Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Who Will Stop the Lawless Obama Justice Department?

Who Will Stop the Lawless Obama Justice Department?

Who Will Stop the Lawless Obama Justice Department?

June 5, 2012   ·   By    ·   0 Comments
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President Obama meets with his cabinet (Photo credit: Pete Souza)
President Obama meets with his cabinet (Photo credit: Pete Souza)
It is a painful, heartbreaking thing to watch your country fall in slow motion. It is gut-wrenching to stare helplessly as a communist-infiltrated United States federal government operates lawlessly on a daily basis. In this ever-growing darkness, we look for spots of light, signs of hope that somehow we can turn around this full-frontal assault on America. We look for a miracle in November to prevent the theft of the presidential election.
Not that we will ever stop fighting for America as founded, but it may be too late to restore our nation, because corruption and immorality run to its core. The infestation of communist operatives in the three branches of our federal government and all its agencies is so pervasive that it would literally take a fiery revolution to oust them, or at least some major miracles during elections. Every level of our leadership is occupied, from the criminal fraud in the White House on down.
One of the most glaringly lawless, commie-infested offices is the Department of Justice (DOJ), the supposed king law enforcement entity of the land. Yet, here is perhaps the most criminal Justice Department in American history, under the detestable Attorney General Eric Holder. Whether we consider Holder’s handling of New Black Panther voter intimidation from the 2008 presidential elections, or his refusal to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act (which another group of radicals on the federal bench has just ruled “unconstitutional”), or his culpability in the deadly Fast and Furious gun-running scheme, how could we imagine a more corrupt, American “law enforcement” entity? Do not answer that, because we know it could always get worse, and I am certain it will get worse if Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is “voter frauded” back into the presidency in November.
Eric Holder is implementing a radical leftist program in our country. One of the big areas in which he is inflicting this campaign is in his criminal handling of our nation’s immigration laws. Another area is in his attacks on the states’ efforts to protect the integrity of elections. Holder knows no illegal alien that he is not willing to defend against our nation’s own rightful immigration laws. Holder knows no state that he is not willing to sue if the state dares to uphold the immigration laws of our land. Holder knows no voter identification laws that he is not willing to block. This desperately wicked man is a clear and present danger to our great Republic. In a sane world, Eric Holder would be in prison for treason against the United States.
This past week we saw even more outrages by the DOJ; in one case, its voting division. On Thursday, the head of the voting division ordered the state of Florida to stop purging its voter rolls of ineligible voters. This is utter insanity. The DOJ is trying to use the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which sought to protect minorities, to justify its stupid demand. It is also claiming Florida is violating the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, the so-called “Motor Voter Act,” which was inspired by the radical, socialist duo Cloward and Piven.
The Miami Herald reported that Florida may fight the DOJ’s interpretation of federal voter law.
How can anyone not see that this administration is clearly at war with America itself? Florida is purging its voter rolls of illegal aliens, dead people and others who are ineligible to vote in Florida elections. Who in their right mind could possibly be against this? No one. Eric Holder and the rest of the commie freaks in this administration are not in their right mind, because they have no right mind. They are deranged enemies of America, and they are working their tails off trying to enable as much election fraud as they possibly can. They need all the fraudulent votes they can get their dirty hands on, because there is no way Obama can win a legal, honest election—even if he were actually eligible to be President in the first place!
It would be such a breath of fresh air if Florida told the DOJ goons to stick their foolish demand in their pipe and smoke it. As of this writing, there are no firm reports of Florida’s response to the DOJ. Of course, if Florida tells Holder to go pound sand, the DOJ will simply sue, just like they sued a Las Vegas casino last week.
Yes, the lawsuit maniacs at the DOJ are again burning up the court system against the Tuscany Hotel and Casino. If the DOJ sues you, then you know you must be doing something right. In this case,Tuscany was trying to carefully screen their job applicants to weed out illegal aliens. Oh, the horror! Tuscany only wants to employ American citizens. What a concept! It is a concept that is unacceptable to the criminal rats in the DOJ.
But, why is the DOJ pulling this stunt on this one casino? The answer could be the pure, vindictive thuggery of this gangster Obama regime.
“Some believe this lawsuit is nothing more than payback by the Obama DOJ since earlier this year the Tuscany Hotel and Casino booked a special conference by a law enforcement group that was not favorable to the Obama administration. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) has stated their goal is to ‘take back America from the unlawful incursions and overreach of state and federal governments and their agencies.’
Speakers at the event included Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Sheriff Bradley D. Rodgers, Sheriff Richard Mack, and Larry Pratt, founder and executive director of Gun Owners of America, none of whom are popular in the Obama White House or DOJ.”
So, when are the states, American businesses and the American people going to stand up to these despotic enemies of our country who have taken over our government? When will the states stand up to anti-American federal judges and their insane court rulings? When will we finally say to the Obama administration, “You’ve made your ruling, now let’s see if you can enforce it”?
It is no exaggeration to say that these people in this administration are on an aggressive mission to destroy this nation—from our Constitution to our economy to our freedoms, everything we hold dear is in their commie crosshairs. Many of us have been sounding like a broken record as we have been repeating ourselves on this point since before Obama was installed in the presidency.
In an American Thinker column from November 2009, Jim Simpson bluntly stated,
“These people are our enemies. They don’t use guns, yet, but they are just as dangerous, determined, and duplicitous as the communists we faced in the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, and bush wars across the globe, and the Nazis we faced in World War II.
It is time we fully internalized and digested this fact, with all its ugly ramifications. These people have violated countless laws and could be prosecuted, had we the political power. Not only are their policies unconstitutional, but deliberately so — the goal being to make the Constitution irrelevant. Their spending is off the charts and will drive us into hyperinflation, but it could be rescinded, had we the political power. These policies are toxic, but they could be stopped and reversed, had we the political power. Their ideologies are poisonous, but they could be exposed for what they are, with long jail sentences as an object lesson, had we the political power.”
This is what I keep saying is like trying to run in a nightmare, where your feet feel almost rooted to the ground: this desperate feeling of helplessness in the face of such blatantly criminal vermin in the Obama administration who are running a scorched earth campaign on our nation. If only we had the political power to bring worldly justice to them, to expel them from office, to strip them of power, to make them pay for their crimes against our country with the loss of their freedom.
I am still praying for that miracle in November’s elections, with a stronger lead in the House and a resounding super-majority victory for us in the Senate. Even though the thought of Mitt Romney being our nominee makes me sick, four more years of Obama and his minions would be grave for our nation.

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Gina Miller, a native of Texas and current resident of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, is a radio/television voice professional.
Gina Miller
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