enough, the Christian networks hold at least one telethon every year. And the managers bring in a gifted money raising false prophet who promises all kinds of divine favor to those who give. In fact, if you listen to the man or women who steers the telethon, it goes way beyond the absurd. If it wasn’t so tragic it would be comical.

But I have heard people say that there are a few good and edifying programs. I ask them if they would reach into a spittoon and search for a penny. I ask them if they would shop in an adult bookstore if it had a Christian book section? I ask them if unholy alliances are God’s will. I ask them if they would partner with Mormon’s to reach people in Africa. You see, the compromise that emanates from these networks is diabolical. It isn’t just a minor disagreement over non-essentials. It is a spreading of damnable lies and soul deceiving heresies. And the program that you identify as edifying supports these heresies. So when you see the ungodly lifestyles of Jan and Paul Crouch, and you gasp with horror, remember that all the programs on TBN contribute to those lifestyles.

So with all the Bibles and books and Cds available to us, we still need to watch cleverly crafted television programs? And when you watch one hour of such a program, do you also pray for one hour? Beloved, I have stated what should be obvious. Christian television isn’t just worthless, it is undermining the gospel itself. If you desire to please God than you should avoid watching and supporting the modern day expression of Christian television.

The pictures of ministers holding black African children or Haitian refugees are shameless. If you could see the homes these preachers live in, or the cars they drive, or even the jets they own, you would get a glimpse into just how much they care about starving children. Christian television has no conscience and will do almost anything to raise a buck. And in reality, that is what it’s all about. Thousands of preachers have gotten rich through this medium, and that includes men and women who do not even believe in the “prosperity message”.

So there it is. Christian television is no longer evangelistic. It has become a sham, a pyramid scheme, and a religious Ponzi scheme as well. If we were shown today’s brand of Christian television 30 years ago we would have been horrified. But since deception usually comes little by little, we have become numb to it and desensitized to the absurdity. In fact, if I were to say that God told me that the first ten people who send me $1000.00 would receive a special miracle in their family and in their finances, I would probably receive several checks.

hat clearly outlines the state of western Christianity. The Lord demands a forsaking of everything, but the church continues to accumulate wealth and ask God for more. God has become the servant and we have become the master. God help us all.

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