Sunday, October 21, 2012

Canada Free Press: Conservative, News, Politics, Editorials, Newspaper

Canada Free Press: Conservative, News, Politics, Editorials, Newspaper
CFP News Headlines...
Cover Stories, News

The Struggle for Obama is Really a Religious Battle Over the Soul of the Republic
 Kelly OConnell Full StoryWhy the grim struggle waged over an eminently forgettable, laughably amateurish poseur—Barack Obama, in all his tragic and self-deluded grandeur? Actually this raging battle is for stakes so much larger than what’s on the surface it’s difficult to fathom. You see, personalities aside, we are caught in a titanic struggle over the soul of of America—regarding our collective DNA—what we believe and who we are. Progressive forces are trying to birth into being a neo-pagan kingdom, with all that implies, symbolized by the Democrat National Conventiondropping Israel and God from the party platform. Those on the right are struggling to balance the original outline of US colonial theory with ever present demands for modernization—which will be our demise if carried too far.

Urgent-Death Panels Here, Doctors Plea for Help
 Sharon Sebastian Full StoryDoctors across America are sick. A new and desperate plight has surfaced in emergency rooms across the nation for both patients and doctors alike. The following blog by one valiant doctor speaks for thousands of doctors being forced to go against their natural instincts and abilities to allow further hospital care and re-admit patients.

High School after Communism
 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Full StoryWe never needed protection and guards in U.S. schools. The community and the local police dealt with undesirables and criminal elements. We did not have metal detectors in high school in the 70s or 80s. It is rare now that a school in the U.S. does not have some type of security, including metal detectors.

Newsweek: An Obituary
 Alan Caruba Full StoryNewsweek, founded in 1933 by a former Time magazine editor, will cease to publish a print edition at the end of 2012. As a former journalist it pained me to read there will be cuts to its staff of 270 reporters and editors, but Newsweek has been a dinosaur for a long time, destined for extinction as a newsstand magazine and mailed to subscribers.

Obama is not in Chicago Anymore!
 A.J. Cameron Full StoryThe demons of the Democrat party, hood rats in the Chicago political machine, hypocrites within the Goebbels media, and the rudderless debate moderators have been attempting to breathe life into the President’s listless campaign.  If the truth were to be told, there is terror in the President’s eyes and in the eyes of his enablers.  It is about time people began to see the real Obama, a Communist community agitator, not the mythical Obama.

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