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Transforming America. 10 Very Strange Things That Have Happened In Just The Past Few Weeks: "Have you noticed that events have begun to accelerate?... #1 On Wednesday, the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal were all taken down by unexpected 'technical glitches'. Authorities are assuring us that hackers were not responsible for any of this.
#2 In China, a full-blown stock market crash is unfolding....
#4 Earlier this week, Barack Obama told reports that 'we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces'….
#8 A couple of weeks ago, we learned that Barack Obama has issued 19 'secret directives'.What is Obama planning, and why won’t he let the general public know about it?
#9 This week, Pope Francis called for the creation of 'a new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the Earth are shared by everyone, not just exploited by the rich.' So exactly what would such a 'world order' look like?" See The Global Standards
Transforming America. The Formal End to Judeo-Christian America: "Unlike Europe, which defined itself as exclusively Christian, America became the first Judeo-Christian society. The American founders were Christians – either theologically or culturally – but they were rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures [the Bible]. Even Americans who could not affirm traditional Christian or Jewish theology affirmed the centrality of God to ethics.
"Americans, from the founders on, understood that without God, there is no moral truth, only moral opinion – and assumed that those truths were to be gleaned from the Bible more than anywhere else.
"Beginning with the Supreme Court’s ban on nondenominational school prayer in 1962,the same-sex marriage decision has essentially completed the state’s secularization of American society. This is one thing about which both right and left, religious and secular, can agree. One side may rejoice over the fact, and the other may weep, but it is a fact.
"And what has replaced Judaism, Christianity, Judeo-Christian values and the Bible? The answer is: feelings. More and more Americans rely on feelings to make moral decisions. The heart has taken the place of the Bible." See The emerging New World Order
Uncompromising Faith. Sweet Cakes by Melissa raises more than $200,000 to cover fine by Oregon Gaystapo: "The State of Oregon has failed in its attempt to bankrupt Aaron and Melissa Klein for the crime of declining to bake a cake - as the preposterous $135,000 fine it levied was no match for the willingness of good people to help out the Kleins and their now exclusively online business, Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Through a campaign via Continue to Give, people who still respect both faith and freedom have responded to the following appeal by contributing more than $200,000." See Victory
War. As ISIS and Putin March, U.S. To Cut 40,000 More Army Troops By 2017: "As ISIS continues its march across the Middle East, as Russia's Putin becomes more aggressive, and as the Chinese continue to build military islands in the ocean, the United States is planning to cut 40,000 more troops from the Army by 2017." See Washington's Farewell Address
War. Radical Islam Is 'Running Wild;' Attack on US Soil More Concerning Than Ever Before: "'Radical Islam is running wild in the Mid-East,' Graham reportedly told New York's AM 970.... 'I have never been more worried about an attack on our homeland than I am right now.' He added that President Barack Obama 'doesn't know what he's doing,' and accused the administration of making the wrong decisions in Iraq and Syria." (Obama has a radically different set of goals for the rising New World Order)
Tyranny? Obama 'Playing Russsian Roulette' with Americans: "On the heels of the murder of a beautiful, young San Franciscan woman by an illegal immigrant with 7 felony convictions that shocked the nation, Republican senators are warning a new policy from the Obama administration would make Americans even less safe by releasing even more dangerous foreigners from custody.
"...the administration’s proposed new ‘Priority Enforcement Program,’ or PEP, goes even further than Obama’s amnesty order in defining categories of illegal aliens from immigration enforcement, and actually directs officers not to enforce federal law." A Chronology of the UN: The Revolutionary Steps to Global Tyranny
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill...." See The Club of Rome
Climate Fraud. Nobel Laureate Says Obama's 'Dead Wrong' on Global Warming: "A Nobel Prize-winning scientist who supported President Barack Obama has said that he does not believe global warming is a problem, and has openly criticized the president for his position on the issue. 'I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,' Dr. Ivar Giaever announced during a speech at the 65th Nobel Laureate Conference in Lindau, Germany....
"Quoting Obama's warning that 'no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change,' Giaever said it was a 'ridiculous statement.' ...'Global warming really has become a new religion." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science
Socialism. 'The Black Book of the American Left': "In the 1970s, David [Horowitz] climbed to the very top of the American leftist movements. Later he understood that Marxism was a lie – the first step toward stealing and killing – and after that he dedicated the rest of his life to warning others that Marxism was endangering American freedom and democracy. A Rasmussen Reports poll shows, indeed, that now only 53 percent of Americans prefer capitalism to socialism....
"One of the most popular night clubs in New York City is the Soviet-themed KGB Bar. The place, adorned with the Soviet flag and a picture of 'Comrade Lenin,' is jammed by a new generation of Marxist writers who read from their work. Just weeks ago this giant city overwhelmingly elected (73 percent of the votes) an openly Marxist mayor, and Seattle got a new council member who proudly stated that she wore 'the badge of socialist with honor.'” SeeThe Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Treason? Getting a Bad Iran Deal at Any Price: "Much has been written about just how bad the proposed Iranian nuclear deal has gotten. This outcome is hardly surprising after Israel’s former ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, bravely published Ally, his memoir detailing Obama’s hostility towards Israel. But even without Ambassador Michael Oren’s personal testimony, there is overwhelming evidence that – on the issue most important to global security and Israel’s very existence – Obama has been, at best, reckless and, at worst, treasonous.
"Obama’s administration has shown a breathtaking readiness to cover for a wide range of abuses and violations by the same Iranian regime that seeks international acceptance of its nuclear activities. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz recently noted that the State Department was illegally delaying the publication of a report on Iranian human rights violations, which was due last February, to avoid adversely affecting the talks with Iran on its nuclear program....
"Not only has the Obama administration ignored Iranian violations, it has also disregarded evidence that sanctions relief will only support Iran’s most dangerous policies."
Revolution. EU Security Head: "Political Islam" is the Future of Europe (Video): "As the threat from ISIS extremists grows, the European Union’s head of foreign affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini has caused consternation by asserting that 'political Islam' is a firm part of Europe’s future....
"Responding to last month’s brutal Islamist terror attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, Mogherini . . . shot back at critics of mass immigration. 'Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history.” See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Spiritual Warfare. Government Crusade Against Churches Begins With Removal Of Non-Profit Status: "In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision mandating that states reward same-sex marriages throughout the nation, churches across the country prepare for the inevitable assault on their tax-exempt statuses. '...Mark Oppenheimer, wrote at Time.com thatchurches should have their tax-exempt statuses ripped away for opposing same-sex marriage." See Hating Truth and Primed for Deception!
Global Green Agenda. The real low-down on Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change:"Extremely curious at the media allegation that the “scientific Pantheist who advises Pope Francis ...seems to believe in Gaia, but not in God,' I set out to read for myself the climate change encyclical in Italian.
"Pope Francis, began his 192-page 'Lettera Enciclica'... by saying that we are abusing andirresponsibly using 'our sister Mother Earth, which sustains and governs us.... 'Any aspiration to care for and improve the world requires changing profoundly lifestyles, the patterns of production and consumption, the established structures of power that today govern society.' 'I have heard these words before written in the 40-chapter U.N. Agenda 21 document signed by 179 countries...and advocates who really want to destroy capitalism....
"Christina Figueres, Executive Secretary of U.N.‘s Framework Convention on Climate Change... admits that environmental activists and lobbyists aim to destroy capitalism..." SeeGreen Lies and Amazing Truths
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