Cunningly, Christ Being Used to Thwart Support for Israel

This growing and rapidly spreading misconception is causing a rising tide of anti-Semitism to take hold in educated societies around the world. It is creating an alarming trend within the American Christian church where support for Israel was not a topic of discussion, but was taken for granted as a foundational expectation of the Christian faith. Christian support for Israel, once rock solid, is shifting and drifting in the opposite direction. Far too many are being enticed into embracing a “politically correct” social posture rather than standing strong in our Christian faith by adhering to the Word and promises of God, even though it means going against the tide of popular public opinion as it relates to support for Israel and the Jewish people. Faithful church leadership and Christian youth are unwitting targets of many who are pursuing carefully crafted, anti-Semitic agendas. These persons have learned to “talk the talk” and appear to “walk the walk” as they stealthily influence Christians into believing that Israel and the Jews are no longer important to God, that, in God’s sight, Christians replaced the Jews. This view has a name--“Replacement Theology.” It is a lie from the pits of hell.
Anti-Semitism is an ancient evil that can be found in writings as far back as 270 B.C.E. Modern anti-Semitism stems from a concern for social justice. During the Roman Occupation Jews were greatly persecuted as a religious and as an ethnic group. Unfairly taxed, expelled from their homes, having their land and property confiscated, they were also prohibited from practicing their religion. These scattered Jews were known as Diaspora Jews. While the Romans persecuted many in their conquered territories, the Jews were singled out for harsher treatment because they refused to assimilate into Roman culture and embrace Roman religious practices. Instead, they preferred to live separately and hold fast to their faith in the “one true God--the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
At some point, however, following Bar Kokhba’s Revolt (132-6 C.E.) there came a slight shift in Roman sentiment towards the Jews of the Diaspora. Exactly why the shift occurred is not clear, but the Jews were again allowed to maintain their religious practices and were not expected to assimilate into local cultures wherever they had resettled within the Roman Empire. Roman authorities did not necessarily afford the same degree of tolerance to other people groups, therefore tension and jealousy against the Jews by others living under Roman rule again arose. Acceptance of Jews totally reversed when Christianity became the official religion of Rome in the 4th century. Jews once again became an oppressed group--politically and in their religious practices.Few Christians today are cognizant of the historical role the Church has historically played in fostering and fueling anti-Semitism. Nor do they seem to recognize the role today’s church is playing as the floodgates of anti-Semitism open wide allowing more and more anti-Semitic poison to flow through. Hearts and minds of otherwise good and decent people are being filled with Jew-hating thoughts and attitudes. Few would even recognize anti-Semitism in themselves, because the Church is teaching that persecution of Jews is actually a service to God. “After all,” some say, “Didn’t the Jews kill Jesus?”
The answer to that question is, “NO!” The Bible, in the New Testament, clearly teaches that Jesus suffered on the cross to pay the price for the sins of all mankind. In the New Testament book of Romans the Bible emphatically teaches that Christians are only branches grafted onto the natural olive tree (the Jews) and that we (Christians) should be careful never to think ourselves “as supporting the root” but rather to be mindful that it is the root (the Jews) which supports us. After all, we Christians worship a Jewish Messiah. But, as is true in politics and just about every other aspect of life, people read and extrapolate that which suits their purposes, goals or agendas often without regard for real truth. Ignorance is at the heart of all anti-Semitism and social injustice.
To the modern mind, the phrase “anti-Semitism” generally conjures up images of goose-stepping Nazis. This very caricature is what causes many today to miss the new anti-Semitism catching hold everywhere at an alarming rate of speed. Most westerners believe the Nazis are responsible for having perpetrated the worst imaginable evil and human suffering upon the Jews when actually they were only tools in the hands of anti-Semites. The entire world bears the blame for the horrors of the Holocaust and no people group more so than Christians. After all, we Christians are the people Jesus taught to turn the other cheek, to love others as Christ loved us and to even plead for God to forgive the trespasses of people who “know not what they do.” When we otherwise decent westerners, particularly church-going Christians, equate the phrase “anti-Semitism” with Nazis only and fail to recognize and accept our own inherent blindness and guilt, we become blinded to the rising tide of anti-Semitism that has been slowly flooding our local churches, communities, families and even our own hearts and minds. It is hard to believe that gentle people who claim to love God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, “God the Father” as Christians call Him, could actually have come to believe that they are living true to the Christian faith by speaking out against Israel and the Jewish people.
I have a friend, a very gentle and highly educated person whom I have known for years. I suspect that he would be shocked and perhaps even appalled if he were told that he harbors an anti-Semitic attitude. A short message he sent me some time back contained this short excerpt: “Hello Brother Earl. God the Father sent his Son to redeem Israel. Israel rejected Him, insisting that He be crucified, which He was. Today Jesus is still one to be crucified by Israel, rejected and defamed. Christians are restricted there, yet they (Christians) love Israel and the Jew. How long should America support Israel while Israel rejects Jesus Christ, our founders’ hope?” Does this portray an anti-Semitic attitude? You bet. Is it Biblical? Absolutely not!Many devout Christians make regular trips to Israel and the Palestinian territories. These are devout Christians who care deeply about the world we live in and have a genuine desire to make a positive contribution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. While this is wonderful, deception creeps in through this open door. Innocent, people-loving tourists believe all tour guides (licensed by the State of Israel) are created equal, that they provide their services without personal, social or political agendas. After all, the guides are licensed by the State of Israel so what they say about Israel must be true, right? No so. Tour groups often innocently hire tour-guide services that indeed have an agenda to slant tour participants against Israel and in favor of the Palestinians.
What do these biased tour guides do? They provide a very-one-sided portrayal of the problems between two peoples. Unsuspecting Christian tour groups are often met by Arab Christian guides who start off with a lot of rhetoric about Christian love for both sides of the conflict. Then they proceed to give a very one-sided portrayal of issues demonizing Israel for a laundry list of sins. These “sins” have no basis in fact, but the lessons are nonetheless powerful for Christians who do not know the real history. In addition, because these Arabs are Christian, they immediately have a distinct advantage in finding rapport with other Christians from the west. After all, they share the same faith and some of the same world-views. Furthermore, it seems so natural for Christians to believe bad things about Jews as history clearly demonstrates.I remember learning about the “Black Death,” the Bubonic Plague that swept across Europe in the 14th century in school. Do you? Did you know Jews were accused of causing it by poisoning wells? Did you know that thousands upon thousands of Jews were put to death as a result? Of course, the world now understands that bacteria carried by rat fleas caused the Bubonic Plague. Nevertheless, the world was quick to blame Jews and thus threw more fuel on the 14th century rapidly spreading wildfire of anti-Semitism. Please understand that this is only one of many examples of how the world has demonized Israel for centuries with many and varied pogroms (organized massacres) that culminated in the Jewish Holocaust.
It is important to note that not all Arab Christians are cut from the anti-Israel/anti-Jewish cloth. Many, many Arab Christians know and understand the Bible and the significance of Israel and the Jews. Yes, they, too, suffer severe persecution for their faith, even to the point of death. They suffer discrimination, harassment, loss of income, physical assaults and death. Yet, many have remained faithful. Some of you who are reading this might point the finger at Israel as the perpetrators. Yet, this persecution comes not at the hands of Israel or Jewish people. The perpetrators are Arab Palestinians, their own people. You may be shocked to learn that the town of Bethlehem is under the control of the Palestinian Authority. Christians may visit Bethlehem, but they do so at their own risk; it’s kind of like swimming in the ocean without a lifeguard present. The beach is open, but “Swimmers Beware!” Doesn’t say much for the Palestinian Authority, does it?
In truth, most Christians did not participate in the pograms of the past that led to the slaughter of countless Jews. It was only a handful that actually participated, but this is fact: a huge portion of society became convinced of the validity of the pograms and of Jewish guilt; these pograms were allowed to take place because the vast majority remained silent. Consider this. Even Europe’s overt anti-Semites were horribly shocked when they learned about the Holocaust. They were totally opposed to what Germany did yet apparently never saw the connection between their own anti-Semitism and the enterprising initiative of the Nazis to set up an efficient system to actually act out on those beliefs. It was people of conscience, such as German clergyman Reinhold Niebuhr, an early supporter of Hitler’s National Socialist Party who, after the war, confessed that the church in Germany had a share in the guilt of the Holocaust.
Now, fast-forward to the new face of anti-Semitism in today’s world and in today’s Church. The Muslim Brotherhood has been working patiently and quietly under the radar screen for years. They have been infiltrating and embedding themselves into positions of influence in countries throughout the Middle East, Europe and, yes, even in America. So too are they, and other nefarious groups, working under the guise of the Christian faith, to influence the Christian Church in America and around the world to adopt a pro-Palestinian stance. This Palestinian stance, of course, translates into an anti-Israel bias. They are targeting other arenas also, such as the universities, but we as Christians are a huge target because American Christians have historically been pro-Israel. They need us to jump boat, switch sides. Anti-Israel groups are subtle, sly operators and…very patient. Patience is their greatest asset--patience and a general ignorance of history on the part of the American public combined with the public’s failure to recognize when they are being manipulated.
Many Arab Christians have obtained places on the speaking circuit to address church congregations across America. Like the Arab Christian tour guides, they begin by talking about how we should love one another, followed by a subtle shift in the monologue. Without a discernable transition, the talk becomes about how the poor Palestinians are suffering in refugee camps and how it is all because of Israel. The thought of this injustice fills the audience with righteous indignation. The speakers omit the fact that Palestinians are being used as (s omitted) pawns by Arab nations. Keeping them in squalor as refugees serves to keep the (e omitted) Palestinians stirred up so as to keep pressure on Israel.As evidence, Sir Alexander Galloway, former director of UNRWA, Jordan (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians Refugees in the Near East) once said, “…the Arab nations do not want to solve the Arab refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore as a weapon against Israel.” People always seem to want to favor the one perceived as the underdog. To this end, the Palestinians have and are continuing to do a masterful job at gaining sympathy. The UNRWA was created specifically to deal with Palestinian refugees when the UN already had an agency that effectively deals with all other refugees in the world; it is called the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). Why do the Palestinians need their own agency? It’s because the goal is not really to resettle. It’s to keep them stirred up hating and blaming Israel for their miserable plight.
My Christian brothers and sisters, if we do not want to see another Holocaust take place, please wake up and recognize what is happening right before our eyes. In a famous quote attributed to George Santayana he said, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” My prayer is that the Church would not be lulled to sleep but would be stirred to action.
God promises He will bless those who bless Israel. Contrary to what many in the church are taught, the Christian has not replaced the Jew. We must not be ignorant of foundational Truth and we must possess knowledge of history. Otherwise the doors are wide open for the enemy to manipulate the hearts, minds, souls and spirits of all--especially those who claim the name of Christ. The wolf is often disguised in sheep’s clothing.
Israel is consistently and wrongly held to a different and higher standard than the rest of the world. Without the benefit of a thorough and proper hearing revealing all the facts, Israel and the Jews are repeatedly tried and condemned in the court of public opinion and with no recourse. The Bible clearly states that the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is His special land. It is the only land in the world whose surveyor was God Himself. The Bible warns us about touching the ‘apple of His eye.’ We must not take this lightly.

PCUSA Crosses the Line

The chapter on “Evangelicals and Christian Zionism” skews the facts to portray Christians who support Israel as dangerous and a threat to Middle-East peace. The chapter is taken largely from the writings of Dr. Gary Burge, an evangelical Presbyterian and Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, who admits to holding a form of Replacement Theology in spite of the fact that it was the root of centuries of Christian anti-Semitism.
Replacement Theology teaches that God abandoned the Jewish people, has broken His promises to them, and has chosen a new people, the Church. The danger with this theology is that it implies that the Jewish people have been rejected and discarded due to their sin and failures. It is fertile ground for the proliferation of anti-Semitism and should be guarded against.
The Apostle Paul said in Romans 11 that God is not finished with the Jewish people and that their calling is irrevocable. In Hebrews 6, he cites God’s faithfulness to the Abrahamic Covenant to encourage beleaguered Christians to keep their faith, knowing they serve a faithful God.
Nevertheless, Burge goes so far as to say that the New Testament teaching spiritualizes and universalizes the Old Testament land promises to the Jewish people by treating them as spiritual metaphor. While it is true that in Galatians 3:29 the Apostle Paul said that Christians do enjoy the blessings of Abraham as spiritual heirs, he did not claim that they “replaced” the natural heirs nor inherit the land. This would require a rewriting of scripture since the land promise to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was “everlasting” and is confirmed forty-six times throughout the books of the Old Testament.
Psalm 105 says that God does not break covenant, nor alter the word that has gone out of His mouth, therefore, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would receive the promises made to them. It is because of these scriptures that the disciples asked Jesus if He was going to “restore the kingdom to Israel now” in Acts 1:6. He simply said the time was not for them to know, clearly indicating that it would happen in God’s timing. In Luke 21, Jesus said that Jerusalem would once again be under Jewish sovereignty and put it in an eschatological context.
Burge attempts then to diminish the reach of Christian Zionism by limiting it as dispensational and dual covenant in theology. While dispensationalism is a theology favorable towards Israel, only one in every ten Christians is a dispensationalist. A much larger number of Christians, from a wide-variety of denominations and theological persuasions, supported the restoration of the Jews to their homeland; including John and Charles Wesley, Robert Murray MacCheynne, Bishop Ryle of Liverpool, Charles Spurgeon, the Puritans, Professor Jacob Janeway of the Scottish National Church, Martin Luther King and many others.
Christian Zionism is also not “dual covenant.” Mainstream Christian Zionists are found in all the historical and contemporary church movements, including the Presbyterian Church, and they most certainly believe that Jesus' finished work on the cross is their only grounds of salvation. While the basis for Christian Zionism is found in the Abrahamic Covenant, in which God announced to Abraham His plan to create a people through whom He would carry out His plan to redeem the world, the Abrahamic covenant needed the Mosaic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant and the New Covenant to bring about that great salvation.
Israel's role, as the vehicle of God’s redemptive plan, does not make her better than any other people groups but rather more accountable to God. The Jewish people are chosen for the blessing of the nations, including the Palestinian people. However, this study construes the chosenness of the Jewish people to be a form of racism that esteems them higher than other peoples, and therefore, not held to the same standard of accountability.
The PCUSA may wish that Christians that support Israel and the Jewish people are a fringe group, but the fact is that some 70% of Americans are favorable towards Israel. There are a number of reasons why Americans support Israel: personal experience while touring Israel, admiration for Israeli technology and innovation, or appreciation for the only democracy in the Middle East. Bible-believing Christians support Israel because of their reading of the scriptures. In short, God has brought the Jewish people back to their homeland in fulfillment of His promises to Abraham and millions of Christians want to bless and help them.
Conversely, the PCUSA has aligned itself with extreme and radical groups such as Sabeel. Founded by Naim Ateek, Sabeel propagates Palestinian Liberation Theology that disregards any portion of scripture that disagrees with Ateek’s anti-Semitic views. Hence, right out of the Sabeel playbook, this study guide calls for churches to stop using hymns and liturgy that use the biblical terms: exodus, covenant, return, blossoming of the desert, Zion and Israel.
It is time that the PCUSA wakes up and realizes that holding radical and anti-Semitic positions, such as reflected in this study guide, will only guarantee their continued membership decline, because most Americans not only shun hate speech, but admire and stand with the people of Israel.
Susan Michael is US Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem,, creator

President Obama, No Biblical Confirmation of Palestinian State on Israeli Soil

G-d of the universe made an eternal covenant with Israel for the land of Israel and not with the Palestinians.
Dear Mr. President,
The American Christians highly respect the importance and the difficulty of the responsibilities that lie heavily on the shoulders of the person holding the Office of the President of the United States of America. As a Christian broadcaster and journalist, I am in constant contact with literally tens of thousands of people who share my faith and also my understanding as it relates to Israel. As Christians we believe and honor our G-d, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all that He has said, done and promised to do concerning Israel and her people. What we believe is not fantasy or fairytale. Historical events serve as proof that absolutely everything that God has said in his Word, the Bible, has come to pass and therefore become truth.
Mr. President, when you were elected President of the United States, you were elected president of all the people of the United States. Therefore it is your responsibility to listen to all sides of issues and not just those you find agreeable with your understanding or philosophy. A member of the U. S. Congress once said, “Obama does not seem to understand radical Islam.” Another said that your Middle East Policy was “one of Obama’s biggest mistakes.” Both of these elected officials may be mistaken in that perhaps you do fully understand the Islamic mindset. Only time will tell.
The American people, through our elected representatives in the Congress of the United States of America, have voted almost unanimously numerous times to support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel and to maintain good relations with Israel as a vitally important ally in the protection of U. S. interests both in the United States and abroad. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel is in America’s best interest if we want to protect and defend our democratic values and virtues. In addition, Israel’s contribution to science, technology, medical advancements, agricultural advancements, water conservation and desalination and on and on have greatly added to the betterment of the entire world. Furthermore, we must not forget their many other monumental contributions for which a huge number of Israelis are awarded Nobel Prizes each and every year.
Israeli resilience and brilliance was promised by G-d Himself. G-d foretold through His ancient prophets – Ezekiel, Daniel and Zechariah - thousands of years ago that the Jewish people would be scattered among the nations of the world for their disobedience to His original and everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. From 170 AD to 1948 AD the Jewish people were dispersed among the nations. They were hated and persecuted but G-d said one day He would re-gather the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and restore their ancient nation. Who can refute that this truly happened? Who can refute the Holocaust and the slaughter of the Jewish people? The Zionism movement beginning around 1900 has resulted in seven million Jews returning to their ancient homeland. Never in all of those years did the Palestinians try to claim the land as their state. In the Bible the question is asked, “Can a nation be born in a day?” Obviously yes! May 14, l948 is the anniversary date of the birth of the modern State of Israel. Again the Bible is true and and history agrees.
Mr. President, G-d’s promise to Abraham in a covenant given to him by G-d was that the land of Israel would belong to the Jewish people as “an everlasting possession.” G-d also promised to protect and preserve the restored nation which He has done in the miraculous military victories of the Independence War, the Six-Day War of l967 and the Yom Kippur War of l973. We must never forget G-d’s promise through the prophet Amos that He will never again allow the restored nation of Israel to be defeated or destroyed. Ezekiel also prophesied that a military coalition led by Persia (today’s Iran) and Russia will come against Israel to try “to wipe Israel off the face of the map.” However, G-d will not allow this to happen. In fact, He has promised to rain fire down from heaven to defeat those coalition armies which come against Israel.
News reports tell us that your Secretary of State, John Kerry, has now made ten visits to Israel to hold talks with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders in an attempt to establish a “two-state solution” which will supposedly end their conflict. Secretary Kerry has stated that working for this Middle East peace is “a tough process” but he also cited that progress in the talks has been made. Of course Secretary Kerry is compelled to project something positive. He certainly cannot admit that there has really been no progress without jeopardizing his legacy. To his credit, he has admitted that the disputes are unresolved after more than 20 rounds of negotiations. He could have truthfully added that the disputes between Jews and Arabs are still unresolved after four thousand years.
Christians know that G-d will never allow an Arab-Muslim-Palestinian state to be established on the land He deeded to the Jewish people as “an everlasting possession.” In short, a Palestinian state is not in G-d’s plan if it means establishing it on Israeli soil. Perhaps Jordan or another Arab country with land mass in abundance would consider carving out a tiny piece of real estate for the establishment of a Palestinian state. After all, Israel is no larger than one of America’s smallest states, New Jersey, which measures approximately 7800 square miles. By contrast, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is over 44,000 square miles which means Israel could fit five times into the state of Pennsylvania.
Mr. President, why are you and Secretary Kerry wasting time, effort and the hard-earned finances of American taxpayers on trying to bring about a “two-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when it is not in G-d’s plan now or in the future? With all due respect Mr. President, perhaps it would be beneficial for you to study the miraculous history of Israel and the Jewish people. It would help you to understand that as much as you and Secretary Kerry want to achieve a peace agreement between the Jewish and Arab peoples and to establish a Palestinian state on Israeli soil, you are simply working in futility against the G-d of Israel, Who is also the G-d of the Universe. He has given all of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea to the Jewish people as “an everlasting possession” and everlasting means both now and in the future.
Bible believing Christians pray daily for the peace of Jerusalem. The Bible says that we should. We also pray daily for you and the leaders of our country that you make decisions and act with Godly wisdom. America is the most G-d-blessed country in the history of the world. Mr. President, if you wish for your legacy as a leader to be among history’s greatest, let me suggest that you take the bold and correct position and move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem thereby recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. G-d promised He will bless those who bless Israel and, at this point in time, what greater blessing could you possibly bestow upon Israel (and thus America) than to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State?
Very sincerely,
Earl Cox

American Support for Israel - A complicated matter?
What he did not say was that the premise of the question was wrong to start with because the percentage of US Foreign Aid to Israel is nowhere near 25%.
He also failed to list the numerous reasons that America’s financial assistance to Israel is important not only to Israel, but to the USA. As a result of his lack of response, the students left the auditorium thinking that 25% of US Foreign Aid goes to Israel and that there is no good explanation for it.
Whether the General’s less than positive response was deliberate or not, this exchange is a perfect example of the effect of misinformation. One student in attendance was deeply troubled by the exchange and the reality that he, too, did not know how to adequately answer the question. He immediately began preparing himself to be able to explain the importance of American support for Israel in the future.
A Reciprocal Relationship
The fact is that only 6% of US Foreign Aid goes to Israel. By law, 75 percent of that money is spent in the United States thus creating jobs and boosting America’s defense industry.In return for the remaining Foreign Aid that is not spent in the US, one could argue that the United States’ military, intelligence and homeland defense benefit in substantial ways. Israeli battlefield innovations have helped the United States dramatically improve both its equipment and tactics. Increasingly, U.S. homeland security and military agencies are turning to Israeli technology to solve some of their most vexing technical problems. Israel has also provided invaluable intelligence and training to U.S. forces in the region.
A Stable Ally in a Turbulent Region
Some skeptics might ask why Israel has this special relationship with the U.S. and not some other country in the Middle East. The answer is simple: no other country in the Middle East advances America’s interests like Israel. While the rest of the Middle East vacillates between dictatorships and revolution, Israel has proven to be our most stable and vital ally in the region.Confronting Mutual Threats
Though America clearly faces a tough budgetary environment, America's foreign aid to Israel helps us to confront major threats abroad. It is vital in helping Israel meet the growing challenges of a region in turmoil, a potential nuclear Iran, Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza, and a resurgent Hezbollah in Lebanon armed with more than 55,000 rockets and missiles. These growing challenges are also threats to the United States, another sworn enemy of the radical elements seeking Israel’s destruction.Supporting American Values
America also supports Israel because of the two nations' shared values. Commitment to democracy and human rights, the rule of law, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly are all fundamental values shared by the two countries. Like the United States, Israel has an independent judicial system that safeguards the rights of individuals. No other Middle Eastern country has that degree of democracy and freedom.And last but not least, the people of Israel love and support the United States. They weep with us when we weep and they celebrate our achievements. This stands in strong contrast to the rejoicing that took place in many Arab streets on September 11th and the pronouncements of judgment on America as the “big Satan” when disasters strike.
The case for American support for Israel is strong. But it does not stop with geo-political arguments.
Spiritual Blessings
When God initiated His plan of world redemption, the first thing He did was to establish a people through whom He would carry out His plan and through whom He would bless “all the families” of the world. This nation was created miraculously, as Sarah was well beyond child bearing years, and would be His special people, chosen to be the vehicle of His redemptive plan.For that reason God promised Abraham that He would bless those who blessed this chosen people. He knew that if we blessed the people of Israel we were siding with God and His plan. To oppose them was to oppose God Himself.
We can be certain, that the United States has been blessed because of our financial assistance and close partnership with Israel. This blessing is at risk due to some actions and policies by the current American Administration. But, the real challenge is how the next generation of American leaders will come to understand the strategic, financial and spiritual benefits of our support of Israel given the misinformation on many college campuses.
It will only happen if someone gives them the answer before the question is asked.
Susan Michael is the US Director for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and creator of the online resource

Israel’s Expertise Comes from Experience Not Rhetoric

Well, I have to say I am never pleased to see disagreements between two friends; especially friends like Israel and America who share so much. We have the same core values, a belief in democracy and freedom, a belief in equality and opportunity, and a belief in standing up to extremism and hatred.
However, one positive thing that has arisen from the recent difficulties in US-Israel relations is the sheer number of Americans who have spoken out in favor of strengthening ties between the United States and the State of Israel. This has included everyone from senior politicians, to top military leaders, to faith and business leaders plus countless others across this great nation.
Like them, I believe that supporting Israel - not just standing behind, but alongside Israel - is of vital importance to our own country and here’s the reason.
Firstly, while Washington sends annually $3 billion worth of aid to Israel, most of this is used to purchase American military equipment thus creating jobs and boosting the defense industries of both countries as well as making crucial advances in the development of military defenses and high-tech industries. There is no doubt that Israel is a world leader in high-tech development and manufacturing – and because Israel shares their expertise, our security services here in the US are better equipped to keep America safe.
Israel’s expertise comes from experience. In the past decade alone Israel has faced over 10,000 rockets, mortars and missiles on its southern border. With Hezbollah stockpiling missiles in the north, Israel is working with cutting edge defense systems and mechanisms to shield its citizens in the face of this threat.
Projects such as the Arrow 3 and David's Sling defense systems, which have benefited from US-Israel cooperation, are just two examples of how America has as much to gain as Israel does from the strong bonds between our people.
In addition to Israel's military skills and know how – which have ensured its own survival through decades of threats – Israel's strategic and geographical location is used for the good of American troops. As Steven Rothman, Congressman for New Jersey recently wrote: "With access to the Red Sea and other vital international shipping and military lanes of commerce and traffic, it is critically important to the U.S. that Israel continues to serve as a port of call for our troops, ships, aircraft and intelligence operations."
These areas of cooperation are the expression of a strong and special friendship, rich in mutual interests, and shared values – none more so than the absolute need to keep ones citizens safe and secure.
For the first time in a long time, the White House seems to be recognizing that a strong Israel is necessary for a strong America. America benefits greatly from Israel’s intelligence services and their willingness to share information. I applaud the White House for their recent decision to sell to Israel military equipment such as the V-22 Osprey aircraft, advanced radar for fighter jets and anti-air defense missiles. According to US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, America is now sharing with Israel equipment “that we have not given to any other country.” May God bless Israel and America.

Islam in Revival

Western and Islamic thinking are quite opposite and we in the West must shed our cloak of ignorance and wake up to this fact. For instance, the concept of nationalism really does not exist in the Muslim world. A Muslim’s only allegiance is to Allah. For example, a Muslim in Jordan would feel a closer bond to a Muslim in Afghanistan that to a fellow Jordanian who is not Muslim. To a Muslim, sharing the same country is not as strong a bond as sharing the same faith.
Word definitions are another important key to understanding the Muslim mindset. When a Muslim speaks the word ‘peace’ it does not carry the same definition as when the same word is uttered by a Westerner. Rarely, if ever, will we hear a Muslim speak the word ‘peace’ without also uttering the word ‘justice’ almost in the same breath. Why? Because the concept of peace, as defined by the West, does not exist for a Muslim. The closest we can come to an understanding of the Muslim definition of peace is the “absence of conflict” or “reconciliation” and neither of these encompasses the fullness of the Western definition of peace. The word ‘justice’ as defined by Islam can only come when all submit to the rule of Islam. So, when a Muslim speaks of ‘peace with justice,’ he or she is speaking of the ‘absence of conflict when all submit to the rule of Allah.’ Clearly this is not what the Western world is seeking to achieve through peace conferences and treaties yet this is exactly what Muslims are seeking. Muslims make open declarations of this by carefully choosing their words because they know that we in the West are naïve and ignorant and lack understanding of what they are openly declaring. We have failed to study the Islamic mindset and this is to our detriment.
When a Muslim speaks about peacefully co-existing with Jews and Christians, they are not speaking of an equal co-existence which is what our Western minds conjure up. The Muslim is actually speaking of allowing Jews and Christians to exist in Muslim societies but in a lesser status called a dhimi whereby Jews and Christians are subservient to Muslims and submitted to the rule of Allah. Furthermore, in Muslim controlled countries, Christians and Jews must pay a special tax. Only when these conditions are met will Muslims allow Jews and Christians to exist in an Islamic society.
The basic tenants of Islam are fairly easy to understand but a thorough and careful study is required. Misleading statements and outright trickery are perfectly acceptable instruments in the hands of Muslims. In fact, Islam instructs its followers that is it acceptable to deceive if it will accomplish their goal. One way they do this by entering into treaties and negotiations with the infidel (that’s you and me and anyone else who does not worship Allah and with no intention of honoring any of the provisions of such agreements or treaties), if the end result will further the Islamic cause or agenda – world domination. In other words, the end does justify the means and this is opposite what we in the West view as acceptable or honorable behavior. In fact, we often say ‘the end does NOT justify the means.’ Again we see opposites. So, for a Muslim to agree to refrain from violence for some length of time, in other words if they agree to an absence of conflict with Israel or other non-Muslim country, the Muslim is not betraying his or her faith because to have a period where there is an absence of conflict creates time for Muslims to regroup, plan and re-arm.
For the past 300 years, Islam has been in a state of revival gaining followers in countries around the world. It’s conceivable that Muslims currently number close to a billion. It is estimated that Europe will soon have a majority Muslim population. Already there is talk of incorporating Sharia Law, the strictest form of Islamic law, into the laws governing England. It’s time, maybe long past time, for those who love God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to wake up before we are all prisoners of Islam.

A More Dangerous World

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly disagreed. Netanyahu rightly criticized the agreement saying that the international community is giving up too much to Iran for virtually nothing in return but delay. He added that the agreement does not at all halt Iran's ability to produce a nuclear weapon with which it will further threaten Israel and the world. Netanyahu called the agreement "an historic mistake," and added that his country would not be bound by it. Speaking to the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that the world has now become "a more dangerous place." He repeated a long-standing threat to use military action, should it become necessary, against Iran stressing that "Israel has the right and the duty to defend itself."
Strangely, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations have remained conspicuously quiet about the deal. Five other world powers were included with the U.S. in the talks in Geneva leading to the agreement. All welcomed the deal except for the president of France who correctly called it "a sucker's deal."
Jewish-American national syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer sized up the agreement in this way: "A president desperate to change the subject and a secretary of state desperate to make a name for himself" concluded "the ridiculous pact." Obama now has the Benghazi, Libya, failure and cover-up, the Internal Revenue Service illegal actions, and the Obamacare health insurance fiasco hot on the griddle, so he needed a change of attention. Secretary John Kerry has failed to make any positive impact on the Syria civil war or on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, so he needed something that looks positive on his record.
Then too, it seems true that the only reason Iran came to the negotiation table is that the world's economic sanctions have cut so deeply into Iran's economy that the regime feared a threat to its very survival. Nothing else could have moved the mullahs to negotiate, Krauthammer wrote. He added, regime survival is the only thing they value above nuclear weapons. The deal is "a rescue package for the mullahs and the Iran regime."
Jewish-American national syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer sized up the agreement in this way: "A president desperate to change the subject and a secretary of state desperate to make a name for himself" concluded "the ridiculous pact." Obama now has the Benghazi, Libya, failure and cover-up, the Internal Revenue Service illegal actions, and the Obamacare health insurance fiasco hot on the griddle, so he needed a change of attention. Secretary John Kerry has failed to make any positive impact on the Syria civil war or on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, so he needed something that looks positive on his record.
Then too, it seems true that the only reason Iran came to the negotiation table is that the world's economic sanctions have cut so deeply into Iran's economy that the regime feared a threat to its very survival. Nothing else could have moved the mullahs to negotiate, Krauthammer wrote. He added, regime survival is the only thing they value above nuclear weapons. The deal is "a rescue package for the mullahs and the Iran regime."
How can all those supposedly superior brains in Washington so simply allow those knowingly deceptive Muslims to once again get away with their favorite diplomatic tactic – straight-faced lying? U.S. foreign policy experts apparently are failing to remember how the Muslim Arabs have negotiated five so-called peace agreements with the Israelis, but have never taken the first step to implement anything they agreed to in writing? Obviously they never intended to, in spite of what they promised. The Muslim Koran teaches that it is not a sin for Muslims to lie. In fact, if a Muslim lies and deceives to successfully achieve a certain desirable outcome, it is considered to be a clever achievement. So how can anyone depend on a Muslim's word at any level?
Krauthammer comments about the lifting of sanctions. “For what,” he asks. “In return for Iran's giving up its pursuit of nuclear weapons? That's what it should be, but it isn't. It leaves Iran's nuclear infrastructure intact, and it allows Iran to keep its thousands of centrifuges. The sanctions relief only leaves Iran's nuclear progam development supposedly delayed for six months, if you believe Iran will keep its word. It in no way halts the program's process.”
Iran, of course, is ecstatic over the one-sided agreement. Israel, however, is heavily and rightly disappointed. It is giving the Iranian regime immediate political and economic relief. And it removes the one incentive they had to conclude any agreement that would be worth anything to Israel and to the United States - a verifiable complete giving up of their nuclear weapons development program.
Krauthammer comments about the lifting of sanctions. “For what,” he asks. “In return for Iran's giving up its pursuit of nuclear weapons? That's what it should be, but it isn't. It leaves Iran's nuclear infrastructure intact, and it allows Iran to keep its thousands of centrifuges. The sanctions relief only leaves Iran's nuclear progam development supposedly delayed for six months, if you believe Iran will keep its word. It in no way halts the program's process.”
Iran, of course, is ecstatic over the one-sided agreement. Israel, however, is heavily and rightly disappointed. It is giving the Iranian regime immediate political and economic relief. And it removes the one incentive they had to conclude any agreement that would be worth anything to Israel and to the United States - a verifiable complete giving up of their nuclear weapons development program.

Islamic Operative in White House Scores Another Victory for Muslim Brotherhood.

Most Americans believe the bill is about amnesty, or a way to grant general pardon for political offenses such as disobedience to immigration laws. For example, most think it will give millions of Hispanic illegal aliens living in the U.S. amnesty. The bill goes far beyond obedience to law. Even pro-immigration Christian evangelicals say the bill is not amnesty. Then what is it?
The sweeping immigration reform bill, called the “Amnesty Bill” has Islamic inferences buried deep inside that should give Americans the shudders, and indeed, the entire world, especially United States allies. The bill reportedly includes a fast track to citizenship for immigrants from Muslim countries. U.S. President Obama hailed the passage of the bill as a critical step towards fixing America’s broken immigration system. While the “Gang of Eight” senators crafted the bill, an outsider, who just happens to be a Muslim Brotherhood associate, provided “treasured input,” according to a close associate of the Obama administration.
Fast tracking Muslims is not new to President Obama. Going back to 2010, Obama issued an executive order to fast-track immigrants from Islamic countries. In short, a person from a Muslim country could become a U.S. citizen in as little as ten weeks, with no I.D. and no declaration of fealty to the U.S. Constitution. The recent Senate immigration reform bill further expands the previously strict qualifications for immigration from Afghanistan and allows more family members to join admitted asylum seekers. In addition, the numbers allowed to arrive from Saudi Arabia is many times that of Afghanistan. If amendments were to be added to the immigration reform bill, more Muslim countries, such as Chechnya, could be added. Refugees from the Middle East could raise Muslim immigration numbers even higher. Could Muslims over take Hispanics?
Speaking of refugees, according to Amnesty International, Jordan is forcibly returning thousands of refugees back to Syria. Why? Because Jordan is experiencing economic and other pressures as a result of accepting so many refugees. Amnesty argues that Jordan’s pressures do not justify such violations of international law. Enter the United States as rescuer. Word is out that Obama intends to grant political asylum to large numbers of Syrian refugees (mostly Muslim). This global picture from Syria, to Russia, to Iran, to Israel to the United States is akin to a chess match, but with far-reaching implications and ramifications.
Who inside the Obama Administration helped to craft the shocking increases in Muslim immigration that is buried deep inside the text of the Senate bill? The input came from Mohammed Magdi, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Magdi is one of six Muslim policy advisors of the Obama administration with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
We used to believe that 2 + 2 = 4. In other words, we appealed to common sense. Does it make sense for the U.S. to admit large numbers of refugees and immigrants from Muslim countries, most of which would be practicing Sharia Law? It appears they could become U.S. citizens almost overnight. What a “checkmate” that would be for Islamists!
While the Middle East chess game continues and boils over with political intrigue and potential dangers to otherwise stable governments, the Muslim Brotherhood appears to be on the march with tentacles of influence reaching far beyond the Middle East. Taking countries from the inside out is their distinct goal. Egypt seems to have seen the light. What will it take to nudge the rest of the world into the dawn of truth, particularly United States citizens?
When immigration reform isn’t about reform; when amnesty isn’t about amnesty; when the rule of law is not the rule of law, it must be about something else. Could it be that the Muslim Brotherhood brothers already embedded inside the U.S. government are envisioning and planning their worldwide caliphate ruled by Sharia Law to be centered inside the United States of America? Amnesty, America and the Brotherhood. What would (will) America and the world look like with the Islamic flag flying over the White House?

What is the truth about Israel?

Another value that runs deep in American society is truthfulness, therefore dishonesty is frowned upon. For this reason many Americans are quite gullible and simply believe what they are told because of the assumption that they are being told the truth.
This may have been the case in years gone by but today the world is quickly changing. While America has been known for Christian values such as honesty and morality these qualities are coming under attack. The change is happening so rapidly that it has caught many off guard.
Anti-Semitic Propaganda
This can be seen especially in regards to the Israel issue. The global propaganda campaign to delegitimize and demonize Israel that is prevalent in the Muslim world and in post-Christian Europe is now finding its way here and can be found on American college campuses, in social media and in liberal institutions.
A young Israeli man, Hen Mazzig, came to the Pacific Northwest for four months this year to speak on college campuses, high schools and churches. He spoke about the history of modern Israel, his experience growing up there and his service as an officer in the IDF COGAT unit that assists and promotes Palestinian civil society.
After speaking to over 16,000 people at many institutions he wrote an article describing his complete shock at the “gut-wrenching, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hostility expressed by many students, professors, church members and even high school students.” He concluded “I never expected to encounter such hatred and lies. I never believed that such anti-Semitism still existed, especially in the U.S.”
The danger is not just that America’s support for Israel will be eroded due to this campaign but that our belief in the Bible – the foundation of Israel’s significance and America’s greatness – will also be diminished. For this reason it is very important that young people know where to find the facts and information necessary to arrive at the truth and to give an answer in defense of the truth.
Is Israel An Apartheid State?
Take for example the accusation that Israel is an apartheid state. There is actually no truth to this accusation but it is a brilliant use of an emotive concept that carries with it a call to action. This is because the only other time in history the term was employed was in regards to the South African apartheid regime that was a racist government brought down in 1996 through international protests and sanctions.
Israel’s enemies have concluded that if Israel can be branded an apartheid state then she too could be brought down through international protests and a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions. For this reason there is a growing annual protest called Israeli Apartheid Week on college campuses around the world.
A few facts that will help combat this lie are as follows. Today there are 1.4 million Arab-Israelis who make up approximately 20 percent of Israel’s population. Arabs occupy senior positions in all sectors of Israeli society — from the Supreme Court and parliament to the arts and business. Salim Jubran, Supreme Court Justice; Nawaf Massalha, former Deputy Foreign Minister; Mira Awwad, popular singer who represented Israel in the Eurovision song contest; and Angelina Fares, the former Ms. Israel are all Israeli Arabs.

Finding Answers
Where can the American Christian community find these types of facts and information needed to defend Israel and to defend their own support of Israel? website is an easy-to-use site in a question and answer format with straight forward answers as well as links to supporting documentation and other resources.
This is the information age and as a result this generation is being bombarded with so much information that it has to dig through mountains of data in order to arrive at the truth. This is an overwhelming task on complex issues. Knowing where to go for balanced analysis, supporting documentation and abundant resources is crucial. When you find a truthful source spread the truth around! is one.
Susan Michael is the US Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and creator of IsraelAnswers.comwebsite.
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