Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Blog: Obama White House admits rampant egotism led to mistake (source issues correction: no, they didn't)

Blog: Obama White House admits rampant egotism led to mistake (source issues correction: no, they didn't)
Our source on this story, Scott Shackford, has issued a correction:
CORRECTION: I need my eyes checked. The Obama infoboxes are still there, but they appear to have been redesigned to look less like part of the other presidents' biographies. My apologies for the temporary blindness.
So much for Obama ever admitting a mistake!
Original item follows:
The Obama administration has confessed to allowing President Obama's colossal ego to create a fiasco. Well, not directly, but that is the only logical explanation for some very quiet changes just implemented.  It seems that the insertion of president Obama into the biographies of previous presidents o n the White House website has been reversed.  Scott Shackford of Reason advises us:
It appears as though the White House has decided that maybe the official biographies of other presidents are not the best place to campaign for President Barack Obama's reelection. (snip)
as quietly as the Obama boasts appeared, they have been removed. The bullet points are now gone from all the biographies on the White House's website. But that's okay; there appear to be plenty of other tone-deaf campaigns coming out of the Obama administration, like asking us to praise our kingwish Daddy Obama a happy Father's Day.
It is entirely predictable that no one in the Obama organization has the guts to admit to a ridiculous mistake, identify the person responsible, or even acknowledge the change. Just as much as the insertion itself proved egotism is out of control, so does the stealth withdrawal of the embarrassment.

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