Friday, October 19, 2012

50,000 Intercessors Gathering in Nation's Capital

50,000 Intercessors Gathering in Nation's Capital

50,000 Intercessors Gathering in Nation's Capital

prayer rally
Thousands of people are expected to descend upon the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. for A Call to Prayer for America, a united, strategic day of anointed prayer and worship on Saturday.

The African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network (ASLPN), in collaboration with the Capitol Region National Day of Prayer, Awakening America Alliance, National Church Of God, Eagles Wings Ministries, Intercessors for America, Shofar Call International and other national prayer ministries, are responding to what many Americans believe is a desperate cross roads of America's destiny. Fifty thousand intercessors are expected to unite in prayer for America.  
"This is a record! Never before in America's history have so many groups called for prayer in the weeks leading up to the elections and never before has America needed prayer as much as we do now," says Billy Wilson, executive director for the International Center for Spiritual Renewal, Empowered21 and The Awakening America Alliance.
"One of the exciting spiritual phenomenons of our generation is the number of missionary intercessors that have come to the United States from around the world. ASLPN is being used of God to network a broad cross section of these ministries for united intercession. I am convinced that the A Call to Prayer for America gathering on October 20th will be spiritually significant and will be used of God to shift the spiritual climate of our nation toward a new Christ awakening."

Bishop Harry Jackson, Sr., pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., and regional bishop in the Fellowship of International Churches, said ASPLN is truly in a God inspired concept.
"In many ways, the United States stands on the threshold of disastrous choices for godly change. It is evident to all that we often lack the collective discernment to choose what is best from a spiritual perspective," Jackson says. "This kind of concerted prayer is one of the few ways that we will be able to ensure that our leaders and our citizens make our decisions under the influence of the Holy Spiritinstead of the spirits of this age."

Abele Okafor of Wailing Women Worlwide USA, asks some pointed questions: Can we not see the handwriting on the wall? Are we too blind and complacent to see the glaring impending judgment over our great nation? Or are we oblivious of the spiritual, physical, social, economic and moral decadence that has rendered our land desolate?
"What is so sweet and meaningful in this world today that should take precedence over the salvaging of our nation ... Absolutely nothing," Okafor says. "God Himself has given us another chance to repent."

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